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Offer versus Serve: Lunch Webinar July 30, 2014

Offer versus Serve: Lunch Webinar July 30, 2014. Brought to You By:. Outline of the Webinar. Background for OVS Definitions General rules for OVS Rules and regulations for OVS lunch Recognizing a reimbursable OVS lunch. Offer versus Serve Background. Established for lunch in 1975

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Offer versus Serve: Lunch Webinar July 30, 2014

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  1. Offer versus Serve: LunchWebinarJuly 30, 2014

  2. Brought to You By: OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  3. Outline of the Webinar • Background for OVS • Definitions • General rules for OVS • Rules and regulations for OVS lunch • Recognizing a reimbursable OVS lunch OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  4. Offer versus Serve Background • Established for lunch in 1975 • Section 9(a)(3) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act • Regulations in 7 CFR 210.10(e) • Extended to breakfast in 1985 • Section 4(e)(2) of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 • Regulations in 7 CFR 220.8(e) OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  5. Definitions • Offer versus Serve (OVS) • Food component • Food item • Grade groups • Reimbursable OVS lunch • Menu Planning for OVS OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  6. Offer versus Serve • Allows students to decline some of the food offered • Requires students to select certain of the foods offered • May reduce food waste • Permits students to choose foods to eat OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  7. Offer versus Serve: Lunch OVS must be available for students at senior high schools OVS is optional at middle and elementary schools and Seamless Summer Option of the NSLP OVS is not allowed for NSLP snacks OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  8. Food Component • One of the five food groups that comprise reimbursable lunches • Meat/Meat Alternates (M/MA) • Grains (G) • Vegetables (V) • Fruits (F) • Fluid Milk OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  9. Food Component • One of the three food groups that comprise reimbursable breakfasts • Grains (G) • Fruits (F) • Fluid Milk OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  10. Use Menu Item not Food Item at Lunch • Use of food item for both lunch and breakfast creates confusion • Use menu item instead of food item at lunch • Use food item only at breakfast OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  11. Menu Item at Lunch • Specific food offered to provide the five food components • Hamburger = 1 Menu Item with 2 food components, M/MA & G • ½ cup each of apple wedges, sliced canned pineapple and a petite banana = 3 Menu Items of 1 food component • 8 fluid oz. of Milk = 1 Menu Item of 1 food component OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  12. Food Item at Breakfast • A specific food offered within a food component that is required in the meal pattern • The food item(s) must be in the required minimum serving size • A 2 oz. Muffin = 1 oz eq Grains = 1 Food Item • An orange or 4 fl. oz. juice or ½ cup of diced pears or ¼ cup apple chunks + ¼ cup grapes = ½ cup Fruit = 1 Food Item • 8 oz fluid Milk = 1 Food Item OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  13. Menu Item • Students must take all of the menu items that provide the required minimum daily quantity • Exception: ½ cup of F or V or combination = full quantity of either the F or V component once in a meal OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  14. Grade Groups • K-5: OVS optional • 6-8: OVS optional • 9-12: OVS required at lunch, but optional at breakfast OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  15. Reimbursable OVS Lunch • Students must take three of the five food components • Menu planner must offer food components in required daily quantities for grade group • All components must be available to all students • Weekly menu must meet the weekly minimums • If substitutions must be made for vegetables, use the same subgroup as a substitute OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  16. Reimbursable OVS Lunch • The menu item(s) selected must be of an adequate amount to credit as a full component • Students must take ½ cup of F or V or combination of F and V • Students may decline any of the other food components • Milk not required • M/MA and G not required OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  17. K-8: OVS and the ½ cup F/V Rule • Daily fruit/vegetable requirements • ½ cup fruits • ¾ cup vegetables • The student takes ½ cup vegetable = full V component. • The student takes ½ cup fruit = full F component. • Therefore ½ cup F + ½ cup V = 2 full components OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  18. 9-12: OVS and the ½ cup F/V Rule • Daily fruit/vegetable requirements • 1 cup fruit • 1 cup vegetable • The student takes ½ cup vegetable and/or fruit = full V or F component. • The student takes 1 cup of the other (F or V) = a second full component. • Therefore ½ cup F or V + 1 cup F or V = 2 full components OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  19. Menu Planning and OVS OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  20. Menu Planning and OVS Reflect student preferences Provide choices as much as possible Indicate which choices make a reimbursable meal OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  21. General Rules for OVS • Offering choices ≠ OVS • Allowing student to only decline milk & salad bar ≠ OVS • Unit pricing • Signage, menus and training • Meal service system exceptions OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  22. Choices ≠ OVS If there are choices of entrée but the student must select one, it is not OVS If there are choices of vegetables and fruits, but the student must take the full meal pattern quantity of both, it is not OVS If the student has choices, but must take every food component, it is not OVS OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  23. Decline Milk or Salad Bar Only ≠ OVS • If three components must be taken by the student and only milk or the salad bar are optional, it is not OVS • Allowable only if logistics prevent full OVS • The student may not be required to take any particular component except the ½ cup F or V or combination of both. OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  24. Unit Pricing • School meals must be priced as a unit for Paid and Reduced Price students • Different combinations may have different prices • Price remains the same despite number of food components taken • Price remains the same despite taking smaller portions of one or more food components OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  25. Signage, Menus and Training • Students, servers and cashiers must be able to identify a reimbursable lunch • Consistency in food components in menu item categories • Planned serving sizes for salad bar items • Schools must identify near or at the beginning of serving lines, what foods constitute unit priced meals OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  26. Signage, Menus and Training • Schools must provide information on OVS to parents • Schools should provide training for staff • Signage is not required for • Field trips • Breakfast in the classroom OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  27. Meal Service Systems • Pre-Plated • Used by schools and RCCIs with logistical limitations • May be used at a senior high school only if there are other areas of service that allow OVS • Encouraged to offer some level of choice/OVS • Family Style • Offered meals must meet daily/weekly requirements • Adult supervising should initially offer full serving • Students must take ½ cup F/V for reimbursable lunch OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  28. Meal Service Systems • Food Bars • Clearly identify food components in the menu items • Clearly identify the minimum serving size for each food component or menu item • Identify which combinations of foods to select for a reimbursable lunch • Train cashiers on what the reimbursable meal is each day • Locate before POS or use dedicated monitor OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  29. Meal Service Systems • Pre-Packaged • Similar to pre-plated • Allowed at all levels • If used at senior high school, there must also be lines that allow OVS • Encouraged to have some menu items with choices or option to decline • OVS not required for breakfast in the classroom, field trips or for students leaving to go to work OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  30. Meal Service Systems • Pre-Ordered • All components in the minimum daily and weekly quantities must be offered • The student must be able to preselect a full reimbursable meal • The student must be able to decline two food components unless the meal is pre-packaged • The student must be able to select an OVS reimbursable meal OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  31. Rules & Regulations: Lunch OVS • All five components in the required daily and weekly amounts for each grade group must be offered. • Meat/Meat Alternate • K-5 and grades 6-8 daily minimum is 1 oz eq • Grades 9-12 minimum is 2 oz eq • May be credited as a component if at least the daily minimum quantity for the grade group is taken OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  32. Rules & Regulations: Lunch OVS • Meat/Meat Alternate • May be offered in one or two menu items only • May not be offered in a dessert • ¼ oz. is the minimum amount that can credit toward the M/MA OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  33. Rules & Regulations: Lunch OVS • Grains • K-5 and grades 6-8 daily minimum is 1 oz eq • Grades 9-12 daily minimum is 2 oz eq • May be credited as a component if at least the daily minimum quantity for the grade group is taken OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  34. Rules & Regulations: Lunch OVS • Grains • May be offered in one or more menu items • ¼ oz. is the minimum amount in a menu item that can credit toward the Grain • Desserts are restricted to a maximum of 2 oz eq grains per week OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  35. Rules & Regulations: Lunch OVS • Fruit • K-5 and grades 6-8 daily minimum offered is ½ cup • Grades 9-12 daily minimum offered is 1 cup • Fruit may be offered in one or more menu items • The minimum in a menu item that can be credited is 1/8 cup OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  36. Rules & Regulations: Lunch OVS • Fruit • No matter the quantity selected, the fruit component may only be counted once • ½ cup F + ½ cup F ≠ two components for K-8 • ½ cup F + 1 cup F ≠ two components for 9-12 • Students may take two or more servings of the same or a different fruit to meet the quantity requirement • Students may select more than the daily minimum if the dietary specifications weekly average does not exceed the range OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  37. Rules & Regulations: Lunch OVS • Vegetables • K-5 and grades 6-8 daily minimum offered is ¾ cup • Grades 9-12 daily minimum offered is 1 cup • Vegetables may be offered in one or more menu items • The minimum in a menu item that can be credited is 1/8 cup OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  38. Rules & Regulations: Lunch OVS • Vegetables • No matter the quantity selected, the vegetable component may only be counted once • ½ cup V + ¾ cup V ≠ two food components K-8 • ½ cup V + 1 cup V ≠ two food components 9-12 • Students are not required to select each subgroup, but they must have the opportunity them over a week. • Menu planner may allow students to select more than daily minimum if dietary specifications weekly average does not exceed the range OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  39. Rules & Regulations: Lunch OVS • Milk (M) • Grades K-12 minimum offered is 8 fluid oz. • Daily requirement is to offer at least two varieties within the required types • This requirement is unrelated to OVS • To be counted as a food component for OVS, the student must select the full 8 fluid oz. OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  40. Lunch OVS: How it works For this menu, the hamburger is served as bun plus patty, two food components in one menu item, so both components must be taken if either is taken. The combination of menu items that does not qualify as a reimbursable meal is: Hamburger plus Milk = no F/V. OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  41. Is this meal reimbursable for K-5, 6-8? 2 M/MA 1 ½ G 1/2 c F ½ c V OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  42. Is this meal reimbursable for K-5, 6-8? 2 M/MA 1 ½ G ½ c F ½ c V Yes, M/MA, G, ½ cup V No, no F, V Yes, M/MA, G, ½ cup F OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  43. Is this meal reimbursable for K-5, 6-8? ½ c V ½ c V ½ c F ½ c F OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  44. Is this meal reimbursable for K-5, 6-8? ½ c V ½ c V ½ c F ½ c F Yes, F, V, M No, only F, M Yes, V, F, M OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  45. Lunch OVS: How it works For this menu, the spaghetti has three food components in one menu item, but there is only ¼ cup V in it. The M/MA and the G are offered in two menu items. The student must take the minimum daily required amount of the component to count it as one of the food components for OVS. OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  46. Is this meal reimbursable for K-5, 6-8? 1 M/MA 1 G ¼ c V 1 M/MA 1 G ¼ c V ½ c F OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  47. Is this meal reimbursable for K-5, 6-8? 1 M/MA 1 G ¼ c V 1 M/MA 1 G ½ c F ¼ c V No, no ½ cup F or V Yes, G, M/MA, V Yes, G, M/MA, F OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  48. Is this meal reimbursable for K-5, 6-8? ½ c F 1 M/MA 1 G ¼ c V 1 M/MA 1 G ¼ c V ½ c F ½ c V OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  49. Is this meal reimbursable for K-5, 6-8? 1 M/MA 1 G ¼ c V ½ c F 1 M/MA 1 G ¼ c V ½ c F ½ c V No, no ½ cup F, V No, only ¼ cup Broccoli Yes, F, V, M OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

  50. Lunch OVS: How it works For this menu, the spaghetti has three food components and the Cheese Bread has two. For 9-12, the required daily amount is 2 M/MA and 2 G, so to count either M/MA or G as a component taken, both Spaghetti and Cheese Bread must be selected. It is also impossible to get the full 1 cup component of V without the spaghetti item. OVS: Lunch http//www.cns.ucdavis.edu

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