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The History of Catholic Diocese in Hong Kong

The History of Catholic Diocese in Hong Kong. Group leader: Momoko Lam (13) Secretary: Bonnie Lung(22) Treasurer: Hazel Lau(16) Members: Joyce Lam(15) Carmen Chan(1). Definition of our topic.

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The History of Catholic Diocese in Hong Kong

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  1. The History of Catholic Diocese in Hong Kong Group leader: Momoko Lam (13) Secretary: Bonnie Lung(22) Treasurer: Hazel Lau(16) Members: Joyce Lam(15) Carmen Chan(1)

  2. Definition of our topic History is the things that happened in the past. Things that happen this minute will be history next minute. Something that happen yesterday or a very long time ago is also history. Catholic is a religion which believes in Jesus, Holy Spirit and God. The Catholics believe they are trinity and it was Mary who gave birth to Jesus. Diocese means the territorial jurisdictionof a bishop.

  3. Reasons for choosing this topic • After the explaining the definition of our topic, of course, we all wanted to tell you why we will choose this topic. Study history is not only let us know what things happened in the past, but also learned to avoid mistakes, understand the cultures and the most important point is to understand the world better. • In this project, we are going to introduce the origin of Hong Kong Catholic Diocese, the build up of the Catholicism and Caritas and their significance to H.K., the history of churches and catholic hospitals, Bishop Wu Cheng-Chung and Rev. Joseph Zen Ze Kuin.

  4. The History of the Dioceses in H.K • After the Opium War, Roman Vatican built the diocese in H.K. • 20th centurydistribute the job to Chinese religious’ members + spread out Catholic in the big cities.

  5. Year Number of Catholic 1939 300 1943 925 1944 700 1945 1260 Now 230000 Number of Catholic

  6. The Hierarchy of the Catholic Church Pope Cardinal Vatican Regional organization Assistant organization Congregation Catholic Groups

  7. In 1889 &1992Hong Kong post used The Hong Kong Catholic cathedral of the Immaculate Conception published two sets of stamps.

  8. Timeline of the church 1842chapel was built in the Wellington Street. 1859 completely destroyed 1860 rebuilt the church 1881The environment not suitable for the religious purposes, the main chapel built on the Cannes road 1886A businessman bought the Hong Kong Catholic Cathedral of the Immacalate Conception December 1888 the festival for the first sacrifice.Cardinal at that time: Msgr. Raimondi

  9. Timeline of the church 1859 completely destroyed 1860 rebuilt the church 1881The environment not suitable for the religious purposes, the main chapel built on the Cannes road 1886A businessman bought the Hong Kong Catholic Cathedral of the Immacalate Conception December 1888 the festival for the first sacrifice.Cardinal at that time: Msgr. Raimondi

  10. First day Cover

  11. Stamps

  12. There were 120 of the martyrs became the saints, 7 of them were from the Franciscan St. Marie Hermine de Jeus Grivot St. Maria della PaceGiuliani St. Marie Chiara Nanetti St. Marie Amandine JeurisSt. Marie Adolphine Dierks St. Marie de St. Just Moreau St. Marie de Ste. Nathaile

  13. Our Lady of the Rosary Church 1953 The father in French found that Western Central was a good place for the missionaries The father held the first mass there on The Our Lady of the Rosary’s Observation Day, so we called the place Our Lady of the Rosary Church.

  14. 1954 The father built a tutorial lessons in the church, this was called St. Paul Primary School. 1957 Set up of St. Vincent Charitable Organization 1971 St. Vincent Charitable Organization offered food to people

  15. Queen Mary Hospital established in 1937 provide the highest quality of patient-cantered service The concerted efforts of satisfying patients' needs and inviting public participation.

  16. It was founded in 1961 • It became public hospitals under the governance of the Hospital Authority in 1991. • Being a Catholic hospital, it will make sure that the patient recovered for physical and also for psychological

  17. service 1.Medicine 2.Surgery3.Geriatrics 4.Hospice 5.Family Medicine 6.Ear, Nose and 7.Throat8.Ophthalmology9.Orthopedics 10.Dentistry11.Chest

  18. Introduction of Basic Law No.23 It is about: ~Control any break up of country, rebellion ~ Prevent someone stealing the confidential document of the country ~Stop the political organization or any groups make any relations Aim: ~Control any actions that is harmful for the country

  19. Peace Prayer meeting(24/12/2002) Topic: “Not silent in the Silent light” Date: The last day of the Basic Law No. 23 Questioning day Organization: The Catholic Society of the university Details: ~Nearly a hundred participants join this meeting ~The Cardinal Zen Joseph attracted a lot of Media to come.

  20. Prayer parade(15/12/2002) Topic: “Hoping the heaven come, let’s build up peaceful and justice” Time:2:00 – 3:00 Place:Victoria Park Details: ~More than 2000 people join it ~The Cardinal Zen Joseph asked the Catholics to join another parade of human rights to show that Catholic and justice are united

  21. The Cardinal Joseph Zen is not satisfied with the basic law no. 23 ~love ~Not democratic enough ~The government Serious affect the personal right of citizens ~The Basic Law no. 23 turns the Society to differentiate

  22. Reflection

  23. Momoko In this project, I have very deep feeling through this project. Firstly, know that being a good leader is not easy as what you think. Only the distribution of work is very difficult already. I should distribute our jobs evenly but also refer to their advantages like Joyce and Bonnie good at translation, Carmen good at data analyses and Hazel good at typing words. On the other hand, I’ve also understand Caritas more than before and a lot of information on the Diocese. This is one of the benefits that I have earned. Also, the collection of information was working in good process, as all of the readers can see we have newspaper, questionnaire and interview. This relies on our cooperative very much really. Lastly, I think I must say I feel very pound of being a leader of this group, I have cooperative members and I think our project is not the best in the class, but it is the best in the secondary school and give a special thank to all of my group members

  24. Joyce • Doing the cross-subject project, we need the use of time, finding the resources from different ways etc. Luckily, all of us can spend many time on this project. And I think cooperation between the members is most important. Our group has 5 members. All of us learning to be more cooperative with each others. So, we can do the work faster. And also, during we do the project, it can increase our relations.

  25. Carmen: • In this cross subject project, I have learned many things. I have learned the history of the diocese in Hong Kong, I have also learned how to do a good project. I know a good project needs the cooperation between us. Through the cooperation, we may share the work with the group members, then we may decrease the pressure of our own. Also, through this project, I have learned how to organize and analyze the information. • In fact, in this project, I can know more about my classmates. I feel that our leader, Momoko Lam, is very responsible. She is very hard-working. She knows that how to be a leader. I think she is a very friendly and easy-going person. The other members, Bonnie, Joyce and Hazel, are also very hard-working. They are very talkative; they give their opinions and ideas to the project. They are also very kind and friendly person. I feel very happy because I can work with them. • Although I am a catholic, I don’t know many about the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese. I just go to the mass every Sunday, and I don’t know much about it. Through this project, I find more and more information that I haven’t heard before and know before. This can help to build up my spiritual level also. I think being a Catholic, I should know more about my religious.

  26. Bonnie: • After doing this project, I knew more about the history of Catholic Diocese. Compared with other projects, it’s the biggest one that I had done. The most difference between this cross curriculum project and the other projects is that we need to find more information, and we need to cooperate more than the other projects. • Cooperation is not an easy job for five people in a group because we often get different ideas. However, we try to accept each other and combine all the ideas. Because of the atypical pneumonia, we cannot do the interview with priests and sisters. It’s a pity. If I have chance, I want to know more about their feelings to the catholic diocese. • Furthermore,. Before doing it, I didn’t notice much of the news of the catholic, but it is quite meaningful indeed. When we are doing our project, we also faced a lot of problems, we thanks for our teacher advisor, Ms T. Yeung and thanks God for giving us a good leader, Momoko. She is very responsible and she spent most of time on this project among five of us. In conclusion, I learn how to cooperate with others and many things about the catholic Diocese.

  27. Hazel: • After doing this project, I learned one thing that cooperation is very important. If we don’t cooperate, we can’t finish this project. Although we didn’t have much time to discuss, we try our best to stay at school to discuss, take our time to finish the project. • I don’t know whether this project is good or bad. But in my heart, I think is perfect, because in this project I can find cooperation, communication and trust in it. Especially trust, if we don’t trust each other that this project cannot be done. Even if we don’t have this three things-cooperation, communication and trust, just learn from experience, practice makes perfect.

  28. If you want to have more information on our topic, it is welcome to look at our website.http://hk.geocities.com/srld27/main2

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