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USING WRB IN MAKING THE MAP LEGEND OF ITALIAN SOIL SUBREGIONS. Edoardo A.C. COSTANTINI 1 , Simona Magini 1 , Roberto BARBETTI, Giovanni L’ABATE 1 , Maria FANTAPPIE’ 1 1 CRA-ABP, Research Centre for Agrobiology and Pedology , Florence, Italy;.

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  1. USING WRB IN MAKING THE MAP LEGEND OF ITALIAN SOIL SUBREGIONS Edoardo A.C. COSTANTINI1, Simona Magini1, Roberto BARBETTI, Giovanni L’ABATE1, Maria FANTAPPIE’1 1CRA-ABP, Research Centre for Agrobiology and Pedology, Florence, Italy;

  2. A map of the Italian soil subregions (reference scale 1:1,000,000) was created following the WRB guidelines for constructing small-scale legends(Addendum 2010 http://www.fao.org/nr/land/soils/soil/wrb-documents/en/) and using the geodatabase of Italian soil systems (reference scale 1:500,000) What have we learnt from this validation exercise?

  3. Materials and methods The “soil map of Italy”: a hierarchy of soilscapes and geodatabases Geography in collaboration with different Institutions; harmonization, semantic, and coding by CNCP

  4. Semantic of mapunits(from SOTER) • Every map unit is formed by polygons having a specific morphological pattern, 2 lithologies, 3 land cover types, and one to seven land components. • Every land component is formed by a combination of one morphological class, lithology, and land cover type, generalised according to the reference scale. • Every land component is linked to one or more soil types. Polygon Combinazione LC: morph-lith-use …………..6+1 LC LC: morph-lith-use morfometrica Pattern” di drenaggio “ 1…n STS 1…n STS 1…n STS

  5. Embedding SOTER approach into SMU/STU (Modified from Lambert et al., 2002)

  6. The soiltypologicalunit definition STU: set of soil sites, with common geographical attributes, genetic characteristics, and capability class. CODE: 62.2 VRcc1.1 (soil region, WRB 2^level, WRB 3^level, other characteristics, e.g., land use, groundwater, particle size, etc.) • elaboration • STUs were created using the Italian Soil Information System and according to regional and national datasets by: • i) selecting major typologies from regional soil services; • ii) merging similar regional typologies; • iii) grouping soil sites collected from other datasets and literature

  7. ItalianSoil Information System architecture (1) 1 1 ∞ ∞ 1 1 ∞ ∞ 1 1 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 1 1 ∞ 1 1 ∞ 1 ∞

  8. ISIS architecture (2) 1 ∞ ∞ 1 1 1 ∞ ∞ ∞ 1 1 1 ∞ ∞ ∞ 1 1 1 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 1 1 ∞ ∞ 1 1 ∞ 1

  9. Automatic elaboration and printing of the benchmark profile of a STU

  10. Automatic elaboration and printing of the modal profile of a STU Functional horizon: soil layer created by grouping genetic horizons

  11. Automaticelaboration and printing of the STUgroup - Similarsoilsoccurring in a rangeof LCsof a soilsystem - Modalclassification of STUs

  12. The national soil systems geodatabase Geography • 34 soilregions • 3,357 polygons, • 2,182 soilsystems, • 8,906 LC Soils • 1,423 STUs • 21,968 linked profiles • 5,021 profiles used for statistics

  13. Using WRB to map soils at small scales

  14. Rules • For map scales from 1 : 250 000 to 1 : 1 000 000, the RSG name plus the first three applying qualifiers of the main list is used; • The qualifiers are placed before the RSG name; the first applying qualifier stands closest to the RSG name, the second one stands in the middle; • Additional qualifiers of the main list or qualifiers of the optional list may be used in brackets behind the RSG name; • In case two or more main map unit qualifiers are listed separated by a slash (/), only the dominant one is used; • The use of the specifiers Epi- and Endo- is encouraged, where applicable.

  15. Generalization of STUs Legend classes kept genetic attributes • Es: Dystric Cambisols

  16. Geographic generalizations • The 34 original soil regions were grouped into 10 new broader soil regions • Soil regions were spitted into subregions, according to the occurrence of the 20 main soil forming processes (gleization, vertization, brunification, argilluviation, etc.) • In every polygon of the geodatabase, only the first 4 STUs were kept • Frequency of taxa in every subregion was calculated • The most recurrent taxa were put in the legend

  17. ResultsThe map of the Italian soil subregions Geography • 10 soilregions • 47 soilsubregions, Soils • 287 soil taxa with WRB 2010

  18. Nomenclature • Soil subregions of the Alps (A) • Subregion 1: Albic, Umbric, and Entic Podzol; Haplic Podzol (Skeletic); Dystric Cambisol; Umbric and Dystric Hyperskeletic Leptosol; Haplic Phaeozem; Fibric Histosol • (4 taxa of Podzols, 1 of Cambisols, 2 of Leptosols, 1 of Phaeozems, 1 of Histosols)

  19. Number of taxa in the RSG (23/32 RSG)

  20. Number of taxa in the 59 qualifiers

  21. Number of taxa in the 37 optionals

  22. Modifications to WRB 2010 Specifiers used to indicate expression: • Hyper and Hypo in addition to Epi and Endo • Eutricinstead of Hypereutric) New specifiers: • GlossalbicAlisolsand GlossalbicLuvisols • ThapthohisticThionic Fluvisol (Humic) New optionals: • EutricAndosols (Fluvic) • CalcaricCambisol (Bathicalcic)

  23. Modifications to WRB 2010 From optional to qualifier: • EutrosilicAndosols instead of EutricAndosols (Eutrosilic) • CalcaricLeptosols instead of EutricLeptosols (Calcaric) Using both qualifier with slash: • SkeleticLepticCambisols • SkeleticLepticRegosols

  24. Conclusions • Great soil variability in every polygon • Utmost endemic nature of many taxa • Difficulty to estimate the actual coverage of taxa: legend showed taxa recurrent in the LCs, rather than dominant • Guidelines for small-scale map legends using WRB only needed few integrations

  25. Acknowledgments • BADASUOLI research project (Italian Ministry for the Agriculture, Forestry and Food Policies, • With the collaboration of the Soil Services of all Italian regions and the Universities of Palermo, Perugia, Roma, Sassari, Torino, Venezia

  26. Web-GIS http://aginfra-sg.ct.infn.it/webgis/cncp/public/ Thank you for listening

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