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Growing OPeNDAP Support: Current ArcGIS Workflows and Future Directions

Growing OPeNDAP Support: Current ArcGIS Workflows and Future Directions. Christine White, Esri cwhite@esri.com. Overview. ArcGIS. Natural Science Domains. Geology/Geophysics. Climate Science. Agricultural Science. Conservation Biology. Sustainability Science. Forestry. Ecology.

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Growing OPeNDAP Support: Current ArcGIS Workflows and Future Directions

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  1. Growing OPeNDAP Support: Current ArcGISWorkflows and Future Directions Christine White, Esri cwhite@esri.com

  2. Overview

  3. ArcGIS

  4. Natural Science Domains Geology/Geophysics ClimateScience AgriculturalScience Conservation Biology Sustainability Science Forestry Ecology Hydrology Ocean Science

  5. Ocean GIS Initiative esriurl.com/oceanebook Chief Scientist Project Managers Software Engineers Product Engineers Account Managers Industry Solutions Managers Distributors Federal Science Team YOU

  6. esriurl.com/multid Vector Field Renderer to display direction/magnitude symbols on the fly within a raster… Support for multiple dimensions in WMS implementation of ArcGIS for Server… OpenDAP, netCDF, HDF, GRIB1, GRIB2… Visualization source: U. of New Hampsire CCOM

  7. The ArcGISPlatform Apps APIs & SDKs ArcGIS Desktop ArcGIS • For • Enterprises • Organizations • Developers • Individuals ArcGIS for Server with Portal ArcGIS Online

  8. Current ArcGIS Capabilities for DAP

  9. Mapping, Editing, and Spatial Analysis Tools in the Desktop software 3D Extensions Network Data Interop Spatial Analysis Workflow Schematics Data Reviewer ArcMap Geostats Desktop Desktop Files DBMS Server Cloud

  10. Multidimensional Toolbox – NetCDF support Comes with ArcGIS Desktop • http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.2/index.html#/An_overview_of_the_Multidimension_toolbox/004300000002000000/

  11. Multidimensional Supplemental Toolbox – python scripts Requires the installation of a third-party Python module – netcdf4-python • http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=9f963f362fe5417f87d44618796db938

  12. OPeNDAP to NetCDF tool Multi-D Toolbox OPenDAP to NetCDF Output layer NetCDF file DAP Server

  13. What the OPeNDAP to NetCDF tool does • Subset and download data from web-based servers that support the OPeNDAPprotocol • Ability to constrain which data are downloaded by specifying specific variables, a spatial extent, and the starting and ending values of the dimensions that define a variable • Output is a NetCDF layer • Use output with other tools from Multi-D box

  14. Ingesting netCDF data in ArcGIS • NetCDF data is accessed as • Raster • Feature • Table • Direct read • Exports GIS data to netCDF

  15. Demo OPeNDAP to NetCDF Workflow ArcGIS 10.1 and higher

  16. Post version 10.3 OPeNDAP to Raster

  17. OPeNDAP to NetCDF tool OPenDAP to Raster Output layer DAP Server

  18. OPeNDAP to Raster • Ingest OPeNDAP service to create a surface with subsettingcapabilities • Similar to the OPeNDAP to NetCDF Supplemental Toolbox tool • Output is raster instead of NetCDFfile • No intermediary process necessary to transform the NetCDF to raster

  19. Output supports multiple dimensions Ingest a Service

  20. Further Details • What does it mean that the output is a dynamic raster? • Output is not a file you store, but instead is in memory • Means you can pan around, and get data as you move through map, not load it all at once; just loads what you need for that view • Can send another request and view a different variable (dynamic raster layer) without losing the first one

  21. Input from You

  22. Ingest • OPeNDAP to Raster is Ingestoriented and geared toward gridded data • Are there other data types in which you are interested? E.g., station data (wx balloons) • Who are the potential main service providers/users of this tool?

  23. Server – Should we? • When we put scientific data in a mosaic, we can expose this through an image service, WMS, WCS, WFS – is there a need to support OPeNDAP in the server piece? • If so, who has this requirement?

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