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AKS 40: Japan and China

AKS 40: Japan and China. Chapter 19.2 and 19.3 – Pages 536-547. Qing Dynasty: What did China look like?. Qing Dynasty – founded by Manchus (from Manchuria) – many Chinese resisted Rebellions flared up periodically for decades Manchus slowly earned respect

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AKS 40: Japan and China

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  1. AKS 40:Japan and China Chapter 19.2 and 19.3 – Pages 536-547

  2. Qing Dynasty:What did China look like? • Qing Dynasty – founded by Manchus (from Manchuria) – many Chinese resisted • Rebellions flared up periodically for decades • Manchus slowly earned respect • Upheld China’s traditional Confucian beliefs • Made frontiers safe & restored prosperity

  3. Qing Dynasty:Kangxi (1661-1722) • Reigned from 1661-1722; perhaps the greatest ruler in Chinese history • Could speak, read, and write Chinese • Firmly believed the Manchus had a legitimate claim to the Mandate of Heaven • Toured areas where Ming support had been the highest; gave an exam to compile the official history of the Ming Dynasty

  4. Qing Dynasty:Kangxi (1661-1722) • Reduced government expenses, lowered taxes • Gained support of intellectuals by offering them government positions • Jesuits told him of European achievements in science, medicine, and mathematics

  5. Policies of the Qing Rulers • Tried to maintain their cultural distinctness • Brought Chinese into the imperial administration • Ordered all men to adopt Manchu dress & hairstyles • Restored peace & prosperity • Under Kangxi, the efforts of Christian missionaries reached its height

  6. Economic Changes • Between 1500 & 1800 China remained mostly agricultural • 85% of the people were small farmers • Major Increase in population due to long period of peace & stability, improvements in food supply, and faster growing species of rice increased the food supply • Increased population meant less land for each family

  7. Continued Economic Changes… • Steady growth in manufacturing and increased trade between provinces • Under Qing confined European traders to a small island outside Guangzhou • In 1793, the emperor wrote to King George III that China had no need of your country’s manufactures… the Chinese would later pay for their rejection of the British

  8. Qing Dynasty:Isolation Continues • Those that wished to trade with China had to follow certain rules: (only govt conducted trade) • Trade at special ports • Tribute • “Kowtow” ritual (kneeling before emperor and touching head to ground nine times)-shows acceptance of Chinese superiority “There is nothing we lack, as your principal envoy and others have themselves observed. We have never set much store on strange or ingenious objects, nor do we need any more of your country’s manufactures.” - Qian-Long, from a letter to King George III of Great Britain

  9. Qing Dynasty:Cultural Developments • Based mainly on traditional forms • Valued technique over creativity • Pottery – high-quality ceramics (porcelain) • Drama popular b/c literacy rates were low • Focused on Chinese history and cultural heroes

  10. Tokugawa(a powerful noble family) Japan • At the end of the 15th century, Japan was in chaos. • Daimyo, heads of noble families controlled lands and warred with their neighbors • Process of unification began in the late 16th century with three powerful political figures

  11. 3 Powerful Leaders 1. Oda Nobunaga – began process of unification; ended Warring States period; Seized the capital of Kyoto 2. ToyotomiHideyoshi Located his capital at Osaka 3.Tokugawa Ieyasu The daimyo of Edo (modern Tokyo) took control of Japan and took the title of shogun in 1603

  12. Tokugawa Japan:Oda Nobunaga (1568-1582) “Rule the empire by force.” - Oda Nobunaga • Wanted to eliminate remaining enemies • 1575 – Nobunaga’s 3,000 soldiers armed with muskets crushed enemy force of samurai cavalry • 1st time firearms had been used effectively in battle in Japan • Committed seppuku (ritual suicide of samurai) in 1582 when one of his own generals turned on him

  13. Tokugawa Rule • Set out to establish control of the feudal system • Long period of peace- known as the Great Peace was brought about by Tokugawa rule • The samurai who had served the daimyo ceased to be a warrior class

  14. Tokugawa Japan:Tokugawa Ieyasu (1603-1616) • Defeated his rivals at Battle of Sekigahara • Victory earned him loyalty of daimyo throughout Japan • Alternate attendance policy: to maintain control of the daimyo • 1603 – Became sole ruler, or shogun • Moved capital to Edo (later Tokyo) • Set up Tokugawa Shogunate – military govt • Enacted policies that resulted in the rule of law overcoming the rule of the sword

  15. Economic Changes • Under the Tokugawa, trade & industry began to flourish as never before • A Japanese merchant class emerged • Many peasants were forced to become tenants or work as hired help

  16. Tokugawa Japan:Policy of Isolation • 1639 – Shoguns realized that they could safely exclude both missionaries and merchants • Sealed Japan’s borders, except Nagasaki • Commercial contacts with Europeans ended • 200+ years – Japan remained closed and citizens could not leave – “closed country policy” • Continued to develop self-sufficiently

  17. Tokugawa Japan:Cultural Developments • Traditional culture thrived • New types of fiction began to emerge – realistic stories about self-made merchants or hardships of life • Haiku – type of poetry that presented images rather than ideals • Kabuki theater – skits about modern life

  18. Causes of Population Increase • Irrigation and fertilizer use increased • Farmers produced more food • Nutrition improved due to new crops like corn and sweet potatoes from Europe • People lived longer, families expanded

  19. Impact on Social Structure:Qing China • Sons Favored • Only sons allowed to perform religious rituals • Raised his own family under parents’ roof - help aging parents on farm • Females not valued – many infants girls killed • Role of Women (more restricted) • Worked in fields, supervised children’s education, managed family finances • Some found jobs working as midwives or textile workers • Parents arranged marriages • Women who did not meet the expectations of her husband or his family would be divorced

  20. Impact on Social Structure:Tokugawa Japan • Societal Structure • Emperor top rank (figurehead only) • Actual ruler was shogun – military commander • Daimyo – landholding samurai • Samurai warriors • Peasants (4/5 of population) and Artisans • Merchants • Role of Women • With rise of commercial centers, found jobs in entertainment, textile manufacturing, & publishing • Most led sheltered lives as peasant wives * Confucian values important *Farmers made ideal citizens

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