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Functional Assessment Intervention System (FAIS)- Full FAIS version

Functional Assessment Intervention System (FAIS)- Full FAIS version. AVRSB Psychology November 2007. A Learning Year. This is a different approach to behavioral programming. We are trying to get consistency across the AVRSB – provincial initiative

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Functional Assessment Intervention System (FAIS)- Full FAIS version

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  1. Functional Assessment Intervention System (FAIS)- Full FAIS version AVRSB Psychology November 2007

  2. A Learning Year • This is a different approach to behavioral programming. • We are trying to get consistency across the AVRSB – provincial initiative • For this year, regardless of your familiarity with the FAIS, we are asking that FAIS LIGHTs and FULL FAISs are done with psychology personnel.

  3. Positive Effective Behaviour Support (PEBS) Continuum of School-Wide .Instructional and Positive .Behaviour Support 5%TERTIARY PREVENTION Red Zone SECONDARY PREVENTION15% Yellow Zone PRIMARY PREVENTION  80% Green Zone

  4. FAIS and PEBS • Every behaviour has a function. • Identify the function of the problem behaviour. • Teach an alternative behaviour that serves the same function. • Adapt environment to promote use of alternative behaviour. “Behaviour is predictable, thus preventable”

  5. What is predictable is preventable

  6. FAIS-Light versus Full FAIS Alien versus Predator?

  7. FAIS-Light Tool for initial problem clarification Uses anecdotal information Creates a plan with strategies Can use it to start planning, even for “red zone” kids FAIS Involves more precise goal setting Involves data tracking Used when FAIS-Light proves insufficient Usually for those with significant history of very aggressive behavior (physically assaultive behavior) FAIS-Light vs. FAIS

  8. FAIS-Light 14 year old boy habitually tells teacher to “stuff it” when told to finish worksheet FULL FAIS 14 year old boy habitually picks up chair and throws it at the teacher when told to finish worksheet. The FAIS-light strategies have not changed this. FAIS Light vs. FAIS

  9. Analogy with Programming FAIS Light = Adaptations FULL FAIS = Individual Program Plan

  10. FAIS - Program Planning Process 1. Identification of student with behaviours of concern. 2. Exploration of classroom strategies by teacher/Problem-Solving meeting at school. 3. Referral to Program Planning Team meeting to complete the FAIS Light (parents, teachers, administrator, Guidance, School Psychologist, other Student Services staff as appropriate).

  11. FAIS - Program Planning Process (cont.) 4. Follow-up Program Planning Team meetings to evaluate FAIS Light plan. 5. Next step: Monitor/Revise plan. The team may decide to do a full FAIS. 6. Full FAIS conducted with the program planning team

  12. Who helps with Full FAIS planning? • For the next two years, the FAIS would be facilitated by a member of the Behavior Intervention Team • Eventually, the full FAIS will be facilitated by school psychologists as well as the Behavior Intervention Team

  13. Flow Chart for Now Problem-solving meeting at school FAIS Light consult with School Psychologist Full FAIS with Behavior Intervention Team

  14. The importance of planning

  15. Why Do Program Plans Flop? • Lack of knowledge/skill • Beliefs and attitudes • Lack of adequate resources and support • Lack of collaboration FAIS system helps address these

  16. DAY ONE Social Competence Checklist Section 1 • Identifying Priority Concern • Identifying Context/Setting Conditions • Identifying Consequences or Effects • Identifying the Function of Behavior • Identifying Competencies and Positive Alternatives • Develop a Summary Statement

  17. DAY 1 Section 2 Indicate Desired Outcomes and Social Validation Criteria Establish the Goal Define Benchmarks

  18. DAY TWO Section 3 Brainstorm Support Strategies Specify Positive Support Plan Section 4 Indicate Progress Monitoring Procedures Complete Information on Goal Attainment Ratings Record Benchmark Ratings on Goal Attainment Chart Record Other Progress-Monitoring Data on Progress Rating Chart

  19. DAY TWO Section 5 Summarize Student’s Progress toward Goal Analyze Progress Plan Next Steps Design New Strategies Specify Final Team Recommendations and Consensus Statement Crisis Plan

  20. How Does the FAIS work with EA Allocation? • Cindy Giffen and Holly Stephenson DO THE FAIS REGARDLESSOF WHETHER A DIAGNOSIS EXISTS!

  21. Bring into your Mind ... The child with the most challenging behaviours you are working with now…

  22. Insanity Ensues

  23. Social Competence Performance Checklist (SCPC) • a.k.a. – Social Competency Scale or Social Competency Checklist • Helpful first step in assessment & planning (FAIS- Light or FAIS-Full) • Focuses team on student strengths – re-defines student as more than “problem behaviour” • Breaks-down problem behaviour(s) into manageable targets • Identifies Priority Concern • Can be used to evaluate progress

  24. Keep it simple

  25. Design of SPC Checklist • 4 pt. rating scale based on frequency of occurrence 0 - rarely 1 - sometimes 2 - often 3 - mostly (N – no opportunity to observe) • 3 sections A) Positive Behaviour Ratings (Pos+) B) Challenging Behaviour Ratings (Neg-) C) Intervention Planning Chart

  26. A) Pos+ Behaviors Self-control Social Competence Learning Behaviour Academic Performance Other B) Neg- Behaviours Aggression Distractibility Non-compliance Neg- Affect (mood) Other 4 Areas of Behaviour Observations (for Pos+ and Neg- Behaviours)

  27. C) Intervention Planning Chart

  28. Pos+ Behaviours 1. Rate frequency of Pos+ behaviours in each observation area (0-3) 2. Check the 3 Pos+ behaviour items that are most important to address (only 3!) 3. Write the item # of the top 3 (checked) Pos+ behaviours Neg- Behaviours 1. Rate frequency of Neg- behaviours in each observation area (0-3) 2. Check the 3 Neg- behaviour items that are most important to address (only 3!) Write the item # of the top 3 (checked) Neg-behaviours How to complete SCP Checklist

  29. Pos+ Behaviours For each behaviour area - Identify STRENGTHS List items rated 3 2) Identify CONCERNS List items rated 0 or 1 and checked Neg- Behaviours For each behaviour area - Identify STRENGTHS List items rated 0 2) Identify CONCERNS List items rated 3 and checked Complete Intervention Planning Chart

  30. Complete Intervention Planning Chart

  31. Section 1: Identify Concern, Function, and Positive Alternative Behavior • Identify Priority Concern • Identify Context/Setting Conditions • Identify Consequences or Effects • Identify the Function of the Behaviour • Identify Competencies and Positive Alternatives • Develop Summary Statement

  32. Section 1.A. Identify the Priority Concern What difficulty or problem is causing the greatest concern?

  33. Criteria for Identifying and Describing the Priority Concern • Have the classroom teacher identify the concern that MOST interferes with the child’s productive functioning and the learning environment. • As a team, describe the concerns in concrete and observable terms, when it happens, and how it happens. • Ensure there is consensus regarding the behaviour description. USE THE SOCIAL COMPETENCE CHECKLIST!

  34. Examples of a Priority Concern: • Running off school property • Striking out physically at classmates • Destroying work materials/property • Verbal outbursts in class BE SPECIFIC!

  35. B. Identifying Context/Setting Conditions Describe distant or proximal situations that contribute to the behaviour. • Setting (e.g., hallways) • Task/Activity (e.g., large group) • Specific Triggers (e.g., adult request)

  36. Check all context or setting conditions in which the student is most likely to have difficulties.

  37. Setting/Contexts • Keep the team focused on the priority concern! • Do not check off everything – only the MOST salient contexts

  38. Does the school drive the child crazy?

  39. C. Identify Consequences or Effects • Behavior Ignored • Request/Task Removed • Reprimand/Warning • Time out • Loss of privileges • Negative social interaction • Peer encouragement • Teacher negotiation • Office referral • Home contact • In school suspension/punishment • Out of school suspension • TEACH A NEW BEHAVIOR?????

  40. How effective were these consequences? • Never • Rarely • Sometimes • Often • Not attempted This section allows for notes

  41. C. Identifying Consequences Identifying what typically happens in response to the behavior of concern What have you tried already? and how effective has this been IN REDUCING THE BEHAVIOR?

  42. D. Identifying the Function of the Behaviour • As a team, identify the apparent functions (underlying reasons, intents, or pay-offs) that cause the behaviour of concern.

  43. C. Identify the Function of the Behavior Check all that apply.

  44. E. Identify Competencies and Positive Alternatives Similar to FAIS light, but can add student assets and home/school assets. USE SOCIAL COMPETENCE CHECKLIST! Describe social or academic competencies that may serve as a positive alternative to the concern: e.g., good oral reader – could get class attention for this Good guitar player – approach about playing at a school function

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