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POPULATION DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE (Chapter 9). 26. B) ABUNDANCE : Total Number of Individuals or Amount of Biomass in an Area. DISTRIBUTION: Entire Geographic Range. Distribution: Large Scale Saguaro Cactus ( Carneggia gigantea). 27. 26. Distribution: Large Scale

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  1. POPULATION DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE (Chapter 9) 26 B) ABUNDANCE: Total Number of Individuals or Amount of Biomass in an Area • DISTRIBUTION: Entire • Geographic Range

  2. Distribution: Large Scale Saguaro Cactus (Carneggia gigantea) 27 26

  3. Distribution: Large Scale Saguaro Cactus (Carneggia gigantea) 27 Forrest Shreve (1878-1950)

  4. Distribution: Large Scale Saguaro Cactus (Carneggia gigantea)

  5. Distribution: Large Scale Saguaro Cactus (Carneggia gigantea)

  6. Distribution: Large Scale Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum)

  7. Distribution: Large Scale Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum)

  8. Distribution: Large Scale (Zonation)

  9. Distribution: Large Scale (Zonation) 26 25 White Fir 24 Ponderosa Pine 23 Pinon Pine (Trees of the Gila National Forest) Arizona Sycamore

  10. DISTRIBUTION: Large Scale (Effect of Geologic Processes) TIGER BEETLE (Cicindela longilabris) 32 Fig. 9.3 in Molles 2006

  11. DISTRIBUTION: Large Scale (Effect of Geologic Processes) Fig. 9.4 in Molles 2006

  12. DISTRIBUTION: Large Scale Temporal Variation European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) 39

  13. 34 DISTRIBUTION: Large Scale Temporal Variation EUROPEAN STARLING (Sturnus vulgaris)

  14. DISTRIBUTION: Small Scale Pattern Fig. 9-10 in Molles 2006

  15. DISTRIBUTION: Small Scale Pattern: Regular (= Uniform) 1 Creosote (Larrea tridentata) 2

  16. DISTRIBUTION: Small Scale Pattern: Regular (= Uniform) 10

  17. DISTRIBUTION: Small Scale Pattern: Clumped 4 6 Parry’s Agave (Agave parryi)

  18. DISTRIBUTION: Small Scale Pattern: Clumped Willdebeast Cliff Swallow

  19. DISTRIBUTION: Small Scale Pattern: Clumped 12 13 Cottonwood Mistletoe (Phoradendron macrophyllum)

  20. DISTRIBUTION: Small Scale Pattern: Random Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata)

  21. DISTRIBUTION: Small Scale Pattern: Random 9

  22. DISTRIBUTION: Small Scale Temporal Variation in Pattern 3 1

  23. DISTRIBUTION: Small Scale Temporal Variation in Pattern Creosote (Larrea tridentata) Fig. 9.13 in Molles 2006

  24. DISTRIBUTION: Small Scale Mechanism for Regular Pattern 15

  25. DISTRIBUTION: Small Scale Mechanism for Regular Pattern Fig. 9.14 in Molles 2006

  26. DISTRIBUTIONS Pattern at Multiple Spatial Scales 8 7

  27. DISTRIBUTIONS Patterns at Multiple Spatial Scales 21 Christmas Bird Count (Winter) 18

  28. DISTRIBUTIONS Patterns at Multiple Spatial Scales American Crow Fish Crow 19 Fig. 9.15 in Molles 2007 Christmas Bird Count (Winter)

  29. DISTRIBUTIONS Patterns at Multiple Spatial Scales 17 Breeding Bird Survey (Summer) 18

  30. Summer Distributions Red-Eyed Vireo (Vireo olivaceus) Fig. 9.16 in Molles 2006

  31. 1 http://www.kayaklakemead.com/sitebuilder/images/creosote_bush_range- 420x305.jpg 2 http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/boga/html/Larrea.divaricata.ka.JPG 3 http://www.tarleton.edu/~range/Edwards%20Pictures%2005/ Summer2005_Slides/su05%20247%20creosote.jpg 4 http://www.starr-nursery.com/images/Agave%20parryi%20nw02.jpg 5 http://misheli.image.pbase.com/u34/pinicola/upload/34660473. 020herdpressure.jpg 6 http://wc.pima.edu/~bfiero/tucsonecology/plants/images/sw_paag01.jpg 7 http://visel.freeshell.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2006/01/cornfields.png 9 http://citybugs.tamu.edu/FastSheets/images/leafcutter_ant_mound.gif

  32. 10 http://ars.sdstate.edu/faculty/smarta/Range415/Prairie%20dog%20need%20 to%20sort%20061.jpg 11 http://k53.pbase.com/o4/29/336929/1/62896394.jfMZnmhh.T2311Swallow NestCommune.jpg 12 http://www.delange.org/MistletoeChristmas/Dsc00094.jpg 13 http://pubs.caes.uga.edu/caespubs/pubcd/images/B999images/B999-8.jpg 14 http://www.tarleton.edu/~range/Edwards%20Pictures%2005/Summer2005 _Slides/su05%20247%20creosote.jpg 15 http://www.dartmouth.edu/~ravirg/images/creosote.root.jpg 16 http://www.wildlife-fantasy.com/artwork/songbirds.jpg

  33. 17 http://www.miriameaglemon.com/photogallery/P6040258%20Floyd %20KCR.jpg 18 http://www.epa.gov/cludygxb/images/bbs-2.gif 19 http://www.coffeecreekwc.org/photos/birds/American_Crow.jpg 20 http://www.dpughphoto.com/images/fish%20crow%20ocracoke %2050906.JPG 21 http://www.challender.demon.co.uk/bird/trip/beardedt.jpg 22 http://www.truthorconsequencesnm.net/us_forest/mogollon -mts-o.jpg 23 http://www.delange.org/SycamoreArizona/Dsc00020.jpg

  34. 24 http://www.avant-gardening.com/Pinon-Pine---Pinus-edulis.jpg 25 http://z.about.com/d/forestry/1/0/d/2/pp.jpg 26 http://www.friendsofsaguaro.org/sagdistributionmaplarge. gif 27 http://wwwpaztcn.wr.usgs.gov/images/shreve.jpg 28 http://nartowicz.users.btopenworld.com/seedlings/geometricus3.jpg 29 http://www.delange.org/Saguaro/DscSag2.jpg 30 http://www.theus50.com/images/state-quarters/vermont-quarter.jpg 31 http://biology.clc.uc.edu/graphics/taxonomy/plants/spermatophyta/ angiosperms/dicotyledonae/aceraceae/sugar%20maple/JSC%209807 %20Sugar%20Maple.JPG

  35. 32 http://www.lesinsectesduquebec.com/insecta/24-coleoptera/cicindela _longilabris-1.JPG 33 http://bailey.aros.net/nature/images/European%20Starling.jpg 34 Ricklefs, R.E. and G. Miller. 2000. Ecology, 4th edition. W.H. Freeman and Co. 35 http://www.birdbuzz.com/site/images/bird_id/red_eyed_vireo.jpg 36 http://www.gdargaud.net/Antarctica/Life/ManyEmperors.jpg 37 http://www.flyingover.net/files/photos/Golden%20eagle%20%20(c)% 20Arne%20Ader.JPG 38 http://fireflyforest.net/firefly/2007/01/22/snow-in-tucson-january-of-2007/ 39 http://3quarksdaily.blogs.com/3quarksdaily/images/2007/08/29/shakespeare.jpg

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