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Complete Streets: Guide to Answering the Costs Question

Complete Streets: Guide to Answering the Costs Question. Companion Presentation, Part 2. 1. Complete Streets can be achieved within existing budgets. Use with: concerned or receptive transportation professionals, engaged officials.

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Complete Streets: Guide to Answering the Costs Question

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  1. Complete Streets:Guide to Answering the Costs Question Companion Presentation, Part 2 1

  2. Complete Streets can be achieved withinexisting budgets.

  3. Use with: concerned or receptive transportation professionals, engaged officials Complete Streets can be achieved withinexisting budgets.

  4. Simple, Low-Cost, High-Impact Greater Greater Washington

  5. Simple, Low-Cost, High-Impact Greater Greater Washington

  6. Low-Cost, High-Impact: New York City In almost all improved areas, fatalities and pedestrian crashes decreased in by 9 - 60%. New York City traffic fatalities fell to an all-time record low.

  7. Built many low-cost facilities: 35 pedestrian refuge islands 55 new left turn lanes 12 curb extensions 8 median tip extensions 4 pedestrian fences 600 re-timed intersections Low-Cost, High-Impact: New York City Flickr.com user bicyclesonly

  8. In 2011, the city DOT spent $2 million dollars to fill additional potholes. That’s more than it spent out of its own budget over THREE years for its bicycle program. Low-Cost, High-Impact: New York City New York City DOT

  9. $20,000 provides access to a low income neighborhood’s only park. $4,500 enhances safety and calms traffic at an intersection. Low-Cost, High-Impact: San Diego Andy Hamilton Andy Hamilton

  10. Low-Cost, High-Impact: San Diego

  11. Recent reconstruction project: 6 curb extensions + 2 median islands = $40,000 Friendlier and safer street, only 13% of total budget Lost-Cost, High-Impact: Redding, California Sergio Ruiz

  12. "When we talk about ‘Complete Streets,’ we aren’t necessarily talking about expensive widening projects or major redesigns of our roadways. These concepts can often be applied to existing streets by simply re-thinking how we approach traffic flow and how we accommodate all modes of transportation.”– Phil Broyles, Director of Public Works, Springfield, Missouri City of Milwaukee

  13. Complete streets can save money. Narrower travel lanes require less land, less pavement Provide more options = reduce need for widening some intersections Do it right the first time, not when forced to later—at a higher price Think Ahead, Think Smart

  14. Colorado Springs, Colorado City of Colorado Springs Maintenance and operations activities: Repave 3% of road network each year Convert 4 auto lanes to 2 bike lanes + 3 auto lanes

  15. Re-examined 5 road-widening projects Found widenings unnecessary $58.5 million savings Saving Money: Lee County, Florida Andy Callahan

  16. Needed to replace road after necessary sewer work Priced at $6 million to replace road as is Mn/DOT re-evaluated transportation needs and found no need for wide roadway Reallocated road space for all users, saved $2 million Saving Money: Richfield, Minnesota

  17. Changing roadway striping during restriping ≈ just 15% of total project. Safely narrowing width of travel lanes saves about 2% of project costs. Saving Money: Charlotte, North Carolina Charlotte DOT

  18. 500 miles of the state highway system are ‘main streets.’ Over ten years, 47% of projects on these streets had scope, schedule, or budget changes resulting in delay. Saving Money: Washington State Washington DOT

  19. Pilot project consulted community ahead of time. Complete Streets planning could have saved an average of $9 million per Main Street project – about 30% – in reduced scope, schedule, and budget changes over the last 10 years. Saving Money: Washington State Washington DOT http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/research/reports/fullreports/733.1.pdf

  20. Re-evaluated needs on four-lane road Instead created three-lane street with two bike lanes Replaced traffic signals with roundabouts Savings: $347,515, 16.5% below the original project estimate. Saving Money: Brown County, Wisconsin

  21. “Implementation of Complete Streets goals can actually keep costs at acceptable levels and save money, while adding more public benefits and return on investment.” – Scott Bradley, Director of Context Sensitive Solutions, Minnesota Department of Transportation Flickr.com userMamichan

  22. "The [Complete Streets] processes that we are going through now in project development should lead to fewer changes in construction by addressing the issues upfront. If you are properly going through the project development process, you should have lower costs, fewer change orders, and fewer delays because people are not coming out during the construction phase to demand changes.” – Thomas DiPaolo, assistant chief engineer for MassDOT

  23. “This [Complete Streets policy] puts the framework in place that allows the city to start with a project in the design phase and include these multi-modal recommendations. It will be at a much lower cost than tearing up something that’s already in place.” – Michael Leaf, Transportation Commission, Highland Park, Illinois Flickr.com user Zol87

  24. Road diets Combining projects to lower costs Incremental approach: make it better each time you touch it Simply thinking about small improvements Incremental Changes, Big Impact

  25. Variable Total Costs: North Carolina 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

  26. Variable Total Costs: North Carolina Bike Lanes Sidewalks 12 -> 11’ Lanes Source: NCDOT 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

  27. Variable Costs: Charlotte, North Carolina • Costs vary: • Terrain • Adjoining land use • Scope Sidewalks, bike lanes, etc. are small %age of total cost

  28. “[Protected bike lanes] are dirt cheap to build compared to road projects.” – Gabe Klein, Commissioner, Chicago DOT Steven Vance

  29. “The advantage of inserting a dialogue about all users at the earliest stages of project development is that it provides the designers and engineers the best opportunity to create solutions at the best price.” - James Simpson, Commissioner, NJDOT

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