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What is The HCG Diet Plan

#whatisthehcgdiet#hcgdiet The HCG Diet has come under a lot of fire over the years, with some claiming its “dangerous”, “unhealthy” and a “recipe for disaster”. In the wrong hands and with the wrong advice, it absolutely can be! Learn more from http://slim4life.co.nz/hcg-diet/

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What is The HCG Diet Plan

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  1. About HCG Diet #whatisthehcgdiet #hcgdiet For some, New Zealand HCG diet seems too good to be true, and a common question among this group is ??hat are the side effe?ts a?d da?gers asso?iated ?ith the HCG diet?? I? order to a?s?er this, first you ?ust de?ide ?hi?h for? you’ll ?e taki?g the HCG. After numerous success stories and a lot of time in the spotlight, the HCG diet has proven to help the average HCG dieter lose up to nearly 1.5kgs / day. This astounding weight loss is previously unheard-of in healthy diet plans. The real bonus about HCG thought is that once the weight is gone, it stays gone! With dedication and by following instructions carefully, you will improve the relationship you have with food and meal times; ultimately ensuring you can maintain your new figure with ease. The HCG Diet has come under a lot of fire o?er the years, ?ith so?e ?lai?i?g its ?da?gerous?, ?u?healthy? a?d a ?re?ipe for disaster?. I? the ?ro?g ha?ds a?d ?ith the ?ro?g ad?i?e, it a?solutely ?a? ?e! That is ?hy it’s al?ays re?o??e?ded you speak ?ith a li?e?sed pra?titio?er a?out your ?eight loss goals a?d desire to try HCG ?efore you ?ake a?y ?rash? de?isio?s. You can choose to use injections or an oral form. At the beginning of the diet protocol HCG injections was the way to go, however you can greatly reduce the risk of side effects by taking oral capsules. For example, some of the side effects associated with the injections were blood clots. This is not from the

  2. HCG itself, but from the method of injecting. Oral capsules allow for the same results while eliminating risks involved with injecting something directly into your body. As exciting as a new journey can be, especially a journey to a new and improved you, you can do more har? tha? good if you’re ?isi?for?ed. For the sake of ?o?pariso?, you ?ould?’t go out a?d ?uy a ?e? car without doi?g your ho?e?ork first, a?d you’re goi?g to ?hoose the ?ar that ?est suits you a?d your fa?ily’s ?eeds. Choosi?g a diet pla? is ?o differe?t. Find more at:http://slim4life.co.nz/hcg-diet

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