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Northwest Tribes

Northwest Tribes. By: Samuel Vasquez Kent Deterding. The Tribes. Some of the tribes were: *Bella Bella * Chiook *Kwakiutl *Inuit *Tillamook * Eyak *Coast Salish *Tlingit. Where They Lived. The land had forest full with resources.

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Northwest Tribes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Northwest Tribes By: Samuel Vasquez Kent Deterding

  2. TheTribes • Some of the tribes were: • *Bella Bella • *Chiook • *Kwakiutl • *Inuit • *Tillamook • *Eyak • *Coast Salish • *Tlingit

  3. Where They Lived The land had forest full with resources. They lived in Big-Houses made out of cedar trees. They lived in on the coasts of Alaska, Canada, Washington, and Oregon. The land affected them by the recourses it provided.

  4. How They Decide Where ToLive • They decided where decided where to live based on recourses. Such as food , water, and shelter. For example they would want to live by lakes/bodies of water. They would also want to have food like fish , sea otters, whales, elk. They might also want wood/trees. As I just told you, people decide where to live based on recourses.

  5. FastFacts • Hunters would often get killed by competing with wolves and bears. • The canoes could be as long as 60 feet with beautiful pictures carved in. • The totem pole usually told a story/legend. • There were 30 independent groups organized into the Kwakiutal. • They would only use igloos on long hunts. • The Big-Houses could be 20 to 60 feet wide and • 50 to 150 feet long.

  6. Them and UsToday Native Americans Europeans • The Europeans would try to change or control nature ,with exceptions of things that were set aside. • If something changes in nature they would let it be ,with one exception ,crops.

  7. What We Learned and What WeAre Still Wondering • We didn’t know that they were not allowed to fish or gather food until the first food ceremony. Also we didn’t know that hunters would look out for grizzly, because they could smell from 4 miles away, and would steel their food. We were wondering what other ceremonies they had. • ?

  8. Bibliography • Scott Foresman, Building A Nation • http://nativeamericans.mrdon.org/comparison.html • http://mason.gmu.edu/~jjarski/portfolio/fall07/northwest.html • http://nativeamericanheritagemonth.gov/photos/

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