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2010 年中考英语语法复习-- 连词

2010 年中考英语语法复习-- 连词. 连词在句中的作用是把词与词、短语与短语、句子与句子连接起来。它不能在句中单独作句子成分。. 并列连词和从属连词的用法: 连词是连结单词、短语、从句或句子的虚词, 在句子中不单独作句子成份。 连词按其性质可分为:. 1 、 并列连词 如 : and, or, but, for, 等, 连接并列的词与词,短语与短语,句子与句子。如: Rice and potatoes are common foods. (词与词) Today we can travel by plane. (短语与短语)

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2010 年中考英语语法复习-- 连词

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  1. 2010年中考英语语法复习--连词

  2. 连词在句中的作用是把词与词、短语与短语、句子与句子连接起来。它不能在句中单独作句子成分。

  3. 并列连词和从属连词的用法:连词是连结单词、短语、从句或句子的虚词, 在句子中不单独作句子成份。连词按其性质可分为:

  4. 1、并列连词 如:and, or, but, for, 等, 连接并列的词与词,短语与短语,句子与句子。如:Rice and potatoes are common foods. (词与词) Today we can travel by plane. (短语与短语) Many trees lose their leaves in winter, but evergreen trees do not. ( 句子与句子)

  5. 关联连词是一类成对使用的连词。 如:both……and……, not……but…….,not only……but also…… not only…but… as well either……or……, neither……nor…… 关联连词必须后接同样的语法结构。 如:Either the windows were opened or the door was opened.

  6. 2.从属连词 如:that, whether, when, because, though等, 用以引导名词性从句和状语从句。

  7. 3.从属连词引导的从句不可以被断成一个句子。 如果断开,就错了。如:When the alarm clock rang.(不完整)

  8. 4. though (although)引导让步状语从句,because 引导原因状语从句, 所以 though (although)不能和并列连词but ,because不能和并列连词 so一起使用。 只能单独使用。

  9. 连词用法例题选讲:

  10. 例1: he did not know much English,he got out his dictionary and looked up the word. • As B. For • C. Since D. Because • 答案:A。

  11. 提示:for,because和as虽皆可作连词用,表示“因为”,但用法有些区别。for引导的分句总是置于另一分句之后,常常对前一分句加以解释,两个分句之间,总是用逗号分开。because引导的原因状语从句时,往往以why问句,语气比较重,传递的往往是对方未了解的新信息。as引导的原因状语从句时,往往是对方也知道的信息。本句是他拿出词典查,显然,“他知道的英语单词不多”,这是明摆着的事,所以用as最恰当。提示:for,because和as虽皆可作连词用,表示“因为”,但用法有些区别。for引导的分句总是置于另一分句之后,常常对前一分句加以解释,两个分句之间,总是用逗号分开。because引导的原因状语从句时,往往以why问句,语气比较重,传递的往往是对方未了解的新信息。as引导的原因状语从句时,往往是对方也知道的信息。本句是他拿出词典查,显然,“他知道的英语单词不多”,这是明摆着的事,所以用as最恰当。

  12. 例2: you don't feel well,you'd better stay at home. A.Because B.Since/If C.For D.Now 答案:B。

  13. 例3:I don’t know he has received the package. A.if B.when C.what D.how many 答案:A。 提示:if表示是否,when不能与现在完成时连用。

  14. 例4:Come tomorrow, I will give it to you. A.or B.and C.though D.if 答案:B。 提示:and在此处解释为“那么”,表示递进关系。

  15. 例5:The teacherhis students likes football. A.and B.as well as C.and also D.also 答案:B。 提示:as well as 连接两个主语用靠前原则。

  16. 例6:We were having lunchsome one knocked at the door. A.as B.a soon as C.when D.while 答案:C。 提示:when在这里解释“就在那时” 。

  17. 连词用法注意的要点:

  18. (1)表示选择关系的连词,连接的双方只取其一。常用连词有or, either...or, otherwise。 例如: You can go to Beijing either today or tomorrow. You must get up early or you won’t catch the early bus.

  19. (2)表示转折关系,连接的双方构成对比,意义上有转折。常用连词有but, however, while, only。例如: His brother is fond of football while he likes basketball. You can watch TV, but you must finish your homework first.

  20. (3)表示联合关系,联合的双方是对等的,意义上趋向一致。常用连词有:and, both...and, neither...nor, not only...but also, as well as, together with。例如: To study English well, we need both diligence and careful. That horse is not only the youngest among the five, but also runs the fastest.

  21. (4)表示因果关系,连接的双方,互为因果,或者前因后果,或者前果后因。常用的连词有:for, so, therefore。例如: It must have rained, for the ground is wet. You are in the right, therefore they should support you.

  22. Homework: 用连词造句。

  23. The end! Good bye!

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