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Way to Copenhagen

Way to Copenhagen. www.equitybd.org. Way to Copenhagen. Copenhagen Climate talks aims at hammering out a global climate deal to limit greenhouse gas emissions when the Kyoto Protocol's first commitment period expires at the end of 2012.

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Way to Copenhagen

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  1. Way to Copenhagen www.equitybd.org

  2. Way to Copenhagen Copenhagen Climate talks aims at hammering out a global climate deal to limit greenhouse gas emissions when the Kyoto Protocol's first commitment period expires at the end of 2012. The new deal is to tackle the causes of climate change (mitigation) and to assist countries to cope with the effects of climate change that we can no longer avoid (adaptation). www.equitybd.org

  3. Way to Copenhagen Three major blocks European Union United States, supported by Japan and Canada • G77 and China. Other regional blocs like; African Group; LDC Group; The Alliance of Small Island Developing States-AOSIS Group; Environmental Integrity Group; Umbrella Group etc www.equitybd.org

  4. Way to Copenhagen The G 77 and China is the major one that comprises with 132 countries which includes developing, LDCs, and the small island countries. In fact, the G 77 and China is the platform of almost all the Non Annex Country Parties who are historically not responsible for the present climate crisis. G 77 and China is a distinctive negotiating bloc of common interest. But again given the disparity in economic comparability, GDP growth it’s a heterogeneous Group led by the advanced developing countries of different interest. www.equitybd.org

  5. Way to Copenhagen The agenda of discussion Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the UNFCCC (AWG-LCA) AWG-LCA was established in CoP 13 in Bali with the adoption of the Bali Action Plan, with a mandate to focus on four key elements of long-term: mitigation, adaptation, finance and technology. www.equitybd.org

  6. Way to Copenhagen The agenda of discussion Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP ). AWG-KP was established in 2005 on the basis of Protocol Article 3.9, which mandates consideration of Annex I parties’ further commitments at least seven years before the end of the first commitment period. www.equitybd.org

  7. Way to Copenhagen The agenda of discussion The two key bodies under the Bali Roadmap are the AWG-LCA and the AWG-KP. The work in Bangkok under the AWG-LCA focused on the key elements of BAP, namely: adaptation, finance, technology, mitigation, capacity building The AWG-LCA produced a number of non papers that will be forwarded to the resumed AWG-LCA in Copenhagen. www.equitybd.org

  8. Way to Copenhagen The agenda of discussion On the other hand discussion under AWG-KP rounded on Annex I parties’ emission reductions beyond the first commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol. In addition, parties continued to discuss other issues in the AWG-KP´s work programme, including the flexibility mechanisms, land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) as well as potential consequences of response measures. www.equitybd.org

  9. Way to Copenhagen Discussion on AWG-LCA 7 Mitigation: the BAP contains the following sub-paragraphs: 1(b)(i) on mitigation by developed countries: Measurable, reportable and verifiable nationally appropriate mitigation commitments or actions, including quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives, ensuring the comparability of efforts among them, considering differences in national circumstances. 1(b)(ii) on mitigation by developing countries; Nationally appropriate mitigation actions in the context of sustainable development supported and enabled by technology, financing and capacity building, in a measurable, reportable and verifiable manner. www.equitybd.org

  10. Way to Copenhagen Discussion on AWG-LCA 1(b)(iii) on reducing deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, plus conservation (REDD-plus); 1(b)(iv) on sectoral approaches; 1(b)(v) on various approaches to enhance the cost effectiveness of mitigation action, including markets; and 1(b)(vi) on consequences of response measures. www.equitybd.org

  11. Way to Copenhagen Among the six sub-paragraphs of discussion on 1(b)(i) and 1(b)(ii) created ‘deep divides’: These are: Creating a separate sub-group to consider proposals relating to common elements of mitigation by all parties. A proposal on monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) for all parties, which builds on the existing frameworks, and would introduce enhanced reporting, as well as a technical review by experts. National schedules of mitigation commitments or actions www.equitybd.org

  12. Way to Copenhagen Conflicting Word: MAJOR EMMITERS; Japan emphasized their pledge of 25% emission reduction from 1990 levels by 2020 is premised on fair agreements with the participation of the MAJOR EMMITERS. Chain-India-Kuwait emphasized that the words like 'Advanced Developing Countries', 'Major Emitters' are mentioned nowhere in the Convention and Protocol; Discussion should be based on 'Historical Responsibility' and the principle of 'Common but Differentiated Responsibilities'.  www.equitybd.org

  13. Way to Copenhagen Commitment in Place for Mitigation: Japan 25% from 1990 levels by 2020 The EU, with NORWAY, underscored that they wished to see a collective ambition to reduce emissions by 30% below 1990 levels by 2020. Total aggregate commitment in place is 11-18% below 1990 levels by 2020 which would lead to a temperature increase of “3ºC or worse.” Annex I countries attempt to move away from their historical responsibility. www.equitybd.org

  14. Way to Copenhagen Mitigation commitments or actions by the Annex I country Parties, Stabilization at 450 ppm or less proposed by the developed country parties, Federated States of Micronesia, supported by AOSIS, preferred stabilization below 350 ppm Norway outlined plans to reduce by 40% below 1990 levels by 2020. Mitigation commitments still considerably low, while science demands 45 reduction from 1990 levels by 2020 www.equitybd.org

  15. Way to Copenhagen Measures of Achieving Targets There also heated debate on comparability of efforts, mitigation commitments or actions, and achievement of QELROs by the developed country Parties (Quantified Emission Reduction Objectives). The Federated States of Micronesia, for AOSIS, and COSTA RICA stressed that the developed countries should achieve their QELROs primarily through domestic emission reduction. www.equitybd.org

  16. Way to Copenhagen Achievement of Targets G77 and China express worries that the use of offsetting mechanisms i.e. CDM and REDD in achieving QELROs will weaken emission reduction commitments. BRAZIL, with COLOMBIA, asked to introduce defining limits to the use of market mechanisms. BOLIVIA highlighted a recent proposal by her country that developed countries should achieve their QELROs domestically and not through market mechanisms. www.equitybd.org

  17. Way to Copenhagen Adaptation: to address the urgent and immediate needs of developing countries, especially SIDS, LDCs and African countries, Mechanisms for addressing loss and damage caused by disasters associated with Climate Change China cautioned against establishing vulnerability criteria based on national circumstances, respective financial and technical capabilities, levels of risk and impacts, as well as levels of poverty. www.equitybd.org

  18. Way to Copenhagen Adaptation Saudi Arabia called for retaining language on impacts of response measures. The G-77/China called for inclusion of migration, displacement, and planned relocation. Colombia said that 30% of adaptation funding should be dedicated to disaster reduction and preparedness. www.equitybd.org

  19. Way to Copenhagen Adaptation Finance Institutional arrangement of finance and US/MEXICAN proposal of ‘’Global Climate Change Fund’’. JAPAN supported using existing institutional mechanisms. Measurable Verifiable and Reportable on financial Mechanism. www.equitybd.org

  20. Way to Copenhagen Adaptation Finance The LDCs emphasized that existing institutions have failed to provide adequate financing and that a new multi-window institution is needed. Funding should come from public sources in developed countries and be supplemental to official development assistance. Therefore, the use of existing mechanisms was opposed by the Philippines, for the G-77/CHINA, Uganda, for the LDCs, and Egypt, for the www.equitybd.org

  21. Way to Copenhagen MEXICAN/US proposal on Finance MEXICAN proposal on the architecture of the Global Climate Change Fund, Participation both by the Developed and Developing Countries as per emissions, population and economy. Developing country’s contributions would be “much smaller but not zero,”. www.equitybd.org

  22. Way to Copenhagen MEXICAN/US proposal on Finance The LDCs would be the only “accepted free-riders;” developing countries would get more than they contribute; Global Fund/US Proposal Continuation of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) as an operating entity of the financial mechanism. All parties, except the LDCs, would contribute to the fund in line with capabilities but that contributions would not be mandatory www.equitybd.org

  23. Way to Copenhagen Killing KP……A common and Single Protocol for all Country Parties !! ………"It has become clear that the intention of developed countries is to kill the Kyoto Protocol." …..Ambassador Yu Kintai from China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs told "The reason why we are not making any progress is the lack of political will on the part of the Annex I countries to make progress." www.equitybd.org

  24. Way to Copenhagen Position on Mitigation Emission reduction by developed countries by 45% by 2020 compared to 1990 level (similar to that of LDCs and SIDS) Keep temperature increase well below 1.5 degree Celsius Green House Concentration by 350 ppm by 2100. Allow the Green House Gas Concentration peaking by 2015 www.equitybd.org

  25. Way to Copenhagen Position on Mitigation and Adaptation Finance Mandatory contributions from Annex-I Parties for meeting the cost of adaptation, which should be supported primarily and from ‘public sources’ and the secondary mechanisms may be International Air Passenger Adaptation Levy (IAPAL) or Green Levy on Air Fare and other new and innovative mechanisms. Financial resources should be over and above the existing 0.7% Overseas Development Assistance (ODA); the proposed financial resources should not be less than 1.5% of the GDP contribution by the Annex-I Parties and with of increased allocation to the LDCs and SIDS www.equitybd.org

  26. Way to Copenhagen Position on Mitigation and Adaptation Finance Adaptation fund must be provided on a grant basis Finance should be sustainable, sovereign ownership of the recipient countries; should be free from domination of existing financial architecture. The level of financing should be adequate and predictable with direct, simplified and quicker access especially by the LDCs. Immigration rights of the climate change induced forced migrants to the Annex I countries with ensuring their social, cultural and economic rights. www.equitybd.org

  27. Way to Copenhagen Position on Technology Transfer Support is to be provided to the developing countries for upgrading indigenous technologies through innovation, creating markets for relevant technologies with the right kind of investment and enabling environment LDCs should be exempted from the obligation of patent protection of climate related technologies for adaptation and mitigation, as required for capacity building and development. Development of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Technologies must be kept outside the present IPR regime. www.equitybd.org

  28. Way to Copenhagen Position on Technology Transfer Annex I Parties should support Innovative Climate Change Research and technology development and make it freely available to the LDC country Parties. Patented technologies should be made available free of charge to the LDC/SIDS Genetic resources, that are essential for adaptation in agriculture, must not be patented by multinational or any other corporations. These are also should not be consider as traded item under the IPR regime of WTO www.equitybd.org

  29. Way to Copenhagen Thank you…. www.equitybd.org

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