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CSE accreditation REVIEW by CAC & EAC

CSE accreditation REVIEW by CAC & EAC. UC Irvine October 2, 2013. Accreditation Goal. Improve educational quality of the program Program Education Objectives ( PEO ) broad statements about career and professional accomplishments that are to be achieved within a few years of graduation

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CSE accreditation REVIEW by CAC & EAC

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  1. CSE accreditationREVIEW by CAC & EAC UC Irvine October 2, 2013

  2. Accreditation Goal Improve educational quality of the program • Program Education Objectives (PEO) broad statements about career and professional accomplishments that are to be achieved within a few years of graduation (these are defined by the CSE program) • Student Outcomes (SO) expectations of knowledge and ability that are to be achieved before graduation (these are defined by CAC & EAC of ABET, with allowances for local variation) 2

  3. CSE PEOs Graduates of the program will • establish a productive Computer Science and Engineering career in industry, government, or academia • engage in professional practice of computer systems engineering and software systems engineering • promote the development of innovative systems and solutions using hardware and software integration • promote design, research and implementation of products and services in the field of Computer Science and Engineering through strong communication, leadership and entrepreneurial skills 3

  4. Student Outcomes • EAC defines 11 SOs, labeled a-k • CAC defines 11 SOs, labeled a-k • much overlap between EAC & CAC SOs • we define 23 aspects (Indicators) of the 22 SOs • 7 appear in both EAC and CAC SOs • 16 appear in only one of EAC or CAC • CSE defines 13 SOs, labeled a-m • contain all 23 Indicators 4

  5. Student Outcome Example EAC • An ability to apply knowledge of (a1) mathematics, (a2) science, andengineering. CAC • An ability to apply knowledge of (a3) computing and (a1) mathematics appropriate to the discipline. CSE • An ability to apply knowledge of (a3)computing, (a1) mathematics,(a2) science, andengineering appropriate to Computer Science and Engineering. 5

  6. Curriculum Review Process Guide program development based on desired outcomes • Assessment: collect data on SO achievement • Direct: Faculty Course Assessment Report (FCAR) • Indirect: survey graduating students • Evaluation: interpret data to measure progress of attaining goals • Recommendationsto CSE Steering Committee • Make changes to courses, goals, and process • Re-assessfor continuous improvement 6

  7. Curriculum (Steering) Committee Continuously improve the program http://casa.eng.uci.edu/accreditation/program_improvements • Define PEOs and SO Indicators • Review assessments and proposals for change • Initiate action for improvement via changes: • program requirements (which courses are needed) • course requirements (prerequisites) • course content • assessment process 7

  8. Course Coordinator Responsibilities • Review Course Outline • Catalog Data (course number, title, units, description, prerequisite courses) • Required Textbook • CLO (Course Learning Outcomes) = defined by coordinator • List of associated SO’s (EAC and CAC) for each CLO • Prerequisites by topic –consistent with course prerequisites • Lecture Topics • Hours per week for Lecture/Discussion/Lab • Grading Criteria (% allocated to project, hw, quiz, midterm, final) • Review Outcome Assessments • Suggest changes for prerequisites, topic coverage, CLOs, SO associations 8

  9. Instructor Responsibilities • Assemble “packet” of all assignments • For assessed courses: • Provide 3 samples (good, avg, poor) of graded assignments • Fill out FCAR 9

  10. Example Filled-in FCAR 10

  11. Percentage of CSE students achieving performance standards (2012-13) 11

  12. Percentage of CSE students achieving performance standards (2012-13) 12

  13. Percentage of CSE students achieving performance standards (2011-12) 13

  14. Percentage of CSE students achieving performance standards (2011-12) 14

  15. Percentage of CSE students who believe they perform well (2009-10thru 2012-13) Understand impact in econ’c, environ’l, societal context Apply calculus, discrete math, algebra, symbolic logic Apply probability and statistics Apply computer science Design system to meet needs with constraints Understand legal and social issues and responsibilities Can use current techniques for engineering practice 15

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