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March 12th 2010

PARTNERSHIP & LEGACY Nottinghamshire. March 12th 2010. The last 10 years – a celebration of success. “ Great things are not done by impulse but by a series of small things brought together ” VINCENT VAN GOGH. 2000 – the start of the journey.

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March 12th 2010

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PARTNERSHIP & LEGACY Nottinghamshire March 12th 2010

  2. The last 10 years – a celebration of success “Great things are not done by impulse but by a series of small things brought together” VINCENT VAN GOGH

  3. 2000 – the start of the journey • 66 Specialist Sports Colleges • 33 School Sport Partnerships with part time PDMs • TOP Play/Sport in most primary schools • No National Strategy • No Competition Managers or FESCos • No culture of young leaders/volunteers • Confusion in the landscape • Government exchequer funding only c. £7m pa with £20m pa from lottery

  4. 2010 – into the journey • 501 Specialist Sports Colleges • 450 School Sport Partnerships (including every school) • PESSCL strategy overachieved targets (2 hours) and migrated into PESSYP strategy (5 hours) with additional investment • 225 Competition Managers and 365 FESCos • Leadership/volunteering part of the norm for secondary schools • Landscape clarity and £255m pa of government investment into PESSYP

  5. THE NEXT 10 YEARS Whole generation of young people Olympic Games (TBC) C’wealth Games (TBC) 2010 2018 2012 2016 2020 2014 CSR CSR CSR General Election General Election? General Election?

  6. 2010-2020: Delivering irreversible change “If you’re not riding the wave of change you’ll find yourself beneath it” Change in requires us to be ahead of the wave not just riding it!! Seeing change as an opportunity and not a threat

  7. THE CHALLENGE:To get every young person doing one more hour per week

  8. CREATING A SUSTAINABLE STRATEGY Schools as a Community resource Specialism Impact Engaging ALL students Embedding the ‘workforce’ Maximising Partnerships High Quality Physical Education School-clublinks Gifted and Talented Coaching Leadership And Volunteering Competition

  9. Doing things differently NOT SIMPLY Doing different (and additional) things

  10. Retaining focus on what really matters

  11. A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity: An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL

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