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FHS SMART lunch. S tudents M aximizing A chievement with R esources and T ime. Fayetteville High School Bell Schedule S.M.A.R.T. Lunch ( S tudents M aximizing A chievement with R esources and T ime). A GUIDE TO PROGRAMS, ORGANIZATIONS , AND CLUBS. 2012-2013.

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  1. FHSSMART lunch

  2. Students Maximizing Achievement with Resources and Time

  3. Fayetteville High School Bell ScheduleS.M.A.R.T. Lunch (Students Maximizing Achievement with Resources and Time)

  4. A GUIDE TO PROGRAMS, ORGANIZATIONS, AND CLUBS. 2012-2013 Each Advisor will get a copy of the book. It will also be on the SLC Toolkit and FHS web-site CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS ACE/QUIZ BOWL, KNOWLEDGE MASTER ......................................... Sponsor: David A. Young Meetings: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays ACE is the Academic Competition in Education. This club is involved in three different competitions. Participants practice and then compete in contests throughout the year. Quiz Bowl is the State’s effort in promoting academics, and KMO is the Knowledge Master Open held in December and April. All are welcome, some will compete. ART CLUB ..............................................................................................Sponsor: Diane Adams Meetings: 4th Mondays The art club gives an outlet for artistic expression and talents. The art club works with other groups, the school and community to complete and promote art-based tasks.

  5. • Monday-Thursday Pool/League Play • Free Play on Friday

  6. SMART LUNCHStudents Maximizing Achievement with Resources and Time Priority TGS Days: During “A” Lunch Shift Settles conflicts for teacher/student Documented and assigned at your discretion Required and starts a paper trail

  7. White/Student Yellow/Office Pink/Teacher

  8. SMART LUNCHStudents Maximizing Achievement with Resources and Time Fill out MSH fom and forward to attendance office. Office personnel will enter an “M” in the attendance portion of the grade book which will generate a parent phone call. The “M” will remain until the teacher marks a “C” in the attendance/grade book documenting that missing/incomplete work has beencompleted.It is very important that the teacher update the grade book as this is the list office personnel will pull daily and expect to attend MSH. Should the student skip MSH, the principal will become involved.

  9. White/Student Yellow/Office Pink/Teacher

  10. SMART LUNCHStudents Maximizing Achievement with Resources and Time If a detention is assigned for behavior we will use the same SMART lunch destination form.

  11. White/Student Yellow/Office Pink/Teacher

  12. Fayetteville High School Bell ScheduleS.M.A.R.T. Lunch (Students Maximizing Achievement with Resources and Time) • TGS • 10th grade MSH • Detention • Intramurals • Clubs SMART LUNCH • 11th and 12th MSH • Anyone who hasn’t eaten “B” “A”

  13. Why do I need an ID? • All Seniors and Juniors will have access to the cafeteria the first ½ of lunch “A”. Don’t forget your ID or back to the end of the line you go! • All Sophomores, clubs, intramurals, TGS, or MSH will have access to the cafeteria the last ½ of lunch “B” (Don’t forget that ID!)

  14. Advisory teachers will distribute ID’s on FIRST Day Red = 12th Blue = 11th Green = 10th Barcode is their student ID # SLC is indicated on Colored strip

  15. What if a student doesn’t have an ID?? • Send to Mr. Smith’s office: • Seniors, Monday August, 20, 2012 (1st day of school) • Juniors, Tuesday August, 21, 2012 (2nd day of school) • Sophomores, Wednesday August 22, 2012 (3rd day of school)

  16. may go Off-Campus Seniors Must exit the building via the North Bulldog Lobby. A resource officer or administrator will be looking for the seal. • Senior Advisory teachers will put FHS tamper-resistant seals (stickers) on top left corner of ID’s ONLY IF THEY TURN IN THE PERMISSION SLIP Forms were mailed home….extra copies available in attendance office

  17. Some Seniors may go Off-Campus NOT • Seniors who haven’t turned in parent permission form to advisor • Seniors who didn’t pass EOCs (Geometry, Biology, or Literacy) OR have not finished remediation. • Seniors who are assigned to teacher guided study or mandatory study hall • Seniors who have lost privileges • Seniors who have been booted for parking violations • (In many cases, suspension of privileges will be temporary)

  18. How Seniors can LOSE Open Campus Privilege: • Assignment to ISS or OSS • ISS will revoke off-campus lunch privileges for the duration of the in-school • suspension PLUS one month. • OSS will revoke off-campus lunch privileges for the duration of the out-of- • school suspension PLUS nine weeks. • Excessive absences: • If a student has missed eight periods of one or more classes, the student is • subject to the loss of off-campus lunch privileges for the remainder of the • grading period. Students can ask for a review in the case that a long-term • illness exist. Tardies: If a student is tardy 5 times, the student is subject to the loss of off-campus lunch privileges for the remainder of the grading period.

  19. Transporting of a student off-campus who does not have off-campus lunch privileges (senior, junior, or sophomore). This may result in a loss of off-campus privileges for nine weeks. Booted parking violations will result in loss of privilege of one month. Outstanding fines or fees will result in the loss of privilege until it is reconciled.

  20. What do kids do when it’s not their lunch period or they bring their lunch? • Go to the Auxiliary Gym or outdoor Phase I steps to eat, socialize, or participate in intramural activities. (This will be supervised by a teacher) • Go back into the hallways as they do now to eat their lunch or receive help from teachers. • Students will be allowed to take food from the cafeteria. We will continue to work on getting trash cans in the best places. • Go to the Library or Computer Lab (Media Specialist will supervise these areas as they do now) • Go to the North Green Area between the Bulldog Lobby Entrance and the current faculty parking lot. No going into the parking lot! (This will be supervised by a teacher)

  21. What will supervision look like? • Cafeteria: • An Assistant Principal • Coach • 10 duty teachers will man the 5 stations in 30 minute intervals so they have 30 minutes of duty free lunch. • One teacher Auxiliary Gym and Phase 1 Outdoor steps • Three teacher’s Hallways or Classrooms • One teacher Green Area in the front • Note: Duty schedule will be released later in the week. Administrators and MSH teachers will provide additional support the first several weeks at the duty stations. • Students will only be allowed in these areas. • Students should only exit the building from the Bulldog Lobby • Radios will be provided and can be picked up in the following places: • Auxiliary duty = Phase I administration office • All other duty = Current attendance office

  22. September 2012 SLC, Department, Committee and SMART Lunch Duty Supervision: MWF: T, TH_____ 1: Aux Gym & Surr Area 2: Hall,1st Floor A= 12:05-12:30 A= 12:19-12:44 3 Hall, 2nd Floor 4: Hall, 3rd Floor B= 12:30=1:00 B= 12:44-1:09 5: North Courtyard

  23. For More Information FHS Webpage will have a tab that will be dedicated to SMART Lunch for students and parents. This will be launched by the first day of school. • fayar: SLC Tools

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