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World Without Boundaries

World Without Boundaries. Crossing Boundaries. Essential Questions. Comparing regions, how do gender issues change / stay the same? Examine statistical data regarding global warming climate models in relation to vulnerable coastal regions.

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World Without Boundaries

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Presentation Transcript

  1. World Without Boundaries Crossing Boundaries

  2. Essential Questions • Comparing regions, how do gender issues change / stay the same? • Examine statistical data regarding global warming climate models in relation to vulnerable coastal regions. • How do NGOs impact the quality of life in the developed and non-developed world?

  3. Gender Traditions & Challenges FEMINISM & EQUAL RIGHTS • Women demand: • Equality in workplace • Control of their bodies & reproduction • Birth Control • Impetus to avoiding ‘biological destiny’

  4. Gender Equality in China • Communism improves legal status • Still struggle despite laws • One-child Policy forces • Abandonment girl of babies • Infanticide of girl babies • Adoption outside China • Asian traditional patriarchal society devalues girl babies

  5. India 75% illiteracy 1980 700 ‘official’ dowry deaths 1983 alone Pakistan Arab & Muslim women Access to education 500 husbands set fire to wives 1994-1997 Gender Abuse in South Asia

  6. Women Leaders in South Asia • U.N. > • Decade of Women Program 1975 • India & Pakistan • Indira Gandhi – India • Benazir Bhutto – Pakistan • Sri Lanka • Chandrika B. Kumaratunga

  7. Aung San SuuKyi [American] Nobel Peace Prize 1991 [while under house arrest] • Myanmar [opposition to communist government]

  8. Report To Club of Rome

  9. Population Growth • Increased 500M in 1650- • 2.5B 1950 • Asia & Africa postwar population explosions • 5.5 B 1994 U.N. estimate: 700 B = 2150 people.eku.edu/ritchisong/317notes3.html

  10. Planet’s Capacity Club of Rome 1972 “Limits to Growth” [1500] Scientists warning 1992 “Warning of Humanity” Environmental Impact Threaten biodiversity Effect on biosphere Greenhouse gasses = global warming Effect on climate Global Impact

  11. “Warning to Humanity”

  12. Image 1: Jakobshavn Glacier Retreat 2001-2004 Greenland’s Jakobshavn Glacier, the fastest moving glacier in the world, has retreated approximately 7 km in the past three years, which is believed to have contributed to a rapid acceleration of the glacier. Click on image to view animation. Credit: NASA/USGS www.nasa.gov/.../lookingatearth/icecover2.html

  13. A Compendium of Data on Global Change. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tenn

  14. Last updated on Thursday, December 20th, 2007. http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/science/futureslc_fig1.html

  15. Some Third World Leaders: Promote growth as source of national power Other Leaders: Promote reduction of birthrate for economic stability [China/India] U.N. agencies: Aid with family planning programs U.S. denies funds for this purpose Population Control

  16. Internal Migrations Rural to urban flows Transition difficult on migrants ExternalMigrations: 13 M into Europe 10 M into U.S. Oil producing nations Over half are migrants 130 M live outside country of citizenship Patterns of Migration

  17. Problems For Migrants • Migrants enrich society but spark hostility • Fear they will undermine national identity • Some viewed as competitors for jobs • Xenophobia leads to violence & racial tensions

  18. Mass Tourism Industrialization root Affluence makes it fashionable 20th C. leisure travel Post WW2 > packaged tours Single largest industry Cultural Impact Global worldview Exposure to diversity Leads to revival of indigenous cultural traditions Cross Cultural Travelers

  19. NG0 NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION Red Cross International humanitarian agency The United Nations International association of sovereign nations Resolution of global problems International Organizations

  20. Human Rights Watch N.G.O.

  21. SomalyMam of Cambodia embraces former EU Comissioner Emma Bonino at an awards ceremony in 1998. Mam, a former Cambodian sex slave turned activist,

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