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Towards a self-improving system: the role of school accountability Christine Gilbert

Towards a self-improving system: the role of school accountability Christine Gilbert. LEADING EDGE CONFERENCE SSAT 3 October, 2012. School accountability. How should the accountability system evolve to support a more autonomous, diverse and self-improving system?. Leading change today.

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Towards a self-improving system: the role of school accountability Christine Gilbert

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  1. Towards a self-improving system: the role of school accountabilityChristine Gilbert LEADING EDGE CONFERENCE SSAT 3 October, 2012

  2. School accountability How should the accountability system evolve to support a more autonomous, diverse and self-improving system?

  3. Leading change today ‘This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognised by yourself as a mighty one….I rejoice in life for its own sake Life is no brief candle-to me it’s a splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment and I want it to burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.’ Shaw

  4. History of accountability Autonomy held in check by accountability Public accountability: the 3 pillars A greater role for school-led accountability The importance of information

  5. Change necessary? Under the last government, accountability was all about accountability upwards, either to the local authority or to the Department. We believe that accountability should also be downwards to the community and to individual parents, and that is why we have published far more data than ever before about the performance of schools. Gove, 2012

  6. A broader view of accountability 4 key relationships • Pupils, parents & community: moral • Colleagues: professional • Employer/ government: contractual • The market: market 2 key approaches • Accounting for quality: summative • Accounting for improvement: formative

  7. Using collaboration to support accountability The power of collective capacity is that it enables ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things -for two reasons. One is that knowledge about effective practice becomes more widely available and accessible on a daily basis. The second reason is more powerful still-working together generates commitment. Moral purpose, when it stares you in the face through students and your peers working together to make lives and society better, is palpable, indeed virtually irresistible. Fullan,2010

  8. Accountability within schools Making moral accountability to children collective Strengthening professional accountability Building strong professional communities where peer learning is central An emphasis on classroom observation and related development Good self-evaluation: pupils, parents, the local community, professionals, governors The continuing importance of data

  9. Accountability across schools School to school support Peer review Joint practice development

  10. What's needed for effective collaborations? The will Experience of what good looks like Some training Practice Peer engagement at all levels An agreed plan: audit of need; programme of development rooted in practice; monitoring and evaluation Skills of reflection, enquiry, coaching Trust and confidence

  11. Characteristics of this sort of collaboration Moral accountability to children and young people beyond the school Openness and trust between colleagues and a strong accountability to each other High expectations and an uncompromising approach to quality

  12. Towards school led accountability: the role of the governing body The importance of governing bodies in supporting accountability Do the governance models in federations and chains have system significance? The development of NLGs. Untapped potential?

  13. Towards schools led accountability: the role of Ofsted? self- The importance of Ofsted's support for a improving system The contribution of the inspection framework Greater recognition of the role played both by school to school support and joint practice development Recognising the value of high calibre self evaluation involving external scrutiny by peers

  14. Towards school-led accountability: schools leading locally The need for a ‘middle-tier’? How best to enable cross school collaboration, particularly for those least likely to engage in such initiatives? Support across (and beyond) federations, chains, a range of alliances , clusters and networks The importance of data

  15. School=led accountability What more could be done to establish a school-led system to complement the public accountability framework? What are the future issues for school accountability in a self-improving system?

  16. Moving forward Better is possible. It does not take genius. It takes diligence. It takes moral clarity. It takes ingenuity. And above all, it takes a willingness to try. Atul Gawande, Better: a surgeon’s notes on performance, 2007

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