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Co-workers : Ali Abedi (MPI-Halle) Neepa Maitra (CUNY) Nikitas Gidopoulos (Rutherford Lab)

Exact factorization of the time-dependent electron-nuclear wave function: A fresh look on potential energy surfaces and Berry phases. Co-workers : Ali Abedi (MPI-Halle) Neepa Maitra (CUNY) Nikitas Gidopoulos (Rutherford Lab).

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Co-workers : Ali Abedi (MPI-Halle) Neepa Maitra (CUNY) Nikitas Gidopoulos (Rutherford Lab)

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  1. Exact factorization of the time-dependent electron-nuclear wave function: A fresh look on potential energy surfaces and Berry phases Co-workers: Ali Abedi (MPI-Halle) Neepa Maitra (CUNY) Nikitas Gidopoulos (Rutherford Lab)

  2. Hamiltonian for the complete system of Ne electrons with coordinates and Nn nuclei with coordinates , masses M1··· MNn and charges Z1··· ZNn. with Greek indices  nuclei Latin indices  electrons convention: Full Schrödinger equation:

  3. for each fixed nuclear configuration Born-Oppenheimer approximation solve Make adiabatic ansatz for the complete molecular wave function: and find best χBO by minimizing <ΨBO | H | ΨBO > w.r.t. χBO :

  4. Berry connection is a geometric phase In this context, potential energy surfaces and the Berry potential are APPROXIMATE concepts, i.e. they follow from the BO approximation. Nuclear equation

  5. Berry connection is a geometric phase In this context, potential energy surfaces and the Berry potential are APPROXIMATE concepts, i.e. they follow from the BO approximation. Nuclear equation “Berry phases arise when the world is approximately separated into a system and its environment.”

  6. and insert expansion in the full Schrödinger equation → standard non-adiabatic coupling terms from Tn acting on GOING BEYOND BORN-OPPENHEIMER Standard procedure: Expand full molecular wave function in complete set of BO states: Drawbacks: • χJ,K depends on 2 indices: → looses nice interpretation as • “nuclear wave function” • In systems driven by a strong laser, hundreds of BO-PES can be • coupled.

  7. Potential energy surfaces are absolutely essential in our understanding of a molecule .... and can be measured by femto-second pump-probe spectroscopy: Zewail, J. Phys. Chem. 104, 5660, (2000)

  8. fs laser pulse (the pump pulse) creates a wavepacket, i.e., a rather localised object in space which then spreads out while moving.

  9. Na+ + I- PE R The NaI system (fruit fly of femtosecond spectroscopy) The potential energy curves: The ground, X-state is ionic in character with a deep minimum and 1/R potential leading to ionic fragments: PE Na + I R The first excited state is a weakly bound covalent state with a shallow minimum and atomic fragments.

  10. The non-crossing rule Na++ I- ionic Na + I covalent “Avoided crossing” ionic

  11. NaI femtochemistry The wavepacket is launched on the repulsive wall of the excited surface. As it keeps moving on this surface it encounters the avoided crossing at 6.93 Ǻ. At this point some molecules will dissociate into Na + I, and some will keep oscillating on the upper adiabatic surface.

  12. Na++ I- Na + I The wavepacket continues sloshing about on the excited surface with a small fraction leaking out each time the avoided crossing is encountered.

  13. I. Probing Na atom products: Steps in the production of Na as more of the wavepacket leaks out each vibration into the Na + I channel. Each step smaller than last (because fewer molecules left)

  14. Effect of tuning pump wavelength (exciting to different points on excited surface) λpump/nm 300 311 321 Different periods indicative of anharmonic potential 339 T.S. Rose, M.J. Rosker, A. Zewail, JCP 91, 7415 (1989)

  15. GOAL: Show that can be made EXACT • Concept of EXACT potential energy surfaces (beyond BO) • Concept of EXACT Berry connection (beyond BO) • Concept of EXACT time-dependent potential energy surfaces • for systems exposed to electro-magnetic fields • Concept of ECACT time-dependent Berry connection • for systems exposed to electro-magnetic fields

  16. The exact solutions of can be written in the form for each fixed where Theorem I First mentioned in: G. Hunter, Int. J.Q.C. 9, 237 (1975)

  17. proof: 1  in this sense, can be interpreted as a proper nuclear wavefunction. Immediate consequences of Theorem I: • The diagonal of the nuclear Nn-body density matrix is identical with • and are unique up to within the “gauge transformation”

  18. proof: Let and be two different representations of an exact eigenfunction  i.e. 1 1

  19. Eq.  Eq.  where Theorem II: satisfy the following equations: G. Hunter, Int. J. Quant. Chem. 9, 237 (1975). N.I. Gidopoulos, E.K.U.G. arXiv: cond-mat/0502433

  20. is a (gauge-invariant) geometric phase • the exact geometric phase OBSERVATIONS: • Neglecting the terms in , BO is recovered • There is an alternative, equally exact, representation • (electrons move on the nuclear energy surface) • Eq.  is a nonlinear equation in • Eq.  contains  selfconsistent solution of  and  required • Eq.  and  are form-invariant under the “gauge” transformation Exact potential energy surface is gauge invariant.

  21. Proof of Theorem I: Given the exact electron-nuclear wavefuncion Choose: with some real-valued funcion Then, by construction,

  22. Find the variationally best and by minimizing the total energy under the subsidiary condition that . This gives two Euler equations: Proof of theorem II (basic idea) first step: Eq.  Eq.  second step: prove the implication ,  satisfy Eqs. ,   := satisfies H=E

  23. How do the exact PES look like?

  24. R (1) (2) – – + + + 0 Å -5 Å +5 Å x y MODEL (S. Shin, H. Metiu, JCP 102, 9285 (1995), JPC 100, 7867 (1996)) Nuclei (1) and (2) are heavy: Their positions are fixed

  25. Exact Berry connection Insert: with the exact nuclear current density Jν

  26. Consider special cases where is real-valued (e.g. non-degenerate ground state  DFT formulation) Eqs. ,  simplify:  

  27. A HK theorem is easily demonstrated (Parr et al). This, however, is NOT useful (though correct) because, for one has: n = constant N = constant easily verified using Density functional theory beyond BO What are the “right” densities? first attempt

  28. Note: is the density that has always been used in the DFT within BO next attempt NO GOOD, because spherical for ALL systems Useful densities are: (diagonal of nuclear DM) is a conditional probability density

  29. 1 (like in B.O.) now use decomposition then HK theorem

  30. KS equations nuclear equation stays the same Electronic equation: Electronic and nuclear equation to be solved self-consistently using:

  31. Time-dependent case

  32. Hamiltonian for the complete system of Ne electrons with coordinates and Nn nuclei with coordinates , masses M1··· MNn and charges Z1··· ZNn. with Time-dependent Schrödinger equation

  33. Theorem T-I The exact solution of can be written in the form where for any fixed . A. Abedi, N.T. Maitra, E.K.U.G., PRL 105, 123002 (2010)

  34. Theorem T-II satisfy the following equations Eq.  Eq.  A. Abedi, N.T. Maitra, E.K.U.G., PRL 105, 123002 (2010)

  35. EXACT time-dependent potential energy surface EXACT time-dependent Berry connection

  36. Example: H2+ in 1D in strong laser field exact solution of • Compare with: • Hartree approximation: • Standard Ehrenfest dynamics • “Exact Ehrenfest dynamics” where the forces on the nuclei are • calculated from the exact TD-PES Ψ(r,R,t) = χ(R,t) ·φ(r,t)

  37. The internuclear separation < R>(t) for the intensities I1 = 1014W/cm2 (left) and I2 = 2.5 x 1013W/cm2 (right)

  38. Exact time-dependent PES Dashed: I1 = 1014W/cm2 ; solid: I2 = 2.5 x 1013W/cm2

  39. Summary: • is an exact representation • of the complete electron-nuclear wavefunction if χ and Φ • satisfy the right equations • Eqs. ,  provide the proper definition of the • --- exact potential energy surface • --- exact Berry connection • both in the static and the time-dependent case • Multi-component (TD)DFT framework • TD-PES useful to interpret different dissociation meachanisms (namely Eqs. ,  )

  40. Thanks !

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