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Post War problems 9.1

Post War problems 9.1. border disputes, ethnic rivalries, militarism, harsh treaty, revenge, weak League of Nations, isolationism , economic crises & rise of extremists. German’s Can’t Pay after WWI. Germany unable to make reparations payment .

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Post War problems 9.1

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  1. Post Warproblems 9.1 border disputes, ethnic rivalries, militarism, harsh treaty, revenge, weak League of Nations, isolationism, economic crises & rise of extremists.

  2. German’s Can’t Pay after WWI • Germany unable to make reparations payment. • France sent troops to occupy the Ruhr Valley to take German wealth from this industrial & mining center. • Germany paid workers NOT to work for French and used newly printed currency • runaway inflation.)

  3. German mark became worthless • (1 dollar = 4, 200, 000, 000, 000 marks! Money carried in wheelbarrows!)

  4. Discuss • How does inflation hurt people even if they have saved a lot of money over their lives?

  5. Plans to ease German Problems • Dawes Planreduced reparations- smaller payments • French left German Territory • Treaty of Locarno= Cooperation between Germany & France. • Germany joined League of Nations in 1926. • Kellogg-Briand Pact = agreement among 63 nations to “outlaw” war, but had no enforcement provisions.

  6. The Great Depression • started in the mid-1920s with the worldwide overproduction of farm products and the lower prices and profits for farmers. • Then in October, 1929 the U.S. stock market “crashed,” investors panicked, pulled their money out of Europe, • sold their U.S. stocks at cut-rate prices, • banks closed, • industry declined, • unemployment & numbers of homeless • rose throughout the western world.

  7. White Boards • 1. Which agreement outlawedWar? • 2. Which agreement made it easier for germans to pay back debt?

  8. RISE OF DICTATORS • Discouraged masses began following dictatorial political leaders who offered “simple solutions” to problems. • The democratic Weimar Republic of Germany faced numerous problems = no outstanding leaders, runaway inflation, and the Great Depression, led to rise of extremists.

  9. White Boards • What 3 dictators rose and from what country were they?

  10. Gov Response • Govts. lowerdwages and raising protective tariffs, made economies worse. • protective tariffs-tax on imports so people buy local goods • Govts. Spent more money to help give people jobs • The countries became more in debt

  11. Marxist ideas supported • Renewed interest among workers and intellectuals in Marxist (i.e. Bolshevik, Communist) doctrines, which predicted the collapse of capitalism.

  12. Great Britain • Great Britain’s economic problems led Britons to vote out Labour Party & vote in the Conservative Party, • used balanced budgets & protective tariffs, so depression continued. • Did not spend money or go into debt to help create jobs for the poor • Conservatives rejected the doctrines of economist John Maynard Keynes. Deficit Spending • “spend their way out of depressions” by putting people to work in public works programs, • People would have jobs and start to buy goods increasing the economy • Problem is the nations would be in debt

  13. THE US • The conservative Herbert Hoover was voted out of office and Franklin D. Roosevelt became president

  14. FDR’s Actions against Dep • New Deal • Public works programs to give people jobs • Welfare system to give poor money to buy food • Social Security act to give elderly pay once they retire • Programs do bring US into debt but more people had money in pocket • economy didn’t fully recover until WWII demand increased production of goods

  15. Summary Question • How did Germany suffer after WWI and what things were done to try to help them out? • What differences were there in how the US and GB dealt with the great depression?

  16. 9.2 Mussolini(fascist) & Stalin(communist) • Benito Mussolini became dictator of Italy as head of the Fascist Party • (anti-individualism, pro-totalitarianism, pro-militarism, one-party rule, single leader)

  17. Postwar Italy • faced severe economic difficulties and middle class feared a Communist takeover. • Mussolini formed armed Fascists (squadristi, Blackshirts) to attack Socialist offices & newspapers and to break up strikes. • Business & large landowners supported Mussolini.(wealthy)

  18. Discuss • Why did a bad economy bring an increase of socialism and communism? • Why would people of the middle class and the elite fear communism?

  19. Anger amongst Italians • Italians were angry that they didn’t receive more land after WWI • Mussolini demanded more land for Italy with his patriotic and nationalistic speeches.

  20. March on Rome • Fascists threatened to march on Rome, so King Victor Emmanual III made Mussolini the prime minister. • “Il Duce” created a dictatorship • Ended Freedom of the press, • made laws by decree, • had one-party rule, • gave police unrestricted authority and created the OVRA (secret police.)

  21. White Boards • Why did the king give power to Mussolini?

  22. Fascist Goals • Fascism blind faith in leader, country, & a clear class system • Fascist youth group goal to create a new generation • fit, disciplined and militaristic. • School texts were re-written w. Fascist propaganda. • Fascists held onto traditional roles of women as homemakers and mothers. • Mussolini however, was unable to create a true totalitarian state like Hitler or Stalin

  23. White Board • What was the point of starting fascist youth groups?

  24. Church & State United • Lateran Accords = Mussolini’s compromise agreement w. the Catholic Church • He granted the sovereignty of Vatican City, money to the church and the recognition of Catholicism as the official state religion. • In return the pope urged Italians to support the Fascists.

  25. Soviet Union • Soviet Union (Russia) = lost World War I, suffered civil war & communism, famine & industrial collapse.

  26. White BOard • In a communist country who controls business and how is money distributed?

  27. Lenin and N.E.P. saves Soviet Economy • New Economic. Policy (N.E.P.) • Capitalism-People could start small business for profits(without Gov Control) • Communism-heavy industry, banks, and mines remained in hands of govt.

  28. Lenin Died in 19 24 • Stalin and Leon Trotsky fight each other for power

  29. Struggle for Power of Soviet Union • Trotsky’s group wanted to end the NEP & push for rapid industrialization & worldwide communist revolution. • Stalin’s group wanted to continue NEP, slower industrialization, build socialist state at home. • Stalin was the General Secretary of the Communists, who appointed party officials. • Stalin Appointed those who favored him into government. • Trotsky was expelled from the party and murdered while in exile in Mexico.

  30. Discuss • How dis Stalin's position help him take power

  31. Stalin Takes Power • Joseph Stalin’s real name = Dzhugashvili, adopted name “Stalin” (man of steel.) • Robbed bank for Bolshevik party. He was a good organizer • In 1928 he launched his first Five-Year Plan(economic goals for five-year periods.) • It emphasized maximum production of arms, capital goods, oil & steel production.

  32. Industrial and Agricultural growth • Urban workers lived in crowded gov apartments • Propaganda stressed need for individuals to sacrifice for the socialist state. • Collectivization of agriculture = private farms eliminated, govt. took land, people work for the state. • Hoarding of food and slaughter of livestock led famines of 1932 & 33 (10 million peasants died.)

  33. White BOard • List one similarity between Fascism and Communism and one difference

  34. Great Purge • Stalin’s quest for power and paranoid personality led him to remove all opponents (imagined or real.) Old Bolsheviks targeted. • Eight million Russians were arrested, subjected to mock trials and forced “confessions”, sent to labor camps (gulags) in Siberia and/or executed.

  35. Big Questions • ¼ page- Assess how Mussolini took power and what changes did he bring. • ¼ page- Assess how Stalin took power and what changes did he bring.

  36. Spanish Civil War • General Francisco Francooverthrew the republican govt. w. the help of the fascist regimes of Italy & Germany and set up a dictatorship which supported clergy and the rich. • The Soviets and international volunteers unsuccessfully aided the republicans.

  37. Spain became testing ground for new weapons & strategies of the Luftwaffe (German Air Force.) Pablo Picasso’s painting of “Guernica” reflected the suffering caused by the bombings.

  38. Chapter 9, Section 3 HITLER • Adolf Hitler born in Austria, failed secondary school, rejected by art school in Vienna. • He was an ultra-nationalist (German “master race of Aryans”), anti-Semitic racist, anti-communist, militarist and expansionist • Gifted orator who effectively used the political party, propaganda and terror.

  39. White Board • Why can Nationalism be bad?

  40. Hitler in WWI • He fought for four years on the western front, was wounded • believed that the surrender of Germany had been a “stab in the back” by liberals.

  41. Starts the Nazi Party • joined a right-wing extremist party in Munich • took complete control and renamed Nazi party. • Its militia, known as the Storm Troops or Brown shirts, used brutal force vs. opponents. • Uprising crushed Hitler was imprisoned, where he wrote Mein Kampf, • Wrote of German Superiority and need for more living space(Lebensraum)

  42. Nazi Party Grows • realized that Nazis would have to come to power through legal means. • After prison, he greatly expanded his party’s membership throughout Germany. • By 1932, the Nazis were largest political party in the Reichstag.

  43. White BOard • What group in the US makes Laws like the Reichstag did in Germany

  44. Unemployment and depression made extremists more popular. Right-wing elites looked to Hitler. • He was a charismatic orator, “When the speech was over, there was roaring enthusiasm and applause… men look up to him… as their helper, their savior, their deliverer from unbearable distress.”

  45. Hitler Takes Power • In 1933, President Hindenburg appointed Hitler as chancellor. • The Reichstag building was burned and a communist was arrested. • Hitler responded with the “legal seizure”of govt. with Enabling Act. It allowed Hitler to ignore the constitution for 4 years. • Government jobs were purged of Jews and democrats. • Concentration camps created for opponents. • all other political parties made illegal.

  46. Discuss • Why is it said that Hitler did not break the rules to take power

  47. Hitler Becomes Dictator • Hindenburg died in 1934, presidency was abolished & Hitler became dictator. • Public officials and soldiers required to pledge total loyalty to him as “Fuhrer.” • Nazi goal was create a totalitarian Aryan racial state of the Third Reich, which was to rule for 1,000 yrs!

  48. Discuss This Quote • Then every activity and every need of every individual will be regulated… by the party… there are no longer any free realms in which the individual belongs to himself… The time of personal happiness is over.” (Hitler)

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