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The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information

The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information. Registry Information Session. January 24, 2006. Agenda. Pipeline Split Lockdown for APMC Volumes General Registry Questions GCA Project Status Update Allowable Costs Workshop Overview AC2 AC3 AC4 AC5 Queries

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The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information

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  1. The Petroleum Registry of AlbertaEnergizing the flow of information Registry Information Session January 24, 2006

  2. Agenda • Pipeline Split Lockdown for APMC Volumes • General Registry Questions • GCA Project Status Update • Allowable Costs Workshop • Overview • AC2 • AC3 • AC4 • AC5 • Queries • Notifications • Reports • Other Learning Tools

  3. Pipeline Split Lockdown for APMC Volumes • Effective April 2006 Production • Pipeline splits for the following subtypes of facilities will be locked at the APMC deadline. • 207 - Oil Pipelines • 209 - NEB Oil Pipelines • 671 - Terminals • 672 - NEB Terminals • 673 - Third Party Terminals

  4. Pipeline Split Lockdown for APMC Volumes • Locking means • A missed or late APMC volume can only be reported for Crown Royalty purposes using the TAOC ADD function. or • The pipeline or terminal operator must open the split if other shippers need to be reported in addition to the APMC’s volume.

  5. Pipeline Split Lockdown for APMC Volumes • Timing of the Locking • The APMC deadline is published on the Registry calendar, generally the 13th day after the month of production. • Locking will occur at Registry close (9:00 p.m.) on that day.

  6. Pipeline Split Lockdown for APMC Volumes • Reason for Locking • The APMC deadline has always been, approximately the 13th day after the month of production for filing 120 & 121 forms (TAOC). • When the Registry was implemented the locking of APMC data was delayed to allow industry extra time to understand the new reporting requirements in the Registry.

  7. Pipeline Split Lockdown for APMC Volumes • Reason for Locking-con’t • While Registry submissions of TAOC records are extracted by the APMC on the 13th, Industry is currently able to delete and change records until the EUB deadline approximately the 18th day after the month of production. • Changes to these APMC extracted records (deletions in particular) have caused reconciliation issues for the APMC and Industry. • Locking the data will ensure less reconciliation is required and enforce the APMC reporting rules.

  8. General Registry Questions

  9. GCA Project Update

  10. GCA Project Update • Phase II of the Project (Allowable Costs, AC2-5) remains on schedule. • Currently undergoing final phases of Acceptance Testing. • Implementation Date for AC2-5 has been set for Registry Opening, Tuesday February 7th, 2006. • Related Registry Training modules are also on schedule: • AC2 – by January 31, 2006 • AC3 – by January 31, 2006 • AC4 – implemented January 23, 2006 • AC5 – implemented January 23, 2006

  11. Allowable Costs Overview

  12. Allowable Costs Overview • As of October 11, 2005 the Registry is the only methodology for AC1 submissions. • AC2 to AC5 submissions to the Registry will commence February 7, 2006. • The DOE will discontinued accepting paper submissions from operators for the AC2 to AC5 effective January 15, 2006. This will allow the DOE to process all data to prepare for conversion. • AC3 and AC5 paper filings will continue to be accepted from non-operators only. • Business rules are unchanged. • Current penalties for non-compliance are unchanged.

  13. Allowable Costs Overview – con’t • Registry screens for the AC forms are consistent with approach used on previous paper forms. • Data in DOE systems is the ‘data of record’. A confirmed file will be sent to the Registry once the DOE has validated and confirmed the submission. • Data input to the Registry can be performed online or by batch using xml or csv files .

  14. Allowable Costs Overview – con’t • There are multiple versions of each of the AC2 to AC5 forms. • The Registry will present the appropriate version based on the year that is being edited. • AC2 • V2 – 1997 – 2003 • V3 – 2004 Onwards • AC3 • V1 – prior 2004 • V2 – 2004 onwards • AC4 • V1 – prior 2004 • V2 – 2004 onwards • AC5 • V1 – 1997 - 2003 • V2 – 2004 onwards

  15. Allowable Costs Overview – con’t • The FCC Operator or Royalty Client completes an AC form in the Registry: • Submissions can be completed by batch upload using a .CSV or .xml file or by keying the information online. • For more information on batch uploads see Job Aid GCA Upload Specifications document in the Registry Training System.

  16. Allowable Costs Overview – con’t • The Registry validates the submission, based on edits within the Registry • All errors must be corrected prior to the file being sent to the DOE. • This record is saved in the Registry as a Unconfirmed record. • If the Unconfirmed record is for a new FCC you cannot edit or query until the Confirmed record is received from the DOE. • If the Unconfirmed record is for an edit it can only be viewed on the Edit screen by the BA that submitted the record, but not queried.

  17. Allowable Costs Overview – con’t • Once validated the submission will be forwarded to the DOE for their validation and approval. • When the DOE accepts an AC form request or change • The file is stored in the Registry as a Confirmed record and a notification is sent by e-mail to the operator. • The operator can now edit or query. • An owner listed in the AC form can also query.

  18. Allowable Costs Overview – con’t • When the DOE rejects an AC form request or edit: • The file is stored in the Registry as a Rejected record and a notification is sent by e-mail to the operator. There will also be a DOE Report in Ministry Invoices and Statements that identifies the reason for the rejection. • This record is like an Unconfirmed record, it can only be viewed in the Edit screen by the submitting BA.

  19. Allowable Costs Overview – con’t Processing Times: • Registry • Processing of submissions is completed in near real time. • DOE • The DOE workflow response time for an AC1 Setup is 4 hours (e.g. if the request is submitted in the morning, a response will be received in the afternoon; if a request is submitted in the afternoon, a response will be received the following morning based on DOE business hours).

  20. Allowable Costs Overview – con’t Processing Times: • For all other AC form submissions, the DOE response will be received the next business day (based on DOE business hours). • Exception is when the DOE is processing their invoice: • All submissions will continue to be processed by the Registry and submitted to DOE. However they will be held by the DOE until the invoice run is complete. • DOE Gas Royalty Invoice Run time period refers to the specific activities surrounding the monthly generation of the Gas Royalty Crown Invoice.    This generally encompasses the 16th to 23rd of each month (including non-business days), however can vary by 1-2 days, depending on the month.

  21. Allowable Cost Workshop“Step-by-step” Review

  22. Allowable Costs WorkshopAgenda AC2 – Capital Cost Allowance AC3 - Capital Cost Allowance and Custom Processing Volume Reallocations AC4 - Operating Costs AC5 - Custom Processing Fees Paid Queries Notifications Reports Other Learning Tools

  23. Allowable Costs AC2- Capital Cost Allowance This form is used to report changes in allowable costs for an FCC, as well as the calculation and allocation of Capital Cost Allowance for an FCC in a production year. An AC2 must be filed on or before April 30th of the year following the production year to which the form pertains. Failure to file the AC2 by its due date incurs a penalty of $100 per month, or part of a month, until the form is received.

  24. 001019

  25. AFE042 Booster Compressor

  26. AFE042 Booster Compressor 63568 82.24256

  27. AFE042 Booster Compressor 63568 West 91.38062 1514.9 17595.5

  28. AFE042 Booster Compressor 63568 91.38062

  29. AFE042 Booster Compressor 63568 82.24256 0ZR2 9.13806 1514.9 17595.5

  30. Allowable Costs AC3 – Capital Cost Allowance and Custom Processing Volume Reallocations Used by a royalty client that has been allocated capital cost allowance or custom processing volumes at an FCC to make a further allocation to one or more royalty clients. Must be filed on or before May 15th of the year following the production year to which the form pertains. No penalty if an AC3 is not filed. Capital cost and custom processing volume reallocations will not be made.

  31. 001029

  32. AB01 10

  33. Allowable Costs AC4 – Operating Costs Used to report the allowable operating costs for an FCC tied to a designated facility a processing FCC tied to a non-designated facility (i.e., a sweet or sour gas plant) for a production year. Must be filed on or before March 31st of the year following the production year to which the form pertains. Failure to file the the due date incurs a penalty of $200 per year

  34. 001019

  35. 9000 AUDIT ADJUSTMENT 1000

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