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Zai Rickards | Super Talented Business Marketing Expert | Free Online Marketing

Connect with Zai Rickards the most famous or reputed business marketing expert in Melbourne Australia. He offers you top class online marketing tips and tricks which are highly beneficial for your business growth. Here Zai Rickards offers you new and top trending strategies which are used by top brands of USA, Australia and Canada. This is the golden chance for all business experts or marketers.

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Zai Rickards | Super Talented Business Marketing Expert | Free Online Marketing

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  1. Zai Rickards | How Can You Start Digital Marketing Yourself And Grow Your Business How Can You Start Digital Marketing Yourself And Grow Your Business | Tips By Zai Rickards | Zai Rickards Melbourne Digital marketing is all about harnessing the power of online marketing efforts to drive 10 X leads and qualitative sales. But before we go any further you need to realize that growth is an amalgamation of small continuous efforts so if you are a startup and cannot afford to invest in hiring the best digital marketing agency to look after your brand, then this blog is for you. Zai Rickards here to help you develop and kick start digital marketing campaigns for our business and the best part is that you can do it just by yourself. By the end of this blog, I assure you, will be able to apply these in real-time and watch your business grow. Now before we jump into how to create a digital presence that can help you grow your business, let's first understand the basics of digital marketing and the various factors that come under it. Digital Marketing is exactly what it sounds like - marketing online or promoting awareness of your product or services offerings and its benefits to potential customers over the internet. This can be done organically by creating content about your business offerings that compel your audience to share that content, or by placing advertisements on the internet that compel viewers to take a desirable action. Digital marketing is one big umbrella with other services falling under it. However, the three most common ways people consume information over the internet are through email, search engines i.e Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc, and social media. .

  2. Create blogs and post high-quality content regularly- Not only does building a noteworthy blog in your industry or niche help to drive traffic by tapping the interest of Google, but it also leads to creating authority. This is a long-term strategy, and you must be aware that this process won't pay off overnight, but every entrepreneur needs to understand the importance of embracing this online marketing method. Now you may say that my writing skills aren't that great. I'd say it definitely need not be. At the end of the day, your content should be relevant, easy to understand, and add value. So even if you are a beginner take help from tools such as Grammarly, out on your thinking cap, and start writing. Once you have a few blogs in hand, you can use these to post on third party websites to gain relevance. Bonus Tip: Always add your website's link in the content of your blog. This method is called backlinking and is impactful. Market your content on Medium or Quora- The content that you put out on such websites should be keyword-centric, resourceful, unique, and adds a lot of value. Ensure that whatever you're talking about, it adds value to the reader. Similar to the backlinking strategy for blog writing, while writing content for Medium or Quora, create one link from that article using a primary or relevant keyword back to blog on your own website. Make use of 'Groups' on social media- Whether it maybe Facebook groups or LinkedIn groups, joining relevant groups is the best way to connect with your audience or niche. Social media management is the key to open doors for new business opportunities. Groups can help promote your message across to many. However, do not overdo it. If you do so, you may either get blocked or come across as spammy. Bonus Tip- It's best to add value to a conversation or discussion before trying to drop your links. Collect as many reviews as possible- Reviews not only have the power to influence consumer decisions but can strengthen a company's credibility. Reviews have the power to gain potential customers' trust as well as boost their interaction with your brand. Therefore, ask customers to fill in a review on your Google My Business Page or on Facebook under the reviews section. One best way to gain reviews is after your customers have made a purchase either through email marketing or a simple direct message draft a message along with a link to the reviews page and ask them to go ahead and fill in a review. This is one of the most effective ways to generate reviews. The more the better hence, if it is a website or YouTube or Facebook or Google My Business, try and get customers to review your business everywhere! Create a branded email signature- Something as simple as adding an email signature can go a long way. Incorporating a branded email signature is one of the simplest ways to market your brand. Place the links your wish to promote into your email signature. This helps to promote your business to people that you're in contact with via email on a daily basis. Contribute to industry-specific forums- Some people get this whole concept wrong. It's not about joining and dropping spammy links. If you do this, it obviously won't work. When you find a forum, specific to your industry type, join conversations, and add value before you try to link- drop. When you join forums based on your niche, add value, answer questions, interact with

  3. industry leaders, and make suggestions. However, what you can do is add your link to your signature after a few posts. Final Word Digital Marketing as a process is a very systematic way of publishing and marketing your content online. If you follow a strict protocol for creative and well written content that is thought provoking and visually interesting you will win the game of digital marketing. You just have to consistent in everything you are doing and constantly test the effectivity of your digital advertising. Zai Rickards also a professional Digital marketer. For more information and tips keep following Zai Rickards blogs and ideas. For more ideas visit : https://zairickards.blogspot.com/ https://www.reddit.com/user/ZaiRickards/comments/qb6qog/zai_rickards_zai_rickards_melbourne_be st/ https://issuu.com/zairickards/docs/zai_rickards_new_presentation.pptx https://alltrendyblog.com/zai-rickards-top-rules-to-become-a-elite-sales-consultant/ https://www.ezineposting.com/zai-rickards-importance-of-latest-marketing-techniques-for-business- development/

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