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Medical Chatbots: A Boon for Healthcare Industry!

AI has entered as a benefactor in the healthcare industry and has been creating new scopes. AI-based chatbots are also rising in healthcare due to their benefits. To know more about telemedicine app development services and medical chatbots, continue reading this blog!

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Medical Chatbots: A Boon for Healthcare Industry!

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  1. Medical Chatbots: A Boon for Healthcare Industry! =============================================== No doubt Artificial Intelligence is impacting medical and healthcare as the use of chatbots in this industry has recently become popular. What are these chatbots and why are they gaining more and more popularity? And why are chatbots being adopted by the healthcare industry as telehealth software solutions? Through this blog, we’ll give you a closer look at what these chatbots are and their benefits in the healthcare industry. Chatbots are interactive software designed to imitate human-like chats in real-time. These are developed using Machine Learning algorithms, including natural language processing. A chatbot assists the user via text messages within applications or websites.

  2. Chatbots have already been applied in retail, social media, customer service, and banking. Several users engage and interact with chatbots daily on their smartphones without even knowing. Healthcare organizations are reaping the benefits of these AI-enabled virtual assistants for automating their routine users/patients with 24/7 assistance. Telemedicine app developers are also working over the chatbots to be more effective and successful in the field of medication. processes and provide the As per a report prepared by Accenture, the health industry is all set to register a compound annual growth rate of 40% by the end of this year. Currently, chatbots are ready to make a mark in the healthcare industry. Application of Chatbots in Healthcare Here we discuss the possible advantages that these chatbots promise to medical service providers, doctors, and patients: ● Health Tracking Doctors are always willing to help their patients and they understand that how important it is to be available if the patient is in urgent need of medical attention. Patients who require healthcare regularly can get benefits from such chatbots. These bots can send a detailed health report and the medicinal dosage to the doctor. In case the doctor is not available, the bot can send a message on the doctor’s phone asking for his availability. ● Training and Employing Big healthcare agencies are continuously hiring new employees. For the processing of these applications, the HR department ends up with a lot of paperwork to be filled out and cross-checked. This task can be made easier by assigning chatbots. For example, new hirings could subscribe and access talking to these chatbots, become integrated into employee, and receive data regarding the organization and its working. the onboarding process as a new

  3. These chatbots can also send required information and files to these employees. ● Scheduling Appointments Chatbots can also be used by doctors for scheduling fresh appointments and keeping track of old visitors and follow-up appointments. The patient can just get in touch with the chatbot and get available dates of appointment. And a day prior, a message or notification would be sent to both the patient and doctor regarding the next day’s appointment. Patients can get these scheduling bots from a website or can access them through any mobile device as Telemedicine app development solutions have made medication over the phone easy and convenient. ● Patient Feedback The main aim of any healthcare provider is to provide the best services to their patients. Chatbots can be a great way for collecting feedback from patients. This feedback can then be used by the healthcare providers to make their practice and services better. Collecting feedback through chatbots would help patients to give honest feedback. Moreover, it shows that you value their feedback and opinions. ● Reduced Waiting Time Chatbots enable the users/patients to get an immediate response and solution rather than waiting on a phone call, sending an email, or even waiting in a line. In many medical situations, time is essential as the patients don’t have the time to wait over a phone call to be answered. Chatbots can be used to get an instant response and in case of an emergency, immediate medical rescues can be made. The user can simply ask a question and the bot would respond with an appropriate answer in few seconds. An emergency button would directly connect to the doctor and the user can ask for further help. ● Daily Medication and Check-up Reminders Doctors prescribe medications for dealing with various health conditions. But the biggest challenge here is that the patient is regularly taking that

  4. medication on-time or not? A study said that almost 50% of patients are irregular with their medication routine. Chatbots can be used not only to dispense medication advice but also to send reminder messages to the patient for taking the specific medicine on time. The patient just needs to simply enter the medicine’s name they need to take, how many times a day they need it, and the time. Chatbots are undoubtedly a beneficial and powerful tool. The healthcare industry players can implement these on their websites or apps, helping the patients to get regular and timely medical advice, scheduling appointments, sending medication invoices, next appointment reminders, etc. Talking about Telemedicine app development company, Consagous Technologies is a good option one can look out for. It has got absolute best telehealth software solutions for your problems related to telemedicine app development.

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