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Diagnosis with Fault Modes

Diagnosis with Fault Modes. Philippe Dague and Yuhong Yan NRC-IIT Philippe.dague@lipn.univ-paris13.fr Yuhong.yan@nrc.gc.ca. Diagnosis: Using fault modes. MBD approach provides a framework for diagnosing (detecting and locating faults) a device from its correct behavioural model only.

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Diagnosis with Fault Modes

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  1. Diagnosis with Fault Modes Philippe Dague and Yuhong Yan NRC-IIT Philippe.dague@lipn.univ-paris13.fr Yuhong.yan@nrc.gc.ca

  2. Diagnosis: Using fault modes • MBD approach provides a framework for diagnosing (detecting and locating faults) a device from its correct behavioural model only. • Big advantage w.r.t. techniques based on a priori knowledge of all failure modes. • Nevertheless, knowledge of likely faulty modes increases discrimination capacity and may allow fault identification. • Idea: extending the consistency-based diagnostic framework by using fault modes, but without requiring their exhaustivity. • Sherlock (de Kleer – Williams) and GDE+ (Struss – Dressler) in 1989.

  3. Behavioural modes • In addition to good behaviour G(c), we consider known faulty behaviours Fi(c) and unknown mode U(c), all distinct. • U(c) is used to model the non exhaustivity of the Fi’s, keeping logical soundness. • Example of an inverter: Inverter(C)  ¬AB(C)  G(C) Inverter(C)  AB(C)  S0(C)  S1(C)  U(C) ¬Inverter(C)  ¬G(C)  ¬S0(C) … ¬Inverter(C)  ¬S1(C)  ¬U(C) G(C)  (In(C)=0  Out(C)=1)  (In(C)=1  Out(C)=0) S0(C)  Out(C)=0 S1(C)  Out(C)=1

  4. Definition of Diagnosis and Conflict • Diagnosis is an assignment of behavioural mode to each component, consistent with system description and observations: SDOBS{mi(c)|cCOMPONENTS} |  • Diagnoses can still be computed from minimal conflicts • A conflict is a set of component behavioural modes, inconsistent with system description and observations: SDOBS{mi(ck)} |=  • Minimal conflicts = minimal for set inclusion • Can be computed as nogoods by an ATMS (assumptions = components behavioural modes)

  5. Computation of Diagnoses • An assignment  of behavioural mode to each component is a diagnosis iff it does not contain any minimal conflict Ci. • That is, complement of  in {modes(c) | c  COMPONENTS} is a hitting set of the collection of minimal conflicts Ci. • Example: the 3-inverter

  6. The 3-inverter A B C X Y O I Space of Diagnoses U: 43=64 ATMS assumptions: 3*4 = 12 {G(A)},{S0(A)},{S1(A)},{U(A)}, {G(B)}, {S0(B)},… Comparison: n components, diagnoses space U with only good modes: 2n with k faulty modes, 1 good mode, 1 unknown mode: (k+2)n

  7. A B C X Y O I The 3-inverter: ATMS label computation (1) Observation: I=0 I=0,{{}} X=1,{{G(A)},{S1(A)}} X=0,{{S0(A)}} Y=0,{{G(A), G(B)},{S1(A),G(B)},{S0(B)}} Y=1,{{S0(A),G(B)},{S1(B)}} O=1,{{G(A), G(B), G(C)}, {S1(A),G(B), G(C)}, {S0(B), G(C)}, {S1(C)}} O=0,{{S0(A),G(B),G(C)},{S1(B),G(C)},{S0(C)}}

  8. A B C X Y O I The 3-inverter: ATMS label computation (2) Observation: I=0, O=0 I=0,{{}} X=1,{{G(A)},{S1(A)}} X=0,{{S0(A)}, {G(C),G(B)}} Y=0,{{G(A), G(B)},{S1(A),G(B)},{S0(B)}} Y=1,{{S0(A),G(B)},{S1(B)}, {G(C)}} O=1,{{G(A), G(B), G(C)}, {S1(A),G(B), G(C)}, {S0(B), G(C)}, {S1(C)}} O=0,{{S0(A),G(B),G(C)},{S1(B),G(C)},{S0(C)}} O=0,{{}}

  9. The 3-inverter: 4 minimal conflicts • 4 minimal conflicts Ci: {G(A), G(B), G(C)},{S1(A),G(B), G(C)}, {S0(B), G(C)}, {S1(C)} • Diagnoses: assign modes to the components, ={mi(A),mj(B),mk(C)} • Diagnoses do not contain any of the 4 minimal conflicts: Ci, ¬(Ci  )  Ci  (U\)  (U\) hits any Ci  (U\) is hitting set of conflicts

  10. The 3-inverter:hitting sets • The hitting sets of 4 minimal conflicts Ci {G(A), G(B), G(C)},{S1(A),G(B), G(C)}, {S0(B), G(C)}, {S1(C)} are • {G(C),S1(C)} • {G(B),S0(B),S1(C)} • {G(A),S1(A),S0(B),S1(C)}

  11. The 3-inverter: diagnoses From hitting set {G(C),S1(C)}: {mi(A),mj(B),S0(C)} or {mi(A),mj(B),U(C)} From hitting set {G(B),S0(B),S1(C)}: {mi(A),S1(B),G(C)} or {mi(A),U(B),G(C)} From hitting set {G(A),S1(A),S0(B),S1(C)}: {S0(A),G(B),G(C)} or {U(A),G(B),G(C)} Total 42 diagnoses out of 64 in diagnoses space

  12. The 3-inverter: compare with using only good mode G(*)  ¬AB(*) U(*)  AB(*) For the diagnoses {mi(A),mi(B),S0(C)}  X {mi(A),mi(B),U(C)}  G(A),G(B),U(C)  ¬AB(A),¬AB(B),AB(C)  {C} G(A),U(B),U(C)  ¬AB(A),AB(B),AB(C)  {B,C} U(A),G(B),U(C)  AB(A),¬AB(B),AB(C)  {A,C} U(A),U(B),U(C)  AB(A),AB(B),AB(C)  {A,B,C} {mi(A),S1(B),G(C)}  X {mi(A),U(B),G(C)}  G(A),U(B),G(C)  ¬AB(A),AB(B),¬AB(C)  {B} U(A),U(B),G(C)  AB(A),AB(B),¬AB(C)  {A,B} {S0(A),G(B),G(C)}  X {U(A),G(B),G(C)}  AB(A),¬AB(B),¬AB(C)  {A} minimal diagnoses are underlined

  13. The Probability of Diagnoses • Diagnoses space is large even for a small problem when the faulty modes are considered • The complete diagnoses are able to get but not necessary for practical work • Only the most probable diagnoses are needed to be found: the leading diagnoses (a subset of all the diagnoses)

  14. The criteria of the leading diagnoses • All leading diagnoses have higher probability than all non-leading diagnoses • Select no more than k1(=5) leading diagnoses • Probability > Max(pi)/k2 • (pi)>k3, k3=0.75, stop to select pi when the sum is greater than k3

  15. Focus in ATMS • Focuses are the leading diagnoses • Only consider the environments  one of the focuses • Best first search to get the focus: select the most probable diagnoses

  16. Probabilities of Diagnoses • Given prior probability p(mi(ck)) • The prior probability of a diagnosis i is p(i) = mjip(mi(ck)) • Update the posterior probability after a new measurement p(i|xi=vik) = p(xi=vik|i)*p(i)/p(xi=vik) p(xi=vik|i)={ 0 if i Rik 1 if i Sik 1/m if i Ui p(xi=vik) = p(Sik) + p(Ui)/m Rik = Sik Ui Sik|=xi=vik Ui|= xi=? Others |= xvik

  17. The cost of measurements • Shannon entropy H = - pilogpi • The expected entropy He(xi) after measure quantity xi is He(xi) = - p(xi=vik)H(xi=vik) • H(xi=vik) H(xi=vik) = - pl’logpl’=… • He(xi)= H+p(xi=vik)logp(xi=vik)+p(Ui)logm • $(xi)= p(xi=vik)logp(xi=vik)+p(Ui)logm+1

  18. Simplified Idea • Assume components fail independently with equal very small probability  p(i) = |i|(1- )n-|i| |i| | i | = the number of components in i • After multiple probe E, p(i|E)= q /(N*mfl) fl=number of times i failed to predict a measurement outcome in the sequence diagnosis q=size of i; N= normalization • If  <<1/mfl, we can keep only minimal cardinality diagnoses and N = q *(1/mfl) p(i|E)= 1/mfl *(1/mfl) It is independent from 

  19. Cost of Measurements • $(xi) is to minimize [p(Sik)+p(Ui)/m]*log[p(Sik)+p(Ui)/m]+p(Ui)logm (p(xi=vik)logp(xi=vik)+p(Ui)logm+1) This function is independent of  and depends only of fl • Special case: diagnoses (of minimal cardinality) always predict outcomes => p(Ui)=0 and fl =0 => P(i|E) = 1/#minimal cardinality diagnoses = 1/N’ • Minimize cost [p(Sik)]*log[p(Sik)]= (Cik/N’)]*log(Cik/N’) minimize (Cik)]*log(Cik) Where Cik = number of diagnoses (in N’) predicts that xi=vik

  20. Example: ploybox • 2 single fault diagnoses {M1} and {A1} {M1}SDOBS|={X=4,Y=6,Z=6} {A1}SDOBS|={X=6,Y=6,Z=6} • $(X) = 1ln1+1ln1=0, the best! • $(Y) = 2ln2 = 1.4 • $(Z) = 2ln2 = 1.4

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