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Take Your Seat at the Table and Raise Your Voice for Public Schools!

Educators have an unprecedented opportunity to be part of decisions about education at the school, district, and state levels. Your experiences with students provide invaluable insight for resource allocation. Join us at myschoolmyvoice.nea.org to complete your Opportunity Checklist!

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Take Your Seat at the Table and Raise Your Voice for Public Schools!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome! While you’re waiting…visitmyschoolmyvoice.nea.org and complete your Opportunity Checklist!

  2. Poll TIME! Who knows public schools best? Students Families Educators Elected Officials

  3. Educators have an unprecedented opportunity to be part of decisions about education – at the school, district, and state levels!

  4. Your experiences with students provides invaluable insight that your district can use to make decisions about how resources are allocated for students.

  5. You are a critical stakeholder in school improvement– not just a box to check! Take your seat at the table and raise your voice on behalf of your students.

  6. Poll TIME! Using the Opportunity Checklist Ensuring Opportunities For All


  8. Share your commitment! Tell us what YOU do to make public schools GREAT! #myschoolmyvoice

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