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General Music

General Music. Day One. Bell Work How To. Always LABEL you bell work with the date. You may use the same page for several of your bell works. ALWAYS use at least THREE complete sentences to answer the question. Save your bell work for bell work check in’s .

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General Music

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  1. General Music Day One

  2. Bell Work How To • Always LABEL you bell workwith the date. • You may use the same page for several of your bell works. • ALWAYS use at least THREE complete sentences to answer the question. • Save your bell work for bell work check in’s. • If you miss class, you may go onto Mrs V’s website to get the missed bell work question. It is YOUR responsibility to get the bell work completed.

  3. Bell Work #1 • Name one kind of music that you like. • Using five descriptive words, describe the music that you like. • Tell me why do you like this kind of music?

  4. Planner: • “All About Me Worksheet” Due Tomorrow

  5. Today I will learn: • Mrs. V’s classroom expectations and procedures. • I will show Mrs. V what I know about music notes and rests

  6. Mrs. V’s Classroom Expectations & Procedures

  7. Mrs. V’s Likes • Complete Sentences. • Raise your hand to speak. • Raise your hand to leave your seat.

  8. Mrs. V’s Dislikes • Feet on the chairs. • Missing assignments. • Talking out of turn.

  9. Supplies needed every day: • General music folder & notebook (exploratory) • Pencil & pen • Planner • Novel • Homework for another class

  10. Expectations • Be on time. Time of the entire class is wasted when students come late. School policy dictates that too many unexcused lateness will affect grades.

  11. Expectations • There will be times when one section must work with Mrs V alone and others must either read a book or work independently on homework. Please make sure you are absolutely quiet when you are not working.

  12. Expectations • Effort, Effort, Effort!!! The best way to learn about music is to listen and try. It is true that there is strength in numbers. • If you are unsure of something that we are working on, simply ask. Asking questions is the sign of an inquisitive mind, not a weak one!

  13. Expectations • When I am talking or giving instruction, it is crucial that you listen. I don’t talk simply to hear the sound of my own voice.  Very often it is to give a hint or instruction that will help the whole group or to ask a question that furthers our understanding of the music.

  14. Classroom Misbehavior Procedures • Warning & loss of daily points • Warning, loss of daily points, and conference after class • Infraction and communication home • Detention to be served with Mrs V. • Meeting with MrsV., parents, and Mr. Charron

  15. Procedures • What do I do when I come in the room? • Mrs V. will shake your hand at the door. • Place your belonging under your seat and begin your bell work in your chorus/ general music notebook. You can find bell work on the board. • Sharpen pencils (if you need to). You may NOT sharpen pencils during instruction time.

  16. Procedures • What if I don’t know how to shake someone’s hand? • Extend your right hand • Look the other person in the eye • Smile • Shake hands firmly

  17. HALL PASS: Bathroom, Drink, Locker This hall pass may be used ONCE during the quarter. Procedures NAME: _______________________________ Teacher: Van Der Sloot • What do I do if I need to leave the room? • You may use your once a quarter hall pass ONE time for bathroom or locker needs. Present your pass to Mrs V. along with your planner—already filled out in pen. • Mrs V will sign your planner. Mrs V. must sign your planner for you to leave the room. • You must take your planner with you.

  18. Procedures • Bell Work: • All classes will start with a bell work activity. • You are expected to use your general music bell work sheet to complete these tasks.

  19. Procedures • What do I do if I forget my general music bell work sheet? • You may borrow a piece of paper from the classroom supplies station or a neighbor. • In order to receive credit for the work completed, you will need to place this paper in your general music folderand make sure your name and class period is on your paper.

  20. Procedures • What do I do if I forget my pencil or paper? • First, you are unprepared, Mrs V. will make note of it. • You may borrow a pencil from the classroom supplies by leaving collateral (ID). • After three unprepared incidents, you will be asked to complete music room work with Mrs V outside of the school day.

  21. Procedures • What if Mrs V wants to get our attention? • Mrs V. Will clap a pattern or do a vocal percussion pattern when I would like to get your attention. • You should stop what you are doing, look to where Mrs V is, and repeat the pattern (s) back to her. • Quietly listen for further instruction.

  22. Procedures • What if I want to know what we are doing for the day? • Mrs V. will place the agenda on the left hand side of the board. • Announcements will be on the right hand side of the board. • Homework boards are to the right and left of the white board.

  23. Procedures • What if I have a question or would like to make a comment? • If you are receiving instructions, please wait until all information is given to you. • Raise your hand.

  24. Procedures • What if the fire alarm goes off when I am in the music room? • Remain CALM! • Exit either door and take a right– towards the High School. • Exit the doors near the boy’s locker room. • Walk slowly across the parking lot towards the Rec Center– watch for cars! • Meet outside the Rec Center until the all clear is given.

  25. Procedures • What if there is a visitor in our classroom? • Stay focused on the activity or work you are participating in. • Mrs V. will introduce the visitor to you when time allows.

  26. Procedures • What do I do if I am tardy? • Give Mrs V. your tardy slip (if you have one) and have a seat. • Mrs V will mark you tardy-excused.

  27. Procedures • Where can I find the assignments posted? • Assignments will be listed next to the class bulletin boards. • You will have to write these down in your planner.

  28. Procedures • What if I miss class? • Assignments are posted and available on her website.

  29. Procedures • What are the procedures for team work? • Follow the activity steps listed in your instructions. • You are responsible for your own job and the results of the team. • If you have a question, ask your team members first. If no one can answer a question, appoint one person to raise a hand to ask Mrs V. for assistance. • You must be willing to help if a team member needs it.

  30. Procedures • What if Mrs V is not working with my group? • Mrs V. will give you instructions for participation; this does not mean you have “free time.”

  31. Procedures • What do I do if you finish my work early? OPTIONS: • Read a book, • Prepare for your next assignment • Work on your vocabulary or music theory, • Make up any missing work

  32. Procedures • What do I do if I need extra help, have a personal concern, or would like to request a conference? • Speak with Mrs V before or after class or school.

  33. Procedures • What do I do if I "forget" to do my homework? • Do your homework as soon as possible and turn it in. • If you need assistance, please ask Mrs V • You may receive some credit for late work.

  34. Procedures • What do I do if there is an overhead announcement? • Stop working/ talking and remain quiet to listen to the announcment.

  35. Procedures • What do I do before I leave the room at the end of class? • When Mrs V says it is ok, put your work away and return to your seat. • Mrs V dismisses the class, not the bell. • Take all of your belongings and quietly leave when Mrs V. gives you permission.

  36. Music Notation Pre-Test

  37. Day One Homework Due tomorrow: All about me worksheet

  38. Day One Exit Q & A *Use the back of your bell work sheet • 1. What should you do if the fire alarm goes off and you are in the music room? • 2. What should you do when you enter Mrs. V’s classroom?

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