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Kerry Schott, Managing Director, Sydney Water

Environmental Information for Informed Decisions: For example – Desalination in Sydney. Kerry Schott, Managing Director, Sydney Water. National Statistics Conference 21.11.08. 1. Do we need a desalination plant? 2. Timing of construction? 3. Operating regime once constructed?. 2.

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Kerry Schott, Managing Director, Sydney Water

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  1. Environmental Information for Informed Decisions: For example – Desalination in Sydney Kerry Schott, Managing Director, Sydney Water National Statistics Conference 21.11.08

  2. 1. Do we need a desalination plant? • 2. Timing of construction? • 3. Operating regime once constructed? 2

  3. 1. Do we need desal? • How much water does Sydney and the Illawarra use and/or need? • How to balance supply and demand 3

  4. Dam inflows 1909 - 2008 4

  5. Dam levels without Shoalhaven transfers 5

  6. Balancing supply & demand in Sydney 6

  7. Costs and benefits of water restrictions • Costs • Community - public amenity (eg. playing fields) - household (eg external cleaning, lawns and and gardens) - compliance costs (pool covers, car cleaning, new watering systems) - injuries from labour intensive watering alternatives - community disputes over non compliance ‘water rage’ • Business - loss of sales (nurseries, landscapers turf growers, sprinkler systems) - productivity losses - compliance costs (new equipment, applications for exemptions) • Benefits • reduced consumption • improved efficiency through investment in new watering systems • public education on real value of water • environmental flows • reduced infrastructure costs 7

  8. Maintaining environmental flows • Benefits • Protects biodiversity (flora and fauna, incl. micro invertebrates) • Supports breeding by native fish and other species • Reduces the growth of algae and weeds. • Improves the suitability of waterways for swimming and boating (and so supports fishing and tourism). • Costs • Loss of drinking water • Costs of infrastructure to allow releases from old dams • Costs of infrastructure to support natural flow (eg. to allow spawning fish to move beyond man-made weirs) 8

  9. Dam levels (with Shoalhaven transfers) 9

  10. 2. Timing of construction • At around 30% storage – this is 2 years’ supply • Construction time: 2 years plus 6 months 10

  11. Actual Dam Levels - Jan 02 - July 08 Annual draw from dams 11

  12. Reverse osmosis building 12

  13. RO Membranes 13

  14. 14

  15. Pipeline route 15

  16. 3. Operating regime? 16

  17. Dam inflows 1909 - 2008 17

  18. Desalination contribution 18

  19. Capital Wind Farm 19

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