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Axolotl Quest

Axolotl Quest. By James and Kathryn. . (Tip) you should probably read it.

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Axolotl Quest

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  1. Axolotl Quest By James and Kathryn.

  2. (Tip) you should probably read it. Keep in mind, in this type of PowerPoint presentation, if there are any links on the screen you should click one of them. If you press enter every time this will stop making sense. And be sure to click the link and not accidentally the screen, doing this will cause weird stuff to happen. If at any point something happens and it seems like it skipped something or there was a glitch in the slides because something happened that didn’t have anything to do with what you were doing because of this, feel free to press the back arrow on your keyboard at anytime to go back to the previous slide you were on right before then. Only press enter if there are no links on the screen. Oh yeah, and (like this tip) there is going to be a lot of text in this thing. Read it.

  3. Masterlotl “Hello young one, word in the tavern be that you wish to learn the ways of the axolotl… but I warn you, it is a long and hard road, even with the aid of Google in another window. “

  4. Masterlotl “Alright, this first one is a test to see if you’re ready for enlightenment. An easy one by normal standards. Once you get past this one, you can choose what area of Axolotl knowledge you wish to learn of.“

  5. Masterlotl “Tell me ambitious one, which do our kind grow first?” a. Pff, front legs of course. B. Back legs. C. second tail, duh.

  6. Masterlotl (Not happy) Hey, what are you doing sunny! Answer the question. You can’t just press enter and skip every question! Or..you could…but then it wouldn’t make sense, and it would kind of defeat the purpose of this whole thing. a. Go back to the question. B. Be a jerk and press enter.

  7. Masterlotl (Not happy) Hey, what are you doing sunny! Answer the question. You can’t just press enter and skip every question! Or..you could…but then it wouldn’t make sense, and it would kind of defeat the purpose of this whole thing. a. Go back to the question. B. Be a jerk and press enter.

  8. Masterlotl (Not happy) Hey, what are you doing sunny! Answer the question. You can’t just press enter and skip every question! Or..you could…but then it wouldn’t make sense, and it would kind of defeat the purpose of this whole thing. a. Go back to the question. B. Be a jerk and press enter.

  9. Masterlotl (Not happy) Hey, what are you doing sunny! Answer the question. You can’t just press enter and skip every question! Or..you could…but then it wouldn’t make sense, and it would kind of defeat the purpose of this whole thing. a. Go back to the question. B. Be a jerk and press enter.

  10. Masterlotl (Not happy) Hey, what are you doing sunny! Answer the question. You can’t just press enter and skip every question! Or..you could…but then it wouldn’t make sense, and it would kind of defeat the purpose of this whole thing. a. Go back to the question. B. Be a jerk and press enter.

  11. Masterlotl (Not happy) Hey, what are you doing sunny! Answer the question. You can’t just press enter and skip every question! Or..you could…but then it wouldn’t make sense, and it would kind of defeat the purpose of this whole thing. a. Go back to the question. B. Be a jerk and press enter.

  12. Masterlotl (Not happy) Hey, what are you doing sunny! Answer the question. You can’t just press enter and skip every question! Or..you could…but then it wouldn’t make sense, and it would kind of defeat the purpose of this whole thing. a. Go back to the question. B. Be a jerk and press enter.

  13. Masterlotl (Not happy) Hey, what are you doing sunny! Answer the question. You can’t just press enter and skip every question! Or..you could…but then it wouldn’t make sense, and it would kind of defeat the purpose of this whole thing. a. Go back to the question. B. Be a jerk and press enter.

  14. Masterlotl (Not happy) Hey, what are you doing sunny! Answer the question. You can’t just press enter and skip every question! Or..you could…but then it wouldn’t make sense, and it would kind of defeat the purpose of this whole thing. a. Go back to the question. B. Be a jerk and press enter.

  15. Masterlotl “Umm…no. That’s completely wrong. Your ignorance insults me. Whoops, try that again.

  16. Masterlotl … Really now? A second tail? Surely you haven’t come to me with THAT kind of ignorance… I’m just going to pretend you never said that. Sounds good…can I try that one more time?

  17. Masterlotl (Not happy) Hey, what are you doing sunny! Answer the question. You can’t just press enter and skip every question! Or..you could…but then it wouldn’t make sense, and it would kind of defeat the purpose of this whole thing. a. Go back to the question. B. Be a jerk and press enter.

  18. Masterlotl “Correct! Oh and by the way, you’ll probably need this at some point in your quest.

  19. Coinage! You carefully pick out five gold coins from the bag Masterlotl has carelessly thrown on the table due to his lack of thumbs. Your vision goes blurry for some reason.

  20. Masterlotl Good to know that someone knows a thing or two about Axolotls around here. Now let’s get serious. Remember when I said that you got to pick what kind of questions to answer? Well pick your poison. Your quest requires you to obtain the badges of all three axolotl elders, but you can choose which one you’d like to try first. Babies/Adult questions. More scientific questions. Questions involving death. (Birtha) (Henry) (Shady fellow)

  21. Masterlotl Interested in Baby/adult questions eh? *cough*feminin*cough*… heh, heh, just kidding. You should go find Birtha. She will be your new instructor. Look around tavern for Birtha.

  22. Masterlotl Aiming for the most scientific questions eh? Let’s hope you know what your doing. Henry over there ought to be a good teacher for that subject. Try and find Henry

  23. Masterlotl Questions involving death hmm? A little macabre I see. Anyway, let’s get down to business, for this section, you will be talking to this shady fellow over here. Don’t let his appearance fool you, his knowledge of Axolotls surpasses even that of my own. Go over to that shady fellow

  24. (Shady Fellow) “…what do you want human? Get out of my sight. That is of course…unless you’ve been sent by Masterlotl to learn the ways of axolotl death… Yes, that’s why I’m here. Well I have come from Masterlotl, but I’m pretty sure that you’re the wrong guy.

  25. (Shady Fellow) Ah…yessss…good. Let us begin. First question…

  26. (shady fellow How many babies survive childhood cannibalism? All, axolotls don’t cannibalize. 1/5. 2/5. 3/5. 4/5.

  27. (shady fellow) You test my patience…. Umm, woops?

  28. (shady fellow) You test my patience…. Umm, woops?

  29. (shady fellow) You test my patience…. Umm, woops?

  30. (shady fellow) Hahaa…but you are so wrong…how about you stop being such a glass half full and answer correctly this time? …

  31. (shady fellow) Correct…but there are still many opportunities for you to prove me wrong…maggot.

  32. (shady fellow) (heeehe, he’ll never get this one right). Ok, hehe, what preditors do axolotls have…? Owls. Carnivorous fish. Snakes. Axolotls have VERY few if any natural predators.

  33. (shady fellow) Owls?!WRONG! You are worthless! Get out of my sight, you are not worthy of my presence. Restart.

  34. (shady fellow) Snakes?!WRONG! You are worthless! Get out of my sight, you are not worthy of my presence. Restart.

  35. (shady fellow) FISH?! WRONG! You are worthless! Get out of my sight, you are not worthy of my presence. Restart.

  36. (shady fellow) …correct. And call me…”Aper” from now on won’t you? Very few people….know my name. Umm, “Aper”? Really? Ok, no offense, but what the heck? I mean, what kind of name is THAT? (say nothing)

  37. Aper “WHAT KIND OF NAME IS THAT”????!!! IT’S MY KIND OF NAME!! Oh, hey man, no need to get so worked up about it, sorry there. Your kind of name? Well that makes sense, because you’re ugly too.

  38. What th- A scyth comes flying out from behind Aper (how did you not see that thing?!),despite your best efforts to dodge it, it decapitates you. Dang. Restart.

  39. Aper Hmmph, well maybe next time you’ll think before you spew stupidity all over the table.

  40. Aper Now then , does Cytrid kill wild axolotls more then other types of fungus or bacteria? Yes, due to their lack of predators Cytrid kills 60% more axolotls then other bacteria. Yes due to their lack of predators Cytrid kills 20% more axolotls then other bacteria No, due to the fact that axolotls are resistant to it. I honestly don’t know what Cytrid is, please don’t kill me.

  41. Aper No. But you weren’t totally off. I’ll give you one more try. But don’t expect this anymore from here on out. EVER. thanks?

  42. Aper Cytrid is a deadly fungus that clogs up amphibian skin and therfor kills the host through suffocation. It thrives when they huddle up, as it can then be spread with greater ease. Oh, thanks.

  43. Aper Ok, wow, that takes the cake. You obviously have NO idea what you’re talking about. How about you take a little while to actually LEARN some stuff about axolotls before you come over here telling me that axolotls are resistant to Cytrid. Restart

  44. Aper Correct. But god knows I’m not happy about it.

  45. Aper Now then…how do axolotls get infections? Getting scraped by a log or something. Bacteria in the water. they don’t get infected. Wow these are depressing questions.

  46. Aper I guess that that’s possible. But no, not the answer I was looking for. Dang. Restart.

  47. Aper We don’t get infections huh? No that’s completely wrong. Go away. Grrrr….

  48. Aper Yes. Yes they are. Now answer the question.

  49. Aper Yup. But in about in less then 80 years you’ll be dead, so in the grand scheme of things, does it really matter?

  50. Aper Regardless, it is time for the next question. Is Cytrid the main fungal killer of axolotls? Yes. No, Gryphin is. No, Diotry is. No, your mom is LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

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