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Flora and Fauna in Sălaj County

Flora and Fauna in Sălaj County. Here is a small part of the flora and fauna in our county and a few interesting aspects about them. Narcissus angustifolius ( Narcisa salbateca, Cocorotica ). It grows in Racas village, in a protected area, called ‘The Daffodil Clearing’.

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Flora and Fauna in Sălaj County

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  1. Flora and Fauna in Sălaj County

  2. Here is a small part of the flora and fauna in our county and a few interesting aspects about them.

  3. Narcissus angustifolius (Narcisa salbateca, Cocorotica) • It grows in Racas village, in a protected area, • called ‘The Daffodil Clearing’. • It occupies a surface of 1,5 ha • It blooms in April-May • Up to 70 flowers can grow on a square meter.

  4. Fritillaria meleagris(Laleaua pestriţă, caldarusa) • It can be seen in the Tulip Meadow Natural Reservation near Cehu Silvaniei; • It occupies a surface of 10 ha; • It blooms in March-May; • It usually grows in wet areas and nearforests.

  5. Castanea sativa(Castanul) • The Natural Reservation of the ‘Chestnut Forest’ is situated in Rogna (Ileanda); • Many of the trees are 100 years old; • Trees like ‘Fagus sylvatica’ and ‘Quercus petraea’ alsogrow here.

  6. The Natural Reservation of Small Oak is situated in Panic, near Zalău; It occupies a surface of 2 ha; It is also famous for its very special ‘Red Oak’ (Quercus rubra) Quercus rubra (Stejarul rosu)Quercus palustris (stejar de balta)

  7. Sphagnum(Muşchi de turbă ) • It grows in ‘The Iaz Swamp’ protected area; • It spreads on 5 ha.

  8. It grows in ‘The Iaz Swamp’ protected area; It spreads on 5 ha; It is a carnivorous plant; It can eat up to 50 insects per year. Drosera rotundifolia(Roua cerului)

  9. Vinca minor(Salsau sau Saschiu) • It grows in bushes or shady woods; • It is cultivated as ornamental plant or used in therapeutic purposes: it increases cerebral circulation, it stimulates neuronal metabolism.

  10. Campanula media(Clopotei de gradina) • It grows in each and every garden; • In a village, in our county, it grows spontaneously, in the cemetery.

  11. Anemone nemorosa(Floarea pastilor) • It blooms in early spring, in woods and near their margins; • It contains toxic substances that can give muscular contractions, cardio and respiratory disorder and rash. • By instinct, no animal eats this kind of plant.

  12. Corydalis bulbosa (brebenei) • It is common in our woods; • It blooms in March-May; • Because it is highly toxic it is used in precise dosage, which is given to those whosuffer of Parkinson, paralysis, cramps and some other diseases.

  13. Allium schoenoprasum(Aiut ) • It grows on the meadows and mountainous areas; • It is digestive and it also fights cancer.

  14. Helleborus purpurascens (Spânz) • It grows in the woods or in wet meadows. When it blooms, people know spring has arrived. • It fights tumors and its believed to be a cytostatic.

  15. Ranunculus repens (Piciorul cocosului) • It can be found in wet areas; • It blooms from March till October; • It is highly recommended in breast diseases.

  16. Fauna in Sălaj County

  17. Meles meles (Viezure) • It lives about 15 • years; • It spends the winter hybernating in its den.

  18. Sus scrofa (Mistretul) • It lives in forests; • It is a nocturnal animal , • It likes to feed on potatoes • and corn, which it finds at the • limits of the forests; • It can feed on meat, too.

  19. Capreolus capreolus (Caprioara) • Deers, usually live alone or in small groups made up of a female and its baby deer. • They feed on plants which contain a high concentration of water.

  20. Dama dama (Cerbul lopatar) • The male is powerful. They weigh around 40 - 100 kg and they have horns. While the females , weigh around 25 - 45 kg and do not have horns. • It is a sociable animal.

  21. Vulpes vulpes • Most of the foxes hunt and kill the hunted animal even if they have plenty of food. What exceeds, is buried and preservedfor harsh times. • They are responsible for the spreading of various illnesses, especially in the rural area: like rabies.This illness can be passed on to people, too.

  22. Turdus merula(Mierla) • The male is black with orange • beak. • The female is light brown with light • yellow beak. • She feeds mostly on insects, but depending on the season she feeds on fruits and seeds, too.

  23. Garrulus glandarius(Gaita) • It eats chicks, eggs, seeds, • fruits, insects and their larva. • The female lays 5 to 7 eggs once a year, by late April.The eggs are greenish-blue.The chicks hatch in 16 - 20 days.

  24. Fringilla coelebs(Pitigoi) They are birds that sing beautifully. The males have more intense colours than females.

  25. Dendrocoposmedius • It is very useful in the orchards and woods, because it feeds on several insects which otherwise would harm the trees. • It is also known as the ‘doctor of the woods’. • They mate for life.

  26. It can reach 250 km/h while chasing its prey. Falco peregrinus

  27. Fulica atra (Lisita) • It is just a summer ‘guest’ in the wet areas with reed and bulrush. • In autumn it migrates to the Mediterana Area.

  28. Salmo trutta fario(Pastrav) • The fishing period is established by law between 1stJune and 31stDecember. The trout can easily be caught because it is very greedy. • It lives especially in mountain springs.

  29. Lacerta viridis (Guster) • The male is a few centemeter longer than the female. • In the mating season, the male’s neck is bright blue.

  30. ‘In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.’ (Aristotle, Parts of Animals)

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