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Predicting Pizza in Chinatown: An Intro to Multilevel Regression

Predicting Pizza in Chinatown: An Intro to Multilevel Regression. Harlan D. Harris, PhD Jared P. Lander, MA NYC Predictive Analytics Meetup October 14, 2010. 1. How do cost and  fuel type affect pizza quality? 2. How do those factors vary by neighborhood ?. Linear Regression (OLS).

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Predicting Pizza in Chinatown: An Intro to Multilevel Regression

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  1. Predicting Pizza in Chinatown: An Intro to Multilevel Regression Harlan D. Harris, PhDJared P. Lander, MANYC Predictive Analytics MeetupOctober 14, 2010

  2. 1. How do costand fuel typeaffect pizza quality? 2. How do those factors vary by neighborhood?

  3. Linear Regression (OLS) ratingi = β0 + βprice*pricei + εi find β’s to minimize Σεi2

  4. Linear Regression (OLS) ratingi = βp + βprice*pricei + εi find β’s to minimize Σεi2

  5. Multiple Regression 3 types of oven =  2 coefficients (gas is reference) ratingi = beta[intercept] * 1 +               beta[price] * pricei +               beta[oven=wood] * I(oveni=wood) +               beta[oven=coal] * I(oveni=coal) +               errori Goal: find betas/coefficients that minimize Σi errori2

  6. Multiple Regression (OLS) ratingi = β0 + βprice*pricei + βwood*I(oveni = "wood") + βcoal*I(oveni = "coal") +   εi find β’s to minimize Σεi2

  7. Multiple Regression (OLS) with Interactions ratingi = β0 + βprice*pricei + βwood*I(oveni = "wood") + βwood,price*pricei* I(oveni = "wood") + βcoal*I(oveni = "coal") + βcoal,price*pricei*         I(oveni = "coal") +   εi

  8. Groups Examples: teachers / test scores states / poll results pizza ratings / neighborhoods

  9. Full Pooling (ignore groups) Examples: teachers / test scores states / poll results pizza ratings /                 neighborhoods ratingi = β0 + βprice*pricei +εi

  10. No Pooling (groups as factors) ratingi = β0 + βprice*pricei + βB*I(groupi = "B") + βB,price*pricei* I(groupi = "B") +   βC*I(groupi = "C") + βC,price*pricei* I(groupi = "C") +   εi

  11. Pizzas

  12. Data Summary in R > za.df <- read.csv("Fake Pizza Data.csv") > summary(za.df)     Rating       CostPerSlice   HeatSource      Neighborhood Min.   :0.030   Min.   :1.250   Coal: 17   Chinatown  :14    1st Qu.:1.445   1st Qu.:2.000   Gas :158   EVillage   :48    Median :4.020   Median :2.500   Wood: 25   LES        :35    Mean   :3.222   Mean   :2.584              LittleItaly:43    3rd Qu.:4.843   3rd Qu.:3.250              SoHo       :60    Max.   :5.000   Max.   :5.250                               http://github.com/HarlanH/nyc-pa-meetup-multilevel-pizza

  13. Viewing the Data in R > plot(za.df)

  14. Visualize ggplot(za.df, aes(CostPerSlice, Rating,     color=HeatSource)) +  geom_point() + facet_wrap(~ Neighborhood) + geom_smooth(aes(color=NULL),     color='black', method='lm',      se=FALSE, size=2)

  15. Multiple Regression in R > lm.full.main <- lm(Rating ~ CostPerSlice + HeatSource, data=za.df)> plotCoef(lm.full.main) http://www.jaredlander.com/code/plotCoef.r

  16. Full-Pooling: Include Interaction > lm.full.int <- lm(Rating ~ CostPerSlice * HeatSource,data=za.df)> plotCoef(lm.full.int)

  17. Visualize the Fit (Full-Pooling) > lm.full.int <- lm(Rating ~ CostPerSlice * HeatSource,data=za.df)

  18. No Pooling Model lm(Rating ~ CostPerSlice * Neighborhood + HeatSource,data=za.df)

  19. Visualize the Fit (No-Pooling) lm(Rating ~ CostPerSlice * Neighborhood + HeatSource,data=za.df)

  20. Evaluation of Fitted Model • Cross-Validation Error • Adjusted-R2 • AIC • BIC • RSS • Tests for Normal Residuals

  21. Use Natural Groupings • Cluster Sampling • Intercluster Differences • Intracluster Similarities

  22. Multilevel Characteristics • Model gravitates toward big groups • Small groups gravitate toward the model • Best when groups are similar to each other • y_i = Intercept_j[i] + Slope_j[i] + noise • Intercept[j] = Intercept_alpha + Slope_alpha + noise • Slope[j] = Intercept_beta + Slope_beta + noise • Model the effects of the groups

  23. Multi-Names for Multilevel Models • Multilevel • Hierarchical • Mixed-Effects • Bayesian • Partial-Pooling

  24. Multi-Names for Multilevel Models • (1) Fixed effects are constant across individuals, and random effects vary. For example, in a growth study, a model with random intercepts a_i and fixed slope b corresponds to parallel lines for different individuals i, or the model y_it = a_i + b t. Kreft and De Leeuw (1998) thus distinguish between fixed and random coefficients. • (2) Effects are fixed if they are interesting in themselves or random if there is interest in the underlying population. Searle, Casella, and McCulloch (1992, Section 1.4) explore this distinction in depth. • (3) "When a sample exhausts the population, the corresponding variable isfixed; when the sample is a small (i.e., negligible) part of the population the corresponding variable is random." (Green and Tukey, 1960) • (4) "If an effect is assumed to be a realized value of a random variable, it is called a random effect." (LaMotte, 1983) • (5) Fixed effects are estimated using least squares (or, more generally, maximum likelihood) and random effects are estimated with shrinkage ("linear unbiased prediction" in the terminology of Robinson, 1991). This definition is standard in the multilevel modeling literature (see, for example, Snijders and Bosker, 1999, Section 4.2) and in econometrics. http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~cook/movabletype/archives/2005/01/why_i_dont_use.html

  25. Bayesian Interpretation • Everything has a distribution (including the groups) • Group-level model is prior information for the individual-level coefficients • Group-level model has an assumed-normal prior • (Can fit multilevel models with Bayesian methods, or with simpler/faster/easier approximations.)

  26. R Options • lme4::lmer() • nlme::lme() • MCMCglmm() • BUGS • Others/niche approaches…

  27. Back to the Pizza • Model the overall pattern among neighborhoods • Natural clustering of pizzerias in neighborhoods adds information • Neighborhoods with many/few pizzerias • Many: trust data, ala no-pooling model • Few: trust overall patterns, ala full-pooling model

  28. Back to the Pizza Use Neighborhoods as natural grouping

  29. Multilevel Pizza • 5 slope coefficients and 5 intercept coefficients, one of each per neighborhood • Slopes/intercepts are assumed to have Gaussian distribution • Ideally, could describe all 5 slopes with 2 numbers (mean/variance) • Neighborhoods with little data don’t get freedom to set their own coefficients – get pulled towards overall slope or intercept

  30. R syntax lm.me.cost2 <- lmer(Rating ~ HeatSource + (1+CostPerSlice | Neighborhood), data=za.df)

  31. Results (Partial-Pooling) lm.me.cost2 <- lmer(Rating ~ HeatSource + (1+CostPerSlice | Neighborhood), data=za.df)

  32. Predicting a New Pizzeria Neighborhood: Chinatown Cost: $4.20 Fuel: Wood

  33. Uncertainty in Prediction • Fitted coefficients are uncertain • arm::sim() • Model error term • rnorm(1, model matrix %*% sim$Neighborhood[ , ‘Chinatown’, ], variance) • New neighborhood – model possible coefficients • mvrnorm(1, 0, VarCorr(model)$Neighborhood) http://github.com/HarlanH/nyc-pa-meetup-multilevel-pizza

  34. Other Examples • Red State Blue State

  35. Other Examples • Tobacco Usage

  36. Other Examples • Diabetes Prevalence

  37. Other Examples • Insufficient Fruit and Vegetable Intake

  38. Other Examples • Clean Drinking Water

  39. Steps to Multilevel Models • Full-Pooling Model • No-Pooling Model • Separate Models • Two–Step Analysis

  40. How Many Groups? How Many Observations? • As few as one or two groups • Even two observations per group • Can have many groups with just one observation

  41. Larger Datasets • Andy Gelman: “The Blessing of Dimensionality” • More Data  Add Complexity • Because you can

  42. Resources • Gelman and Hill (ARM) • Pineiro & Bates • Snijders and Bosker • R-SIG-Mixed-Models (http://glmm.wikidot.com/faq) • (SAS/SPSS)

  43. Thanks!

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