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The New Look of WIC

The New Look of WIC. Why the Changes? . WIC is focusing on. Health Outcomes Healthy People 2010 Objectives Dietary Guidelines for Americans Breastfeeding Promotion & Support Childhood Obesity Prevention Chronic Disease Prevention. Focusing on Health Outcomes. Pregnant Women:

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The New Look of WIC

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  1. The New Look of WIC

  2. Why the Changes? WIC is focusing on... • Health Outcomes • Healthy People 2010 Objectives • Dietary Guidelines for Americans • Breastfeeding Promotion & Support • Childhood Obesity Prevention • Chronic Disease Prevention

  3. Focusing on Health Outcomes • Pregnant Women: Deliver a healthy full term infant while maintaining optimum health • Breastfeeding & PostpartumWomen: Achieve optimum health during childbearing years, reduce risk factors for chronic diseases

  4. Focusing on Health Outcomes • Infants: Achieve optimum growth & development and develop a foundation for healthy eating practices • Children: Same as infant, plus...acquire dietary & lifestyle habits associated with a lifetime of good health

  5. Breastfeeding Promotion & Support Breastfeeding lays the foundation for a lifetime of good health…

  6. Breastfeeding Promotion & Support… It’s What We Do • Staff trained in breastfeeding counseling • Nationally recognized peer counseling program: “Loving Support through Peer Counseling” • Breast pumps and other assistance • Mother’s very own website: www.breastfeedingpartners.org

  7. Breastfeeding Trends Among NYS WIC Participants as Reported at Hospital Discharge 1993 - 2004 BF coordinator hired Enhanced Peer Counseling Programs funded Alternative peer counseling program CLC Training and Beyond the Basics Peer counseling Breast pumps Exclusive BF package

  8. Breastfeeding Promotion & Support • WIC follows the AAP recommendation that breastfeeding should continue 1 year & beyond • WIC food packages positively reinforce exclusive breastfeeding

  9. New WIC Food PackagesTime for A Change Released April 2005

  10. History of Food Package Changes • In 2003, USDA Food & Nutrition Service (FNS) contracted with the IOM to review the WIC Food Packages. • USDA charged IOM to consider the supplemental nature of WIC and provide recommendations that were: • Culturally suitable • Non burdensome to administration • Efficient for nationwide distribution and vendor check-out • Cost neutral

  11. IOM Preliminary Recommendations for WIC Food Package • Reduce prevalence of inadequate & excessive nutrient intakes. • Be consistent with Dietary Guidelines for Americans. • Be consistent with established dietary recommendations for infants and children less than 2 years of age. • Provide and encouragement and support for breastfeeding.

  12. IOM recommended the New Food Package also: • Be suitable for low income persons considering transportation, storage and cooking facilities • Be readily acceptable, widely available and commonly consumed • Consider cultural preferences • Maintain cost neutrality.

  13. USDA Rule Timeline • Based on IOM recommendations, USDA issued the Proposed Rule in February 2006. • Over 46,000 comments were submitted. • After considering comments, USDA issued Interim Rule in December 2007. • Interim Rule carries full force of final rule, but allows for comments. • Comments due to USDA by February 2010.

  14. NYS WIC Implemented New Food Package January 2009

  15. Additions to NYS WIC Food Packages • Vegetables and Fruits • Baby Food (vegetables, fruits, meats) • Milk substitutes (tofu, soy beverage) • Canned legumes • More fish choices • Whole grains

  16. Reductions to NYS WIC Food Packages • Infant Formula amounts • Maximum formula amounts for partially breastfed infants • Eggs, Milk and Juice • Allowed cheese substitution

  17. Foods eliminated in NYS WIC Food Packages • Juice for infants • Whole & 2% milk for participants over age two. • Low iron formulas

  18. Women/InfantsFully Breastfeeding • Packages provide increased intakes of calcium, fiber, and other essential nutrients. • More food for the mother and baby than all other food packages.

  19. Women/Infants Partially Breastfeeding • Partial breastfeeding option is available; only one can of formula issued for the first month • Food package is adjusted according to the amount of formula the infant receives

  20. Mothers/Infants Fully Formula Fed • WIC provides a pre-determined monthly allotment of infant formula • Quantities of formula are adjusted according to the growth needs of the infant

  21. Foods for the Infant • At 6 months of age all infants will receive baby cereal and jars of baby vegetables & fruit • Exclusively breastfed infants will also be provided jars of baby meats.

  22. Reducing the Risk of Chronic Disease

  23. Providing Foods Lower in Fat • Only 1% or skim milk for age 2 & older • Low fat cheese is available as an option

  24. Providing Foods Higher in Fiber • Whole grain breads, cereals & other options available

  25. Increasing Consumption of Vegetables&Fruits • Fresh, canned or frozen vegetables & fruits are provided in the food package

  26. Responding to Cultural Preferences • Brown rice, soft corn or whole grain tortillas, bulgur can be substituted for bread • Calcium set tofu or soy milk can be substituted for cows milk

  27. Other Changes • Canned fish choices: Salmon, sardines, or tuna • Canned legumes: Beans or peas (as an alternative to dried beans or peas)

  28. Participant Centered Nutrition Education

  29. Together… We Make a Difference

  30. References and additional resources: NYS Department of Health (2008) New Food Packages, Introduction, History and Background [PowerPoint Slides] NYS Department of Health (2008) WIC Foods Presentation [PowerPoint Slides] Institute of Medicine (2005) WIC Food Packages: Time for a Change. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. New York State Department of Health website: http://www.health.state.ny.us USDA website: http://www.usda.gov/ Interim Rule on WIC Food Packages: http://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/regspublished/foodpackages-interimrule.htm

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