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Virtual Building Time Building Process Real Time

Construction: Towards strict process specification or improvised yet co-ordinated teamwork? Panel Discussion Per Christiansson Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark http://it.civil.auc.dk/ ECCPM. Portoroz, Slovenia. 9-11 Sept. 2002. Virtual Building Time Building Process Real Time.

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Virtual Building Time Building Process Real Time

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  1. Construction: Towards strict process specification or improvised yetco-ordinated teamwork?Panel DiscussionPer ChristianssonAalborg University, Aalborg, Denmarkhttp://it.civil.auc.dk/ECCPM. Portoroz, Slovenia. 9-11 Sept. 2002

  2. Virtual Building TimeBuilding Process Real Time The Project Management System (PMS) will integrate Virtual Building models, Site Process models, and external information containers. It will also manage matching and updating of the VB sub models as well co-ordination with building site activities. BPrt = Building Process real time, VBt = Virtual Building time to describe time points in life of Virtual Building (sub)models

  3. Moore’s Law still valid

  4. - Participants; number of, type (persons, agents - Collaboration subject/context & Form of interaction; design, reviews, purchase, learning, brainstorm, negotiation, discussion, - Communication content to support interaction; e.g. speech, sound, images, music, video, whisper, body language, 3D objects, control information;….. - Meeting spaces and room definitions; physical, virtual, static, dynamic, mobile and combinations. - Collaboration artefacts; communication channels, user applications, and information containers Knowledge Nodes support Knowledge Management

  5. Communication - New Players Communication is supported by IT-tools. Artifacts may be project, organisations, software (also embedded). Context is the building life cycle (from idea to re-cycling).

  6. Dynamic Adapted ‘Knowledge’ Containers

  7. Semantic Web Semantic Web and RDF will help us integrate information/knowledge resources

  8. The Virtual Building Model. The virtual building contains all documentation of the building including drawings, models, documents etc. It will normally contain redundant information and temporal information describing discipline models and sub models of the building over time.

  9. Knowledge Management Technology From MetaKM, http://www.metakm.com/ , 'The knowledge management portal for practitioners, researchers, and solution providers.'

  10. Better Knowledge Utilisation Do you (your organisation) not know what you know?

  11. Project relations Better dynamic support to handle project information integration

  12. Higher quality processes & products Nb of important decisions Changes in Process Organisation Time Dramatic changes in procurement philosophies, as a result of the internet (partnering model). Partnering model showing the stakeholders joining a common project group with mutual goals (COWI A/S Denmark)

  13. - Efficient description/capture of collaboration processes, contexts, and actors - Virtual Building (with non-redundant meta model) with temporal parameter (and process descriptions) - Efficient tools to handle temporal data (for process analyses,…) - Semantically (meta) integrated web based information containers - Design & implementation of new efficient User Environments (including virtual workspaces) - Capture of physical construction as-built data Challenges

  14. END

  15. - VR based tools to organise and optimise the Construction site in 4D (Space and Time) DIVERCITY Construction Planning Project Model

  16. Sequence Model. Contextual Design

  17. - VW is a set of interconnected design rooms that supports innovative (but also “classical”) design procedures. - software and hardware Infrastructure supporting the design and construction process (access to relevant visualization and communication IT-tools) Virtual Workspace

  18. DIVERCITY - Virtual Workspace

  19. 'The Virtual Workspace, VW, is the new design room designed to fit new and existing design routines. VW may well be a mixed reality environment. The VW will host all design partners from project start with different access and visibility (for persons and groups) in space and time to the project, and will promote building up shared values in projects. The VW thus acts as a communication space with project information support in adapted appearances. VW gives access to general and specific IT-tools ' DIVERCITY - Virtual Workspace definition

  20. Adjacent Sound Local Sound Listener Virtual Source External Source DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATIONS (PRODUCTS) Acoustic module Thermal analysis module Lighting module

  21. 1/2 • - To improve the process of building design and construction by enabling stakeholders(clients, architects, engineers, contractors, sub-contractors) to operate more efficiently and with better interaction • - Research and Develop a Distributed Virtual Workspace that: • Supports Continuous Design between different phases of the process (and different technical domains) by using a Model Driven (integrated) approach • Allows multi-disciplinary project team members to share the same view about the project through a Visual representation • Supports Collaboration between geographically distant sites DIVERCITY GOALS

  22. 2/2 - bring important added value by integrating, into one seamless environment, recent breakthroughs in different (and for the moment separate) technological domains (global illumination simulation, multiresolution techniques, constraint based modelling, acoustics simulation, etc.) DIVERCITY aims to develop a "shared virtual construction workspace" that will allow construction companies to conduct client briefing, design reviews, simulate what if scenarios, test constructability of buildings, communicate and co-ordinate design activities between teams. Both synchronous and asynchronous interaction will be emphasised in this software framework. DIVERCITY GOALS

  23. 1/3 - Complexity due to a high number of mostly small, and usually geographically distant, companies working on one single project - A major industrial sector in Europé (7% of working population + 14% indirect jobs in related sectors) - Stakeholders (clients, architects, local authorities, residents, etc.) have, on the basis of 2D drawings, different and incomplete understandings of the planned construction…. - Life cycle thinking and seamless transition of information and process between life cycle phases. - Complexity due to a high number of mostly small, and usually geographically THE AEC SECTOR

  24. Acoustics Thermal Analysis Virtual Workspace Virtual Workspace Collab. Collab. Collab. DIVERCITY Appl. DIVERCITY User Environment. Appl. Appl. DIVERCITY Data container -IFC+ Application data container Application data container Application data container Client briefing Application data container'CAD' Lighting Simulations Building Model (IFC,…) 4D building site

  25. IFC C++ generator Import Product of Model to Application SPF file CAD-Tool (ArchiCad) C++ classes Clent briefing PreCad Divercity

  26. B A C D - Interactive Radiosity - Visibility Graph subdivision associated with light transfer links - High shadows quality and optimised subdivision for real-time exploration (synchronous) (including object motion) DIVERCITY Design Review Lighting example

  27. A) user requirements capture, user environment design and early prototyping; B) implementation of DIVERCITY and end user alpha test (done within the DIVERCITY consortium) of basic functionality of the DIVERCITY products (applications); C) continued implementation and end user beta tests/evaluations of basic functionality of integrated framework and DIVERCITY products; D) final end user evaluation of DIVERCITY, and prototype refinement. DIVERCITY - Methodology

  28. Flow, structure representing communication and co-ordination necessary to do the work (roles, responsibilities, actions / communication topics, and spaces which in Divercity are regarded as project internal or project external memories and virtual/physical spaces); • Sequence, showing the detailed work steps necessary to achieve user intents. Sequence models can reveal alternate strategies to achieve the same intent; • Artefact, showing objects created to support the work; • Culture, representing constraints on the work caused by policy, culture or values, formal and informal policy of the organisation, business climate, self-image, feelings and fears of the people in the organisation, possibility for privacy; • Physical, showing the physical structure of the work environment as it affects the work. Contextual Design Conceptual Work Models

  29. Divercity is an example on a end-user co-defined developed workspace and, to our knowledge, one of the most coherent at the moment and might be the future platform for further plug-ins. The pro-active end user involvement have made significant modifications to the software architecture as well as to the individual products. The end-user involvement in the preparation and the planning of test scenarios contributed in ensuring that the VE will meet the requirements of the industry. The IFC-standard which is a core component in the Divercity framework is progressively been introduced to the Danish construction industry. At the moment COWI is participating in a test of the standard on the new head-quarters for the National Broadcasting Company (DR) COWI EXPERIENCES

  30. Based on this definition, the future distributed workspaces will have the following features: - The advanced administration tools for distributed personal, team, and project information repositories; - accessibility to virtual building models and collaboration environments through wireless networked workspaces and low cost virtual reality environments; - appropriate security levels for sharing the information over the inter/intranets; - process and workflow management tools to support variations in working practices between different projects; - definition and design of new ICT tools to support collaboration and communication with end-user. Divercity has created a virtual workspace for construction, which includes some of the features listed above. The details of Divercity’s Collaborative Workspace are discussed later in this handbook. Future Virtual Workspace features

  31. - Applications integrated into a extendible framework. - Framework based on Internet based client-server technology ( eViper). - Methodology for efficient user requirements capture, user environment modelling and system development. DIVERCITY - RESULTS http://www.e-divercity.com

  32. 1. User Requirements, Tests and Validation (82.5 months) [CIT] 2. Client Briefing Workspace Module (32 months) [USAL] 3. Design Review Module (91.4 months) [CSTB] 4. Construction Workspace Module (34.9 months) [VTT] 5. System Design and Integration (21.2 months) [CSSI] 6. Trials (30.8 months) [CIT] 7. Exploitation and Dissemination (10.5 months) [CIT] 8. Project Management (14.5 months) [CIT] DIVERCITY WPs

  33. Immersive space Optimization module Geometry modeler Constraint manager Desktop systems Responsive Workbench Thermal analysis tool Lighting tool Acoustic tool Rendering engine DIVERCITY Framework Network Datawarehouse - structured data (IFC 2.x) - EXPRESS-based semantics

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