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IndOOS—a sustained ocean observing system in the Indian Ocean for climate research

IndOOS—a sustained ocean observing system in the Indian Ocean for climate research . Howard Cattle for Gary Meyers Co-Chair CLIVAR/GOOS Indian Ocean Panel (IOP). With Contributions from IOP Members. IndOOS Planning and Coordination.

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IndOOS—a sustained ocean observing system in the Indian Ocean for climate research

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  1. IndOOS—a sustained ocean observing system in the Indian Ocean for climate research • Howard Cattle • for • Gary Meyers • Co-Chair CLIVAR/GOOS • Indian Ocean Panel (IOP) With Contributions from IOP Members

  2. IndOOS Planning and Coordination • Indian Ocean Panel established in 2004 through CLIVAR AAMP afterOceanObs(1999), SOCIO Workshop (2000) and IOGOOS conference (2002) • Four meetings: • 2004 Puna IITM (Joint with AAMP) • 2005 Hobart CSIRO Marine • 2006 Honolulu IPRC • 2007 Pretoria SAWS • Meeting reports onCLIVAR website (www.clivar.org) under Indian Ocean Panel

  3. IOP IndOOS Plan 2006 “The role of the Indian Ocean in the climate system—implementation plan for sustained observations”http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/19645/ Scientific rationale and technical design --Research issues: review, questions--Basin scale mooring array --Integrated approach to moorings, Argo floats, XBT lines, surface drifters, tide gauges --Alternative observational strategies assessed by observing system simulations Input to operational prediction, both seasonal prediction and NWP

  4. Key science issues the system is aimed as addressing • Seasonal monsoon variability—the oceans role • Intraseasonal variability (e.g. MJO)—interactions and feedbacks with upper ocean • Monsoon  ENSO interactions • Indian Ocean Dipole (ENSO-like phenomenon) • Decadal variability and warming trends since the 1970s • Indonesian throughflow • General ocean circulation, ocean heat & freshwater transports and their variability Indian Ocean Dipole

  5. IndOOS plan: Multi-platform systemaround a basin-scale mooring array Key new element—mooring array: ocean obs + meteorology Argo floats 3°x 3° Drifters 5°x 5° ~20 real-time tide gauges Enhanced XBT lines to monitor Indonesian Throughflow, inflow to western boundary, Java upwelling and 10°S thermocline ridge Carbon/hydro cruise High density XBT Frequently repeated XBT Regional mooring arrays

  6. Strategy for Moored Buoy Array • Basin scale, tropical upper ocean (500 m) focus. • Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Eq. Waveguide, Thermocline ridge (5°-10°S), subtropical subduction, Java upwelling. • Does not sample western boundary currents, ITF, coastal zones. • Design supported by numerical model observing system studies. Designed by the CLIVAR/GOOS Indian Ocean Panel http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/20357/01/IOP_Impl_Plan.pdf

  7. Present status basin scale array Recent: China France NOAA 1-6 years Recent addition

  8. Argo Present Status • ~360/390north of 30°S • The challenge = sustainability

  9. Integrated IndOOS • XBT lines—all active (a few not up to recommended sampling frequency) • Data Portal—INCOIS/APDRC (distributed archive) • Process studies—CIRENE and MISMO • IOGOOS—links to coastal applications • Sustained Indian Ocean Biogeochemical and Ecological Research (SIBER)—links to enhance biogeochemical and biological oceanography

  10. Conclusion • Remarkable progress in establishing sustained observations in the Indian Ocean since 2004. IOP activities will provide data and IO/monsoon science focus activities for AMY • Remaining challenges for IndOOS • Design and enhance coverage of the subtropical region • Full implementation of the IOP plan • Engage high governmental levels and departments that can sustain the OS • Vandalism

  11. Thank you

  12. IndOOS: strategy for next 1-2 years • XBT • IX8 reactivated, monthly. IX1 enhanced to weekly. IX1&IX12 has a 6 month gap in 2006/7, now restored. Other lines ok.

  13. Indian Ocean Moored Buoy Data Assembly Center (DAC) • Modeled after TAO/ TRITON and PIRATA data processing and dissemination systems. • PMEL and JAMSTEC initial contributors. • Hosted at PMEL; potential for mirror sites outside the US. http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/tao/disdel/disdel.html

  14. Integrated IndOOS • XBT lines—all active (a few not up to recommended sampling frequency) • Data Portal—INCOIS/APDRC (distributed archive) • Process studies—CIRENE and MISMO • IOGOOS—links to coastal applications • SIBER—links to enhance biogeochemical and biological oceanography

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