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Commissioned by UNICEF RO CEE/CIS in partnership with UNICEF Tajikistan

Youth Perspectives of Education Quality in Tajikistan A Case Study of Education Quality for Youth in the CEE/CIS Region. Commissioned by UNICEF RO CEE/CIS in partnership with UNICEF Tajikistan.

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Commissioned by UNICEF RO CEE/CIS in partnership with UNICEF Tajikistan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Youth Perspectives of Education Quality in TajikistanA Case Study of Education Quality for Youth in the CEE/CIS Region Commissioned by UNICEF RO CEE/CIS in partnership with UNICEF Tajikistan

  2. over 1,000 youth participants, including 865 survey respondents aged 13 to 24 from randomly selected areas of Tajikistan; • 178 other young people in 21 focus group discussions; • dozens more young people were involved as members of the research implementation team, as participants in a Youth Consultation to develop research topics and questions and in a forum for the development of a Youth Advocacy Statement

  3. Tajikistan Youth and Education Quality Study Primary Sampling Units

  4. . Results • nearly 50 percent of Tajikistan’s youth rate education quality as “good,” and more than a fifth call it “very good” • 86 percent – also want to achieve more education than they already have • 72 percent of youth surveyed who dropped out of, or temporarily suspended their attendance in primary, basic or secondary school want more education

  5. Results • more than half of youth feel that education system reforms have led to some degree of improvement • nearly 40 percent of youth also say they trust Tajikistan’s Ministry of Education to provide good education quality for all learners in the country and that it is already “doing a great job” • High level of awareness and openness in discussing sensitive issues like corruption and right to wear hijab

  6. Advocacy messages • Decrease education costs, and expand financial support to students, with special attention to the needs of the economically poorest students, female youth, youth with special needs and those in single-parent households • Promote the value of education among parents and youth alike, emphasizing the rights of both females and males to complete their education • Expand opportunities for youth participation in education decision-making and action for change through Student Governments and other fora

  7. Follow-up • National launch • Youth parliament • School of Volunteers • Use of YP as a tool in on-going projects in GE and LSBHE

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