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ATLAS : MUOn Chambers and the bis project

ATLAS : MUOn Chambers and the bis project. S. Vlachos Athens - NTU. Muon Installation Status ( 2-10-2007). 5. 4. 6. 3. 7. 2. 8. US. USA. 1. 9. 16. 10. 11. 15. Blue: completed Green: completed on one side Red partly installed. 14. 12. 13.

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ATLAS : MUOn Chambers and the bis project

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  1. ATLAS : MUOn Chambers and the bis project S. Vlachos Athens - NTU

  2. Muon Installation Status ( 2-10-2007) 5 4 6 3 7 2 8 US USA 1 9 16 10 11 15 Blue: completed Green: completed on one side Red partly installed 14 12 13 S. Vlachos NTUA

  3. A view of several Barrel chambers • BIS • BIL • BMS • BML • BOS • BOL • EIL4 S. Vlachos NTUA

  4. The Greek Muon Chambers (BIS) The three Greek Laboratories: 112 (90 BIS30 +22 BIS36) chambers ALL CHAMBERS @CERN since Sept 04 • University of Athens (UoA) Tube wiring/assembly (30,000 tubes finished Dec.2003) • National Technical University of Athens(NTUA) Quality Assurance/Quality Control of tubes (30,000 tubes finished Mar.2004) • University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) Chamber assembly (112 chambers finished April 2004) S. Vlachos NTUA

  5. …providing the servicesthe procedure • Preparation activitieshome (gas bars, cables +29 chambers at Thessaloniki) FINISHED summer 2004 • Stage 1 (Blg 184 :equip with gas bars, FC’s, HH’s+MECCA 78 chambers at CERN, test for gas leak OK) STARTED March 2004 - FINISHED Sept 2004 • Stage 2 • Noise test • Cosmic Ray test • Database S. Vlachos NTUA

  6. Blg 283 (ALL 112 CHAMBERS) Test facilities shared with BIL team S. Vlachos NTUA

  7. June 2005 S. Vlachos NTUA

  8. November 2005 S. Vlachos NTUA

  9. BIS Quality Control • Gas leak rate: each multilayer leak <10e-7 bar*l/s • Noise requirements: All channels less than 5KHz noise • 22 inactive tubes (broken wires etc) in 27648 (all) tested S. Vlachos NTUA

  10. Gas Leak Measurements S. Vlachos NTUA

  11. Noise Measurements S. Vlachos NTUA

  12. Cosmic ray tests S. Vlachos NTUA

  13. Curent BIS Status • ALL BIS muon chambers installed on time in the ATLAS experiment and have passed up to now all quality control tests with great success • All tested at Level2 (see next transp.) S. Vlachos NTUA

  14. Some Definitions of Test levels For MDT after installation in UX15: • Level 1: HV and Gas Pressure • Level 2: • LV, • DCS, JTAG init., • B-field sensors, • Alignment • Level 3: noise, pulse + COSMIC run with ‘final’ services S. Vlachos NTUA

  15. Level 2 tested chambers Mainly BIS, BIL, some BML Sector 5 and 13 182 barrel stations in total S. Vlachos NTUA

  16. Muons:Status and Prospects Sotiris Vlachos, Athens NTU

  17. Installation status: An overview S. Vlachos NTUA

  18. Completed MDT Services Tasks • All TTC fibers all the way to chambers • CANbus PS for all Barrel • Full Barrel alignment system • HV-LV DCS-PCs for Barrel (also for RPCs) • Sectors 5, 6 are completely cabled S. Vlachos NTUA

  19. Cosmic run with magnetic field • 18-20 nov. 2006 • ½ \Sector 13A • ~1MEvents • Runs with magnet off and on (@20.5KA) • Muon LVL1 trigger via ctp used S. Vlachos NTUA

  20. Magnetic field S. Vlachos NTUA

  21. Coils movement with magnet on (in mm) S. Vlachos NTUA

  22. MDT TDC spectra with magnet off and on different Tmax due to B field S. Vlachos NTUA

  23. RPC studies • Efficiency Plateau • Efficiency per plane S. Vlachos NTUA

  24. Muon spectra and ratios µ- µ+ According to P.D.G Charge ratio of cosmic ray muons is between 1.1 - 1.4 from 1 to 100 GeV Momentum in GeV Ratio of µ+ / µ- = 1.5±0.3 S. Vlachos NTUA

  25. Movement of TGC-1 • Performed on Nov. 20: • Load transfer from HO structure onto suspension frame, chariots and rails • Movement towards Muon barrel (with transfer in the middle to position wheel on IP side of chariot) S. Vlachos NTUA

  26. Hanging Points Hanging Points TGC-C-1 Big Wheel x-y plane 9.5/12 sectors have also been tested in situ with Cosmic Rays, using the final ROD S. Vlachos NTUA z-direction

  27. Installation of MDT-C Installation of the MDT-C Big Wheel • Large sectors installed between Dec. 11 and Jan 17 (8 sectors) • Small sectors installed from Jan 24 S. Vlachos NTUA

  28. Test and commissioning of MDT-C Big Wheel: alignment system • The x-y deviations are at the level of few mm, all below 10 mm • Worse case: inner ring; still within specifications ( ±2-4 mrad of nominal direction) Deviation from nominal position at the 4 corners of MDT-L chambers, in the x-y plane S. Vlachos NTUA

  29. In 2007 we should get an other news coverage A 3-D display of a cosmic muon event, showing the path …. S. Vlachos NTUA

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