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THE RIGHT TECHNOLOGY IN INVESTOR RELATIONS: WHAT TO DO ONLINE?. THOMSON REUTERS Alex Ménage Head of Business Development Corporate Services Rapidly Developing Economies. AGENDA. Introduction Investor Relations Website Video & New Media Mobile Technology Social Media

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  1. THE RIGHT TECHNOLOGY IN INVESTOR RELATIONS: WHAT TO DO ONLINE? THOMSON REUTERS Alex Ménage Head of Business Development Corporate Services Rapidly Developing Economies

  2. AGENDA • Introduction • Investor Relations Website • Video & New Media • Mobile Technology • Social Media • Bringing Technology Together

  3. INTRODUCTION • Investor Relations teams use technology to: • Share their investment story • Enhance investor communication • Improve their workflow • Discover best practices • Understand their Investors and Global Financial Markets • Technology needs to be ‘joined up’ • Fast growing trends that we observe: • Use of video in IR and Corporate Communications • Mobile technology • Social media

  4. IR WEB PRESENCE IS KEY FOUNDATION First port of call for investors - reduces call traffic and demands on team A poorly structured website with little information will put investors off Regular, dynamic updates allow you to keep your IR audience up to date Allows you to track visitors 4

  5. RAPIDLY GROWING USE OF VIDEO • Builds trust and credibility • Improves reach • Engages Investors • Important source of innovations • Sets your IR program apart from peers

  6. RAPID GROWTH IN MOBILE IR • 34% of European Corporates believe their target audience accesses their website via an iPad or another tablet • 22% intend to add support for smartphones or create a iPad/tablet app during 2011 • 18% would like to add iPad/tablet support to their online annual report • Shift from only voice + email to internet + apps broadens scope of possibilities

  7. MOBILE PRODUCTIVITY FOR IR • IRO’s frequently on the road • Staying on top of newsflow is challenge • Need to keep up to date with stock, peers, analyst research

  8. IR ATTITUDES TO SOCIAL MEDIA Many Investor Relations Officers (IROs) don’t use social media as part of their IR program Many IROs believe it will grow in importance

  9. INVESTOR RELATIONS CONCERNS • Compliance issues • Ensure information is in official release • Consider social media as an extension of your communication resources • Am I reaching investors and analysts? • Reaching retail investors and private client advisors • Getting message out to investment community quickly and fairly • Institutional investors and analysts use social media more than many think


  11. WHAT SHOULD IROS BE DOING? • Policy & procedure • Implement company policy regarding disclosure of work related information • Make employees aware of policy • Ensure employees are aware of relevance of their comments, use privacy controls • Monitor social media • Tools available to scan social media • Review popular customer, supplier blogs • Watch for the ‘jump’ from online only to market

  12. BRINGING TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER Technology needs to be integrated Webcasting Website traffic Social media Share ownership Investor targeting Mobile tools Roadshow activity 12

  13. DESKTOP TOOLS: MEASURING THE IMPACT OF YOUR MESSAGE News Impact Track how news mentions of your company are impacting your stock price. Analyst Assessment Know what sell-side analysts are saying about your company in their research, news and blogs, and how they are expected to revise their estimates. Smart Targets Identify your top investor opportunities & risks Social Media Monitor the sentiment about your company across traditional and social media. Website/Webcast Traffic Monitor traffic to your IR Website and latest webcast Industry Influencers Identify the top online influencers in your industry

  14. DESKTOP TOOLS: MEASURE THE IMPACT OF YOUR INVESTOR MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Webcast Traffic Monitor traffic to your latest webcast Website Traffic Understand the volume and location of visitors to your IR website News Reach How are investors reaching your website 14

  15. CONCLUSION • Rapid pace of change in Investor Relations and technology • Mobile, video, social media usage are growing fast • Increasing demands on IR officers and management teams • Technology can be an enabler, allowing IR teams to: • Communicate investment story more effectively • Track investors and analysts • Monitor feedback • Understand global financial markets

  16. Questions?

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