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Riparian Zones

Riparian Zones. A riparian zone is a vegetated area (a "buffer strip") near a stream which helps shade and partially protect a stream from the impact of adjacent land uses. Zone 1. Large Native trees provide shade and bank stabilization

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Riparian Zones

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  1. Riparian Zones A riparian zone is a vegetated area (a "buffer strip") near a stream which helps shade and partially protect a stream from the impact of adjacent land uses.

  2. Zone 1. Large Native trees provide shade and bank stabilization • Zone 2.Native shrubs, this zone provides habitat for wildlife. Absorbs contaminants. • Zone 3.First line of defense against contaminants. Mostly of native grasses;slows water runoff. • Streambed Zone.Fallen limbs, trees, and tree roots;slows water flow, reduces erosion. Woodydebris increases habitat and cover aquatic species.

  3. Riparian Zone Environmental Benefits • Water Quality • Intercepting sediment/ nutrients from fertilizers • Intercepting pesticides and other materials in surface runoff • Bank stabilization • Habitat benefits • Provide habitat • Increase biodiversity • Buffers acting as wildlife corridors • Shading water

  4. Riparian Zone Environmental Benefits • Economic benefits • Increase land value - • Produce profitable alternative crops – nut crops • Increase lease fees for hunting

  5. Native Riparian Plants Cattails Can be very aggressive.

  6. Sedges

  7. Trees “water-loving” species Box Elder or Ashleaf Maple Silver Maple

  8. Sycamore

  9. Willows

  10. Elms Cottonwood

  11. Buckeye Spice bush

  12. Edge Plants Blue Lobelia Cardinal Flower

  13. Bidens - Sticktights Swamp Mallow

  14. Swamp Milkweed Button Bush

  15. Virginia Bell Flower

  16. Spotted Jewelweed or Touch-me-not. Also a yellow species. Good remedy for the next plant.

  17. Poison Ivy – leaflets 3, let it be. White berries. Virginia Creeper – 5 leaflets – non poisonous (unless you eat it).

  18. Riparian Invasive Plants – introduced plants that replace natives – often the predominant plants found in riparian zones Japanese Honeysuckle Bush Honeysuckle

  19. Winter creeper Periwinkle English Ivy

  20. Multiflora Rose Air Yam Garlic Mustard

  21. Japanese Knotweed Burning Bush

  22. Questions to consider: Why are native species more desirable than invasive species in riparian zones? What can be done to remove invasive species from riparian zones? What can be done to increase public awareness of the necessity of riparian zones along streams?

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