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leaders are born or made this is the basic core topic of this presentation .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Younas Ameen • Eisha Tahir • Hafsa Malik

  2. Introduction • Some individuals are born with leadership qualities . • Some learn to become great leaders . • Most of the successful leaders develop and enhance their skills in their life . • It means even a person with leadership qualities need to refine their skills before reaching their full potiential .

  3. ANALYSIS • Statistical conclusion • Born believe that traits are more important than experienes . • Made believe that experiences are substantially more important than are traits .

  4. Analysis Researchers conclusion Researchers concluded that the answer is “yes “- leaders are both born and made .leaders are likely to possess a common gene and have similar brain wave patterns .However , what nearly all leaders have in common is that the will have improved their skills over an exended period of time .

  5. Evaluation Leaders are Made No one is born a leader . You may start with a gift for leadership,but you have to work hard to develop it .

  6. Evaluation Leaders are born to be made . G.Krstulovic wrote : They are born to be made. Let me clarify it this way –leadership is a set of skills that can learned by practice over time .This is true of literally any skill .However ,you need some in born – talent or ” pre – determination “ to master the skill . There is a significant difference between “ learning the skill “and mastering one . I love basketball ,but no matter how hard I practice , I won,t be able to play it like Michael Jordan . I hope you see where I am coming from .

  7. Evaluation Negative aspects of leadership : • Poor communication . • Poor influencing From the Top. • Lack of strategic thinking . • Poor time management /Delegation . • Poor conflict Resolution skills. • Lack of leadership development . Positive aspects of leadership : • Positive leadership is modeling ,facilitating ,and purposefully influencing positive emotions that encourage team members and employees to excel their work .Positive leaders cultivate an empowering environment through communication ,accountability,emotional intelligence ,motivation and model – worthy ethic .

  8. Summary Leaders are made, not born and how they develop is critical to organisational success. We all have the potential to lead, at whatever level and responsibility is appropriate. Recognising this and developing others within the organisation with a range of skills and attributes is a key quality of a good leader.

  9. Conclusion Without initiative leaders are simply workers in leadership positions .


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