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Harmonization and Simplification of UN Business Operations

Harmonization and Simplification of UN Business Operations. General Outline. QCPR 2013-2016. Delivering as One The QCPR gives intergovernmental recognition of the “Delivering as One ” model for the first time, though it remains a voluntary option. The QCPR requests the UN system to :

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Harmonization and Simplification of UN Business Operations

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  1. Harmonization and Simplification of UN Business Operations

  2. General Outline

  3. QCPR 2013-2016 • Delivering as One • The QCPR gives intergovernmental recognition of the “Delivering as One”model for the first time, though it remains a voluntary option. • The QCPR requests the UN system to: • Develop an integrated package of support to DaO countries including standard operating procedures (SOPs) and DaO-specific guidance; and • Identify and address challenges and bottlenecks at the HQ (and country) level.

  4. QCPR and Business Operations QCPR 2013-2016- Business Operations 11 mandates for H-BO Increased use of national public and private systems Common and standardized system of cost control Greater collaboration in procurement Decision power delegated to OMT Redirect efficiency savings into programmes Consolidation of support services Funding mechanisms for innovation Prioritize the availability of financial and human resources Establishment of common premises Reduce the nr. of parallel project implementation units (Feasibility Study) ERP Interoperability

  5. Operationalization QCPR SOPs to be established for the second generation of DaO countries: • Development of DaO specific guidance by the UNDG Working Mechanisms in collaboration with the HLCM Networks where relevant. • Dissemination of the SOPs, training and capacity building for the roll-out of the second generation of Delivering as One.

  6. How does this translate into reality? QCPR SA Equivalent documents UNDG HLCM Country and regional level implementation Harmonization Policy, Rules and Regulations UNDG Strategic Priorities 2013-2016 HLCM Strategic Priorities 2013-2016 Standard Operating Procedures (SoPs) DaO

  7. Standard Operating Procedures for DaO Government of Programme Country One Leader* Resident Coordinator and UN Country Team Operations Management Team Country Communications Group Results Group Results Group Results Group Results Group Results Group Government and UN Joint Steering Committee Operating as One One Programme Communicating as One One Budgetary Framework Business Operations Strategy (BOS) UNDAF Finance and Audit Common Premises Joint Communications Strategy Medium Term Common Budgetary Framework HACT Human Resources Joint Results Groups’ Annual or Biannual Work Plan(s) Common Tools Joint Resource Mobilization Strategy Transport and Logistics Monitoring Common Messaging and Advocacy ICT Procurement One Fund and funding allocation mechanism One UN Country Results Report

  8. Standard Operating Procedures for DaO Operating as One • HQ and Country Level Actions • Components: • Business Operations Strategy (BoS) country level • common procurement; • common logistics and transport; • common ICT; • common HR; • common audit; • common finance; • harmonized approach to cash transfers (HACT); and • common premises.

  9. What is the Business Operations Strategy Derives partially from UNDAF/programmes; Voluntary instrument to be used at the country at level by UNCTs/OMTs; Developed in conjunction with the UNDAF; Covers Joint Business Operations initiatives; Provides strategic, medium term focus, same cycle as the UNDAF; Provides the basis for Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting of Business Operations; Provides the basis for BO Budgetary Framework and Resource Mobilization.

  10. What is the Business Operations Strategy HLCM Harmonised BO policies, procedures ICT Proc HR FIN … Data, Policy Input UNDG Country level solutions BOS UNCT UNCT UNCT UNCT UNCT UNCT UNCT

  11. What is the BoS? BoS = Scalable- Pick and chose service lines as locally needed

  12. Why do the Business Operations Strategy • Enhanced linkages Programmes and Operations • Reduced Costs • Reduction of duplication of work processes; • Reduction of transaction costs; • Enhanced Quality of Business Operations; • Enhanced operational focus and prioritization of investment in Business Operations. • Enhanced ability to track and report on results beyond a single year- enhanced Management Information

  13. BoS pilots (2013) 14 pilots, 4 self starters End date pilot October 2013 LIC countries, MIC and Post Conflict Countries Support UNDG and HLCM- Technical, QA, Mission, Political Review pilots Q3 2013 Revised guidance BoS

  14. Business Operations Strategy Approach

  15. Scoping the BoS Flexibility- based on in country capacity and need, the UNCT/OMT can select multiple or just one outcome area (ex. Procurement); Time Requirement: 40-50 hours (4-5 days) over a 5 year cycle to develop the draft BoS, including analysis; Time requirement may be higher or lower depending on the scope of the BoS (depends on capacity available and need).

  16. How to design a BoS

  17. Milestones BoS development

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