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UNIT 2: Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice Chapter 9 Crimes Against the Person. STREET LAW. Crimes against the person include Homicide Assault/Sexual Assault Battery Rape Kidnapping False Imprisonment Mayhem. They are all serious offenses that can result in harsh punishments

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  1. UNIT 2: Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice Chapter 9 Crimes Against the Person STREET LAW

  2. Crimes against the person include • Homicide • Assault/Sexual Assault • Battery • Rape • Kidnapping • False Imprisonment • Mayhem

  3. They are all serious offenses that can result in harsh punishments • Various levels of these crimes have been defined by law in order to protect the defendant from overly harsh penalties • In addition, the circumstances of each offense are considered in sentencing • Varying circumstances may influence the severity of the sentence

  4. Homicide • Homicide—the killing of one human being by another—is considered the most serious of all acts • It can be classified as criminal or non-criminal • Criminal homicide is committed with intent, or a plan • It is also considered criminal homicide if a person’s reckless actions, w/o regard for human life, result in the killing of another person • Noncriminal homicide can be classified as either “excusable” or “justifiable,” & is not subject to criminal charges

  5. Homicide Crimes • Murder/Felony Murder • Manslaughter • Negligent Homicide • Vehicular Homicide

  6. Criminal Homicide • Murder • Killing that is done with malice(the most serious form) • Malice means having the intent to kill or seriously harm another person or acting in an extremely reckless manner which shows a lack of regard for human life • It may be classified as first-degree, felony murder, or second-degree, depending on • the level of premeditation, • the killer’s state of mind, and/or • the circumstances that preceded the crime

  7. First-degree murder • Killing that is • premeditated (thought about beforehand), • deliberate, • & done w/malice • An action w/an intent to kill or cause severe bodily injury or w/a depraved indifference to human life • Premeditation & deliberation can occur very close to the time of the homicide

  8. Felony murder • Any killing that takes place during the commission of certain felonies, such as arson, rape, robbery, or burglary • Not necessary to prove intent • Malice is presumed because the homicide occurred during the felony—even if the killing was accidental • Most states consider felony murder to be 1st degree murder

  9. Second-degree murder • Killing that is done w/malice, but w/o premeditation or deliberation • The intent to kill didn’t exist until the moment of the murder • Includes intentional but spontaneous killings that are unplanned

  10. Voluntary manslaughter • Killing that would otherwise be murder, but that occurs after the victim has done something to the killer that would cause a reasonable person to lose self-control or act rashly • Killing someone in a violent argument w/o 1st planning to do so • Words alone (no matter how offensive) don’t reduce the severity of murder to voluntary manslaughter • The killing must occur just after the provocation so that the killer didn’t have an opportunity to “cool down” • A person discovers his/her spouse w/someone else & that person kills the spouse’s lover in a jealous rage • Punished less severely than murder as a concession to the frailty of human character

  11. Involuntary manslaughter • Killing in which there is no intent to kill at all • Unintentional killing resulting from conduct so reckless that it causes extreme danger of death or bodily injury • Killing that results from playing w/a gun known to be loaded

  12. Negligent homicide • Causing death through criminal negligence • Negligence is the failure to exercise a reasonable or ordinary amount of care in a situation, thereby causing harm to someone • Vehicular homicide—killing that results from operating a motor vehicle in a reckless & grossly negligent manner • Any death that results from careless driving may lead to a civil suit for damages, but it is usually not considered a crime unless the death results from gross negligence

  13. Non-criminal Homicide • Killing that is justifiable or excusable & for which the killer is deemed faultless • The killing of an enemy soldier in wartime • The killing of a condemned criminal by an executioner • The killing by a police officer of a person who is committing a serious crime & who poses a threat of death or serious harm • A killing performed in self-defense or in defense of another person

  14. Suicide • The deliberate taking of one's own life • Was once considered a crime—now prohibits only attempted suicide • Most courts generally treat attempted suicide as a plea for help & demand that the individual seek treatment • The courts may order a psychological examination or treatment for someone who has attempted suicide • Someone who helps another person commit suicide can, however, be found guilty of the crime of murder or manslaughter

  15. Statistics • Suicide took the lives of 29,350 Americans in 2000 • An average of 10.6 out of every 100,000 persons died by suicide • The total number of suicides was 29,350(1.2 percent of all deaths) • More people die from suicide than from homicide • In 2000, there were 1.7 times as many suicides as homicides

  16. Overall, suicide is the 11th leading cause of death for all Americans, & is the 3rd leading cause of death for young people ages 15 to 24, behind unintentional injury & homicide • 19% of teens in grades 9-12 reported seriously considering suicide (2001) • 15% made a plan to commit suicide • 9% attempted suicide

  17. On average, a HS student succeeds in killing him/herself every 15 minutes • Persons under age 25 accounted for 15 percent of all suicides in 2000 • Suicide rates increase with age & are highest among Americans ages 65 years & older

  18. In 2000, firearms were the most common method of suicide by both males & females • Males are more than 4X more likely (8th leading cause of death in 2000) to die from suicide than are females (19th leading cause of death) • However, females are 3X more likely to attempt suicide than males

  19. During the period from 1979-1992, suicide rates for Native Americans were about 1.5X higher than the National rate • “Native Americans” is a category that includes American Indians & Alaska Natives, with males ages 15 to 24 accounting for 64% of all suicides by Native Americans

  20. In 2000, suicide among white & African American males was significantly higher than for females of the same race • However, overall suicide rates for both white males & females were greater than those for African American males & females • Although white teens still have a higher rate of suicide, the gap is narrowing

  21. Suicides by gay, lesbian, bisexual, & transgender teens are substantially higher than other groups of teens • Often, the internalization of society’s negative, hostile, & degrading attitude toward gay, lesbian, bisexual, & transgender individuals leads to feelings of despair, low self-image, low self-esteem, substance abuse, & depression • These risk factors are usually more profound within this group, thus doubling the already alarming likelihood of suicidal behavior & suicide, which already exists among heterosexual youth

  22. Strategies • If you suspect that someone you know is considering suicide: • Always take a person who talks about suicide seriously • Do not enter into any secret pacts—if a friend asks you not to tell anyone, respond that you care too much not to tell someone • If you are afraid that telling someone might ruin your friendship, remember that not having the friend around at all would be far worse

  23. Tell someone! This could be a teacher, counselor, parent, or other trusted adult • Realize that you are not trained to handle this kind of situation, so it is best to put it into the hands of someone who is • Encourage the person who is considering suicide to make concrete plans for the future, including the next time you will see each other

  24. Making plans with him or her for a future date will provide the person with comfort, hope, & direction • It may also provide some time for the person to get professional help • Above all—remember that you can only do so much • If a person truly wants to take his or her life, there is really no way to prevent it—the final decision is that of the individual

  25. Assault & Battery • The law often treats assault & battery as very similar crimes • Assault—an attempt or threat to carry out a physical attack upon another person • Battery—any unlawful physical contact inflicted by one person upon another person without consent • Even if actual injury does not occur, a person may be charged with battery if he or she intended to harm the other person • Aggravated battery is often defined by the harm inflicted—an unarmed assault that results in a serious physical injury is an aggravated battery rather than a simple assault • These crimes—which include simple assault, stalking, & sexual assault—are classified according to how severe they are

  26. Stalking • Occurs when a person repeatedly follows or harasses another person & makes threats, causing the victim to fear death or bodily injury • Women are most often the targets • Most states have anti-stalking laws

  27. Sexual assault • A specific kind of assault that can include rape or attempted rape • Includes a wide range of victimizations from verbal threats of a sexual nature to unwanted sexual contact • Can be an attack that is either completed or attempted • May include grabbing, & may, but does not have to, involve force

  28. Rape • The law generally has recognized rape & statutory rape as separate crimes • Rape—sexual intercourse w/o consent • Aggravated rape occurs when the perpetrator uses a weapon or some other form of force to compel the victim to have intercourse • There is no consent if the victim is unconscious or mentally incompetent or if drugs or alcohol impair the victim’s judgment

  29. Statutory rape—intercourse between an adult & a minor • Lack of consent is not an element of the crime • The crime is based on the notion that a minor is incapable of giving legal consent • A male can be prosecuted for statutory rape with a minor even if the female lied about her age

  30. Rape laws recognize that either males or females can commit or be victims of this crime • This area of law is in transition, however, as many states are replacing their rape laws with criminal sexual assault laws • When the victim is under a certain age, over a certain age, disabled, or threatened with a weapon, punishment may be more severe

  31. Young people are more likely to be victims of rape than any other age group • Between 1/4 & 1/3 of the rape victims each year are 12 - 19 years old • Roughly 1 in 6 women report that they experienced a rape or attempted rape

  32. Rape is believed to be one of the least reported crimes • Male rape victims have been even more reluctant to report this crime to the police • Approximately 10% of rape victims are boys or men • Approximately 3% of American men have been victims of rape or attempted rape in their lifetime

  33. Reasons Why People Are Reluctant to Report Rape • Many people feel embarrassed or ashamed after being the victim of rape • Some people fear that they will be treated insensitively by those who investigate their claim • In response, many police departments have created special units to investigate sex crimes & to refer victims to social services agencies that can offer support

  34. Some people believe the criminal justice systems has a poor record regarding rape prosecutions • Many times prosecutors are reluctant to pursue a case in which the victim knows the assailant because they do not believe they can win the case

  35. Some people worry that a trial might bring back difficult memories & subject them to invasive questions • In some states, victims may be subject to tough cross-examination by defense attorneys, including questioning about their prior sexual conduct • The trend has been to be more protective of victims—that is, to make sure the defendant & not the victim is put on trial

  36. Attorneys do this in an attempt to establish that a victim’s past sexual relations with other persons are relevant to whether or not the victim consented • The trend, by court decision & statute, is to rule evidence of past sexual relations with persons other than the defendant as irrelevant • Many states have enacted “rape shield” laws to protect victims from this type of questioning

  37. Some people feel further victimized because, to obtain a conviction, some state laws also require other evidence, called corroboration, in addition to the testimony of the victim • This means confirmation or support for the story of the victim, including testimony of a witness, a doctor’s report that sexual intercourse took place, or a prompt report to the police • These laws have been criticized by those who argue that it should not be more difficult to get a conviction for rape than for any other crime

  38. Acquaintance rape • AKA date rape—a sexual assault by someone known to the victim • Many victims don’t report the assault—this may be because they do not realize an attack that occurs on a date can in fact constitute a rape

  39. Differing State Laws • Some state laws are gender-neutral; others only protect females from rape &/or statutory rape • Some states don’t allow the prosecution of one spouse who forces the other to have sex • States have different interpretations of what constitutes statutory rape

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