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Employing Pythagorean Hodograph Curves for Artistic Patterns

Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science. Employing Pythagorean Hodograph Curves for Artistic Patterns. Gergely Kl ár, Gábor Valasek Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Informatics. June 29 - July 2, 2010 Szeged, Hungary. Goal.

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Employing Pythagorean Hodograph Curves for Artistic Patterns

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  1. Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science Employing Pythagorean Hodograph Curves for Artistic Patterns Gergely Klár, Gábor Valasek Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Informatics June 29 - July 2, 2010 Szeged, Hungary

  2. Goal • Create a tool to aid the design of aesthetical, fair curves • In particular design element creator for vines, swirls, swooshes and floral components

  3. Previous work • Floral components are popular elements in both ornamental and contemporary abstract design • Tools can aid among other things: • Generation of ornamental elements • Generation of ornamental patterns

  4. Previous work • Plants generated with L-systems, proposed by Prusinkiewicz and Lindenmayer

  5. Previous work • Wong et. al. proposed a method for filling a region of interest with ornaments using proxy objects that can be replaced by arbitrary ornamental elements

  6. Previous work • Xu and Mould created ornamental patters by simulating a charged particle's movement in a magnetic field (magnetic curves)

  7. Ourfocus • We concentrate on using polynomial curves for element design • Let us presume that a pleasing curve has a smooth and monotone curvature • Farin's definition: • A curve is fair if its curvature plot is continuous and consists of only a few monotone pieces • A fair curve should only have curvature extrema where the designer explicitly states

  8. Our focus • To satisfy the fairness conditions we use G2 splines, that consist of spiral segments • A spiral is a curved line segment whose curvature varies monotonically with arc-length

  9. Designer control • An intuitive way to control our curves is required • Use hiearchy of circles:

  10. Designer control – an alternative • If we let the user specify the curve segment’s starting- and endpoints on the control circles, we can formulate the problem as geometric Hermite interpolation

  11. Designer control – an alternative • Given are position, tangent, and curvature data at each the endpoint • Find a Bézier curve which reconstructs these quantities at it’s endpoints • These are 2x4 scalar constraints on each segment Position: 2 scalar Tangent: 1 scalar Curvature: 1 scalar

  12. Designer control – an alternative Cubic Bézier solution for GH • A cubic Bézier curve has 8 scalar degrees of freedom • A quadratic equation system results from

  13. Designer control – an alternative Cubic Bézier solution for GH • With appropriate geometric constraints on position, tangent and curvature the following system has positive real roots • Resulting curve is not a spiral

  14. Designer control • Let us use Pythagorean Hodograph spirals for the transition curves curve curve’s hodograph

  15. PythagoreanHodographs • Let the parameterization be such that • For some integral polynomial • The arc-lengthcan be expressed in closed-form

  16. PythagoreanHodographs Theorem: the Pythagorean condition for polynomials holds if and only if they can be expressed in terms of other polynomials as where u(t) and v(t) are relative primes.

  17. PythagoreanHodographs • PH curves’ hodographs satisfy: • PH curves of degree n have n+3degrees of freedom • General polynomials of degree n have 2n+2 degrees of freedom

  18. PythagoreanHodographs • Arc-length is a polynomial • Offset of a degree n PH curve is a rational polynomial of degree 2n-1 • For practical usage • Cubic PH curves cannot have an inflection point • We use quintic PH curves

  19. Method • Let the user create a hierarchy of control circles • Create spiral segments between a node and its descendants • Three cases are possible: • Circles can be connected by an S-shaped circle-to-circle curve • Circles can be connected by a C-shaped circle-in-circle curve • The circles cannot be connected

  20. Circle-to-circle transition • The circles have to be non-touching and non-overlapping • We used the work of Walton and Meek to define the quintic PH curve’s control points

  21. Circle-to-circletransition

  22. Circle-to-circle transition • The circle centres have to be within a certain distance (depending on their radii) • We have to solve • Where

  23. Circle-in-circle transition • A fully contained circle is joined to its ancestor if such transition is possible • The conditions and the derivation of control points can be found in Habib and Sakai’s work

  24. Circle-in-circle transition

  25. Circle-in-circle transition • Constraints on the radius of the smaller circle and its distance from the big circle • In our tool the user only specifies that a circle is needed within a given control circle, it’s position and radius will be computed automatically • The resulting smaller circle can be adjusted within the valid range of solutions

  26. Export • Since most vector graphics systems support cubic Bézier curve’s we provide export in such format • The quintic Bézier curve is approximated by cubic Bézier segments

  27. Design process

  28. Future work • Integration into vector graphics systems • More streamlined workflow • Use of improved transition curves

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