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Chapter 6

Chapter 6 . Voting. SECTION 1 . The Constitution and the Right to Vote. The History of Voting Rights in the United States. What were the original provisions for voting in the United States?. framers of Constitution purposely left power to set up suffrage qualifications up to the states

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Chapter 6

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  1. Chapter 6 Voting

  2. SECTION 1 The Constitution and the Right to Vote

  3. The History of Voting Rights in the United States

  4. What were the original provisions for voting in the United States? • framers of Constitution purposely left power to set up suffrage qualifications up to the states • the right to vote was restricted to white male adult property owners

  5. What have been the trends in the history of suffrage? • The gradual elimination of restrictions based on religion, property ownership, tax payment, race and, sex, and age • power over suffrage has been assumed by the federal government from the states

  6. How has the American electorate grown over time? • early 1800's - religious tax, and property restrictions removed • post Civil war - 15th Amendment prohibited restriction based on race or color

  7. In 1920, the 19th Amendment granted women suffrage • 1960's - enforcement of civil rights acts prohibited racial restriction in polling places

  8. 23rd Amendment allowed residents of Washington D.C. to vote in Presidential election • 24th Amendment eliminated poll tax • 1971 - 26th Amendment- 18 year old vote

  9. Power to set voting qualifications is reserved to the states

  10. What restrictions are placed on the States by the Constitution? • allows the same voters to vote in all elections • states cannot deprive a person suffrage based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude

  11. states cannot deprive a person suffrage based on sex • states cannot require a payment of tax as condition of voting • states cannot deprive a person 18 years old suffrage because of age

  12. States may require prior registration and gives election officials a list of persons qualified to vote in an election

  13. voter remains registered unless: • moves or dies • is convicted of a serious crime • is committed to a mental institution • fails to vote for a certain number of years or elections

  14. Congress required states to ease the registration process by passing the Motor Voter Law, which directs states to:

  15. allows citizens to register when renewing driver's license • most states require registration prior to election, 20-30 days


  17. Citizenship • aliens are generally denied right to vote, but states could allow them to vote

  18. Residence • most states require a person live within the state a certain period of time in order to qualify to vote • to keep political organizations from importing voters

  19. accepted view that the voter should be familiar with candidates and issues • originally as long as 60-90 days, today about 1/2 of the states have 30 day requirements

  20. a growing number of states are now only requiring legal residence • Congress has prohibited residency requirements over 30 days in federal elections (1970) • nearly every state prohibits transients from voting

  21. Age • 26th Amendment sets 18 as cap for minimum age • some states allow 17 year olds to vote in primary elections

  22. persons denied the right to vote • people found legally incompetent • convicted felons • dishonorably discharged veterans • the homeless


  24. African American suffrage • in the 1960's civil rights workers suffered violence in order to ensure others had the right to vote • 15th Amendmentintended to ensure African-American men the right to vote

  25. for almost 90 years the federal govt. ignored the voting rights of African-Americans • during that period, they were kept away from the polls by use of violence, intimidation, and social pressure

  26. literacy tests, poll taxes, and gerrymandering were used to keep them from voting • Congress was forced to act in response to civil rights movement led by Dr. Martin Luther King

  27. What effect did Civil Rights Acts in the 1950’s and 1960’s have on the right to vote?

  28. Civil Rights Acts • 1957- set up Civil Rights Commission • inquired into voter discrimination claims • gave the Attorney General authority to seek injunctions to prevent voter interference

  29. 1960 - provided for appointment of voting referees • had the power to help qualified persons to register and vote • 1964 - outlaws discrimination in several areas, especially job-related • forbids the use of any registration requirement in an unfair or discriminatory manner

  30. Voting Rights Act of 1965 • suspended the use of literacy tests • authorized the appointment of voting examiners • gave federal authorities the power to register voters and oversee elections

  31. Section 4 Nonvoting

  32. The Size of the Problem • Only about half of eligible voters turn out in presidential elections • Only about a third of eligible voters turn out in off-year elections

  33. Little-Recognized Aspects of the Problem • More people vote in federal than in State and local elections. • Turnout is lower in off-year elections, primaries, and special elections than it is in presidential-year elections.

  34. In general, the farther down the ballot an office is, the fewer the number of votes that will be cast for it. This phenomenon is called "ballot fatigue."

  35. Why People Do Not Vote

  36. "Cannot-Voters" • Nearly 20 million Americans do not vote because they cannot. • Cannot-voters include aliens, the mentally or physically handicapped, and people in prison.

  37. Some people cannot vote because their religious beliefs forbid them to participate in government. • Some are still prevented from voting because of discriminatory electoral practices.

  38. Actual Nonvoters (choose not to or just do not vote) • Many people do not vote because they are satisfied with the political system as it is and believe that the outcome of elections will not affect them.

  39. Many others do not vote because they distrust the political process and do not think that they have any effective political power. • Bad weather, "time-zone fallout," and cumbersome election procedures keep some away from the polls.

  40. Factors Affecting Turnout • Voters are most likely to be people at the higher end of the social, economic, and educational ladder, and those active in their communities

  41. What are characteristics of non-voters?

  42. Nonvoters are most likely to be under 35, unmarried and unskilled, and living in the South or in a rural area. • People with a high sense of political efficacy vote no matter what their personal background.

  43. The greater the degree of candidate competition, the higher voter turnout is likely to be.

  44. Section 5 The Study of Voting Behavior

  45. How do observers learn about voter behavior?

  46. They carefully study the results of particular elections • Voter totals • Changes in voting patterns • Changes in voter demographics

  47. They conduct and study public opinion polls. • They ask voters why they voted on particular candidates and issues

  48. They try to understand political socialization • all of the complex influences that go into how people see the political world and their role within it.

  49. What sociological factors affect voting?

  50. Income and Occupation • Business and professional people and those from higher income groups tend to support the Republican party while manual workers and those from lower income groups tend to support the Democratic party.

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