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Doing Business with the Ecolabel 2011

Doing Business with the Ecolabel 2011. Nicholas Paxevanos. Topics. Why the Ecolabel How can this tool help your company Examples: Textiles/Tourism/ Ecolabel Use. Why the Ecolabel Flower Attributes. Limited use of harmful substances: Environment/Health European dimension Based on LCA

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Doing Business with the Ecolabel 2011

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  1. Doing Business with the Ecolabel 2011 Nicholas Paxevanos

  2. Topics • Why the Ecolabel • How can this tool help your company • Examples: Textiles/Tourism/ Ecolabel Use

  3. Why the EcolabelFlower Attributes • Limited use of harmful substances: Environment/Health • European dimension • Based on LCA • Part of the SCP/SIP action plan: • EU/National political support

  4. Why the EcolabelSustainability – is it a trend or is it more? • The situation: • Speaking & writing about sustainability is an everyday occurence • Sustainability is a success story! • Gains the environment • Gains your pocket • Fairs & events are dominated with green issues • ITB-CSR day, ecotourism … • CSR is a part of almost all multinational companies and CSR in SMEs is booming • CSR is Corporate social responsibility in the company‘s operations on a voluntary basis. Environmental concerns are integrated in CSR

  5. Why the Ecolabel The Ecolabel is a Key Player • Licences for Tourist accomodation are increasing rapidly • EU-Wide Label • www.eco-label.com

  6. Why the EcolabelSupport • The Ecolabel is moving ahead • National level promotion (Competent Bodies) • PR, Marketing, fairs, Brochures etc. • GPP • EU level promotion • 3-Phase Marketing Campaign • The main objective of the campaign is to make the Flower a reference standard in environmental labelling • Phase I: The campaign for a test Market is developed • Phase II: Executing the campaign in the test-market • Phase III: Asssessment and follow-up a large scale application • Various periodic projects

  7. Why the EcolabelGPP and the Ecolabel • Definition of GPP: A process whereby public authorities seek to procure goods, services and works with a reduced environmental impact • Public Procurement accounts for 17% of EU wide (GDP) Gross Domestic Product equivalent to 2 trillion Euros GPP made easier for Public Purchasers • No expert knowledge required • Fully compatible with the principles of the international market • Easy identification Product Categories covered bythe EU Eco-label • Clothing/textiles • Lubricants • Products for home and garden • Paper products • Appliances • Cleaning products

  8. Why the EcolabelGPP and the Ecolabel • Target of 50% of Green Public Procurement As from 2010 • European Commission“Europe 2020 strategy” sustainable growth – reducing Co2 emissions • CYPRUS – Public procurement best practice guide – May 2007 / Training of 600 PPs to work in a transparent/sustainable manner • Tools and resources • GPP Training Toolkit • Handbook on Green Public Procurement • Leaflet on GPP and the EU Ecolabel • Links • http://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/about_ecolabel/ecolabel_and_gpp_en.htm • http://ec.europa.eu/environment/gpp/index_en.htm • Information available in many environment pages

  9. Example of GPP in Denmark GPP is flourishing in Denmark Public sector: There are 97 municipalities: 16% of GNP, 270 billion DKK Hospitals, municipalities, ministries, post, police, army etc. Set requirements for textile products: Technical, Quality, environmental, etc. Offer a Tender Award criteria %: Price = 50/60% Environment = 15% Elderly care has about 600,000 employees: All denim for these employees must adhere to Flower criteria Almost 80% of all cleaning products and services procured in Denmark are certified by an ISO type I Ecolabel. CO2 reduction of 43%. Cost reduction of 3% There is a network for GPP consisting of municipalities The Competent Body is active and offers consultancy services for GPP

  10. Why the EcolabelRetailer Trends The Retail sector represents about 11% of EUs GDP Individual chains: Want to be seen as Environmentally concerned The Retail Forum: Launched 2009 – support SCP/SIP Action plans - Includes the biggest chains Internationally: Wal-Mart, Levi Strauss, Esprit, H&M … are working together to find a common standard for sustainable clothing

  11. Why the EcolabelLocal Situation In Cyprus: The Service Sector constitutes 79.3% (mainly tourism) of NDP Industry 18.7% Agriculture: 2.1% Labour force: 403, 000 of which 71% are in servises Initiatives/Trends in Tourism are therefore important. For Example: Ecolabel ”Travel packages” • Present holiday offers with stay in EU Ecolabelled hotels • Based on co-operation with eco-sensitive tour operators • Environmental gains: e.g.reduce CO2-emissions(long-term aim: CO2-neutral) Initiatives/pressure for public service staff to use Ecolabel hotels so as to set an example …. A sizeable % of hotel earnings

  12. How can this tool help your company • Benefits for your Company • Improve your company image • Differentiate your products • Competitive Advantage • Retain Customers loyalty • A Tool in other areas: CSR, Env. Management, LCA Reduce costs: energy, waste, water etc. The sun shines in Cyprus 340 days Examples of Energy saving products The higher initial price of the greener product is more than compensated by the much lower usage and disposal costs. LIFE CYCLE COSTING: Influence of use and disposal costs on overall cost

  13. Doing business with the public sector Benefits • Stay ahead of the competition – meet public sector environmental purchasing demands • Expand your market – do business with public authorities across Europe • Reduce the burden of responding to public tenders – use the Flower as an easy proof of environmental compliance • Put your products on a short list -

  14. Doing business with the public sector Marketing • The Ecolabel defines your product and gives it a competitive edge: Be Active – Don’t sit and wait for customers • Use The Ecolabel actively • Logo: Visible • Company/Product brochures.. • Website/Press work • Participate on Ecolabel events • Educate your key staff • Market your products to the public sector – even before tenders are offered

  15. Case Examples Textiles:

  16. Criteria document from Gladsaxe municipality Environmental Questions of a tender from Gladsaxe Kommune A. Har producenten en skriftlig miljøpolitik? hvis ja, er der beskrevet miljømål- eller er der en skriftlig miljøhandlingsplan? • Er producenten EMAS-registreret, • Har producenten indført kvalitetsstyring? • Har producenten et grønt regnskab? • eller haves et miljøledelsesstem, der også tager hensyn til arbejdsmiljøet? - hvis nej, er producenten da i gang med at indføre miljøstyring? • Har producenten udarbejdet skriftlige arbejdspladsvurderinger i.h.t. det danske APV-system eller det tilsvarende europæiske risikovurderingssystem? • Er producenten ØkoTex 1000 certificeret  • Kan energi-, kemikalie- og vandforbrug dokumenteres for de enkelte produkter?  • Er der spildevandsrensning eller våd behandling • Er anvendte slettemidler biologisk nedbrydelige, eller bliver de genanvendt? • B. 10)Er nogen af de tilbudte produkter mærket med det nordiske miljømærke Svanen eller det europæiske miljømærke Blomsten? • - hvis nej, kan produktet så opfylde kriterierne for tildeling af et af miljømærkerne?Hvilke produkter : • Hvis spørgsmål 10 besvares med et ja, og der vedlægges dokumentation herfor, skal der ikke besvares yderligere spørgsmål i dette skema • 11)Er nogen af produkterne produceret på basis af økologisk bomuld?Hvilke: • 12)Overholder de anvendte farvestoffer kriterierne for anvendelse af farvestoffer i det europæiske miljømærke Blomsten? • 13)Overholder de anvendte farvestoffer kriterierne for anvendelse af farvestoffer i det nordiske miljømærke Svanen? • 14)Er produkterne fri for farvestoffer og pigmenter, der kan være kræft-fremkaldende? • 15)Er eventuel blegning af stoffet fremstillet uden brug af klor eller klorholdige stoffer? • 16)Er produkterne fremstillet uden brug af optisk hvidt? • 17)Er eventuelt anvendt optisk hvidt fri for stilbenderivater? • 18)Er produkterne fri for tungmetaller?hvis nej, overholdes grænseværdierne beskrevet i det nordiske miljømærke Svanen? • 19)Er efterbehandling sket uden brug af formaldehydholdige krøl-ægthedsmidler? • 20)Er Polyesterne fremstillet under hensynstagen til grænseværdierne iDet europæiske miljømærke Blomsten

  17. High Quality Consumer Health Safe Environmental performance Case Examples Textiles: The process supply chain is controlled for Thong Thai Textile Private sector

  18. Examples: Textile companies The process supply chain is controlled for Examples Private sector

  19. Examples: Hotels The process supply chain is controlled for Crowne plaza – Bucharest Rezidoor Group, Accor, Hilton, Marriott • Best Western Hotels in France 18 • 26 Youth hostels in Switzerland • Sunrise beach hotel Apolonia Eagles palace Sunwing Resort Kallithea also other sunwing hotels 

  20. Thank you for the attention Questions Comments Bucharest 17.2.2011 Nicosia 30.3.2011

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