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EARTH & SPACE SCIENCE. Chapter 7 Resources and Energy 7.4 Resources and Conservation. 7.4 Resources and Conservation Objectives. Describe two environmental impacts of mining and the use of fossil fuels. Explain two ways the environmental impacts of mining can be reduced.

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  1. EARTH & SPACE SCIENCE Chapter 7 Resources and Energy 7.4 Resources and Conservation

  2. 7.4 Resources and Conservation Objectives • Describe two environmental impacts of mining and the use of fossil fuels. • Explain two ways the environmental impacts of mining can be reduced. • Identify three ways that you can conserve natural resources.

  3. Introduction • Worldwide coal reserves may last another 200 years. • Half the Earth’s oil supply may be used up in another 20 years. • Mining fossil fuels may damage the Earth. • The use of fossil fuels also has a detrimental impact on the Earth.

  4. Environmental Impacts of Mining • Mining can cause air, noise, and water pollution. • Surface mining can be very destructive to habitats as vegetation, soil, and even bedrock are removed to expose coal reserves. • Erosion and soil degradation can occur in some types of mining. • Subsidence can occur over some subsurface mines. • Fires can smolder in coal mines for years.

  5. http://www.theamericannightmare.org/Mine_Fire_Warning_Sign_small.jpehttp://www.theamericannightmare.org/Mine_Fire_Warning_Sign_small.jpe http://www.negative-g.com/Knoebels/PPP2003/Friday/PPP-2003-Centralia-hill-1.jpg

  6. Environmental Impacts of Mining • Many policies designed to protect the environment have been enacted by a number of governmental agencies. • A sample of federal laws in the U.S… • Clean Water Act • Safe Drinking Water Act • Comprehensive Response Compensation and Liability Act • Endangered Species Act • Mining companies are required to return mined land back to as close to its original condition as possible in a process called reclamation.

  7. Fossil Fuels and the Environment • The burning of fossil fuels release sulfur and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere. • Sulfur and nitrogen oxides react with water vapor to form acid precipitation. • The burning of gasoline in automobiles is a major contributor to air pollution. http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/295000/images/_295067_car_exhaust300.jpg

  8. Conservation • Conservation is the preservation and wise use of natural resources. • When we conserve natural resources, we minimize the damage their use does to the environment and we insure that the resource will last longer. • The demand for mineral resources is increasing fast in developing nations.

  9. Conservation • One way to conserve minerals is to use a substitute that is abundant or renewable. • Recycling is the process of using materials more than once. • Many metals and glass are recycled. • Many materials may be reused.

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