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LRO and LCROSS Archive Plans and Status

LRO and LCROSS Archive Plans and Status. Edward A. Guinness Geosciences Node Washington University Presented to PDS Management Council March 28, 2007. LRO Instruments and Archiving Nodes. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.

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LRO and LCROSS Archive Plans and Status

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  1. LRO and LCROSS Archive Plans and Status Edward A. Guinness Geosciences Node Washington University Presented to PDS Management Council March 28, 2007

  2. LRO Instruments and Archiving Nodes

  3. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter • LRO Data Working Group (LDWG) consisting of project, instrument team, and PDS representatives meets by teleconference every other week. • LDWG is currently working on Data Management and Archive Plan documents, Interface Control Documents (ICD) between the instrument teams and the respective archiving node, and data product SISs. • LRO is scheduled for launch in October 2008 with a 1 year primary mission. • After the first year of operations, the LRO project will be transferred from ESMD to SMD.

  4. LRO Archive Plan • Each instrument team wrote a separate Data Management and Archive Plan. • These documents have been completed and accepted by the project. • PDS nodes provided review and input for these. • The project also has produced a draft Data Management and Archive Plan. • Data Management portion is complete. • Archive plan portion needs additional input from instrument teams. • Grayzeck will review and sign this document. • ICDs between instrument teams and archiving nodes are complete and signed.

  5. LRO Data Product SIS • Draft EDR SIS due March 31, 2007 (this week). • Peer review of EDR SIS to be completed by May 2007. • RDR data products will now be grouped into two classes for the SIS development schedule. • Pipeline products: produced and delivered at same schedule as EDRs, e.g., calibrated radiances. • Cumulative products: typically more derived gridded or binned products, e.g., global maps. • RDR SIS for pipeline products due November 2007 and reviewed by February 2008. • RDR SIS for cumulative products will be written and reviewed after mission operations begin and closer to when these products will be delivered.

  6. LRO Data Delivery Schedule • SOC (Science Operations Center) to PDS delivery tests will be conducted between March and May 2008. • LRO data will deliver 3-6 month old data to PDS every 3 months starting at launch + 6 months. • LRO recently decided to require teams to archive their pre-flight calibration data with PDS. • Data to be delivered with first operational data delivery (L+6 months).

  7. LCROSS Mission • LCROSS mission goal - Test for the presence of water ice in a permanently shadowed region of the Moon. • LCROSS will use the LRO upper stage to impact into a shadowed area at the lunar pole. • Instruments on the LROSS spacecraft will observe the plume to search for evidence of water. • Spacecraft will follow the upper stage and impact itself into the lunar surface. • Instrument suite includes – Visible Context Imager, NIR Cameras, Mid-IR Cameras, Visible and NIR Spectrometers, and Visible Photometer.

  8. LCROSS Timeline

  9. LCROSS Standard Data Products • Visible Context Camera* - Raw image data • NIR Cameras* - Raw and radiometrically calibrated images • Band depth images may be producted as special products • Mid-IR Cameras* - Raw and radiometrically calibrated images, temperature images • Visible Spectrometer** - Raw and calibrated radiance • NIR Spectrometer** - Raw and calibrated radiance, I/F • Visible Photometer** - Raw and calibrated radiance • SPICE Kernels*** - lsk, pck, sclk, fk, ik, spk, and ck • Raw data downlink volume is estimated at about 2.3 GB. *Imaging Node, **Geosciences Node, ***NAIF

  10. LCROSS Archive Schedule and Status • Data Archive Working Group (DAWG) has been organized and meets roughly once a month by teleconference. • Archive Plan drafted by project and reviewed by Geosciences Node – To be complete in April 2007. • Interface Control Documents (ICD) between project and archiving nodes to be completed in April 2007. • Data product SIS development from January to May 2008. • SIS’s reviewed and finalized by August 2008 • Launch in October 2008. • End-to-end archive test will be done post launch and will use “swing-by” data for testing delivery to PDS. • Impact in early 2009. • Final delivery to PDS by impact + 6 months.

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