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Explore the velocity of the interface and pressure field in experiments on viscous fingering at Cambridge, discussing Saffman-Taylor instability, scaling of finger width fluctuations, and diffusion-limited aggregation. Discover the fractal dimensions, generalized dimensions, and growth dynamics of viscous fingering patterns. Study the relationship with DLA and the coarsening effects with diffusion. Investigate the distribution and convergence properties of unscreened angles in the patterns.
Developments in Experimental Pattern Formation Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge 12 August 2005 Fractal growth of viscous fingers Harry SwinneyUniversity of TexasCenter for Nonlinear Dynamics and Department of Physics • Matt Thrasher • Leif Ristroph (now Cornell U) • Mickey Moore (now Medical Pattern Analysis Co.) • Eran Sharon (now Hebrew U) • Olivier Praud (now CNRS-Toulouse) • Anne Juel (now Manchester) • Mark Mineev (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Velocity of the interface • Pressure field 2P=0 Viscous fingering in Hele-Shaw cell m1< m2 b << w Flow w LAPLACIAN GROWTH PROBLEM Saffman-Taylor (1958): finger width → ½ channel width
Fluctuations in finger width oil air oil air Previous experiment & theory: steady finger at low flow rates. air U Texas experiment: fluctuating finger as V→0 : gap = 0.051 theoretical assumptions must be re-examined
For different gaps b, cell widths w, viscosities m Scaling of finger width fluctuations 10-1 10-1 Ca-2/3 tip splitting 10-2 Moore, Juel, Burgess, McCormick, Swinney, Phys. Rev. E 65 (2002) 10-3 10-2 10-4 10-3 Capillary number = mV/s
Pexternal Pin air oil Silicone oil VISCOSITY m = 0.345 Pa-s SURFACE TENSION = 21.0 mN/m Radial geometry: inject air into center of circular oil layer CCD Camera 1300 x 1000 1 pixel 2b λMS 3b 288mm gap filled with oil b=0.127 mm ±0.0002 mm 60 mm
air air air air Instability scale depends on pumping rate pump out oil slowly pump out oil faster oil oil AIR AIR Forcing
Growth of radial viscous fingering pattern strong forcing real time
Viscous fingering pattern Praud & Swinney Phys. Rev. E72 (2005) young old
Diffusion Limited Aggregation (DLA)Witten and Sander (1981) ALGORITHM: ● start with a seed particle ● release random walker particles from far away, one at a time young old seed particle Barra, Davidovitch, and Procaccia, Phys. Rev. E (2002): viscous fingering has D0 > 1.85 and is not in same universality class as DLA
N(e)e–D0 Fractal dimension of viscous fingering pattern N(e) number of boxes of size e needed to cover the entire object
N(e) e-D0 D0 = 1.70±0.02 Fractal dimension D0 of viscous fingering pattern Number of boxes N(e) e
Fractal dimension of viscous fingering compared to Diffusion Limited Aggregation
Generalized dimensions Dq Henstchel & Procaccia Physica D8, 435 (1983) Grassberger, Phys. Lett. A97, 227 (1983) fractal dim. q = 0 Is the radial viscous fingering pattern a multifractal or a monofractal ? (i.e., are all Dq the same?)
Generalized dimensions Generalized Dimension Dq Dq Conclude: viscous fingering pattern is a monofractal with Dq = 1.70 independent of q (self-similar) q DLA is also monofractal: Dq= 1.713
Harmonic measure • harmonic measure -- probability measure for a random walker to hit the cluster. • Dq for harmonic measure -- difficult to determine because of extreme variation of probability to hit tips vs hitting deep fjords. Jensen, Levermann, Mathiesen, Procaccia, Phys. Rev. E 65(2002): • iterated mapping technique for DLA – resolve probabilities as small as: 10-35 : → DLA harmonic measure is multifractal
r generalized dimensions Dq f(a) spectrum Halsey, Jensen, Kadanoff, Procaccia, Shraiman, Phys. Rev. A33 (1986) • Pi(r) ~ ra, a – singularity strength • with values amin < a < amax • f(a) – probability of value a i f(a) spectrum of singularities Legendre transform Generalized fractal dimensions Dq
harmonic measure f(a): viscous fingers & DLA Mathiesen, Procaccia, Thrasher, Swinney --- preliminary results 2 Tentative conclusion: DLA and viscous fingers are in the same universality class 1.71 f(a) 1 viscous fingering clusters of increasing size DLA 0 20 0 5 10 15 a
Growth dynamics: unscreened angle active region largest angle that does not include pre-existing pattern pre-existing pattern
Distribution of the unscreened angle Θ P(Q) → P(Q) is independent of forcing but depends on r/b
Asymptoticscreening angle PDF P(Q) 484 322 644 160 r/b 806 Invariant distribution at large r/b
Exponential convergence to invariant distribution Dp=1.75 atm G(r) 1.25 atm conver- gence length x=200 0.5 atm 0.25 atm r/b
Asymptotic distribution P(Q): <Q> = 145o 36oBUT no indication of a critical angle or 5-fold symmetry Gaussian Gaussian
Unscreened angle PDF P(Q DLA on-lattice algorithm Kaufman, Dimino, Chaikin, Physica A157 (1989) viscous fingering experiment v. f.DLA <>: 146o127o σ: 36o51o Skewness: 0.060.3 Kurtosis: 2.33.8
CoarseningDLA with diffusion & viscous fingering patterns DLA plus diffusion Lipshtat, Meerson, & Sarasov (2002) t=0 54 516 4900 EXPT 115 s t=0 s 1040 s 10040 s
Coarsening:length L1below whichviscous fingering pattern is smooth Density- density correlation
L2: an intermediate length scale -- diluted because small scales thicken while large scales are frozen DC(r) L2 defined by minimum in DC
Non-self-similar coarsening of pattern:described by two lengths L1 and L2
Non-self-similar coarsening:lengths L1 and L2power law exponents a and b • Viscous fingers — a = 0.22 ± 0.02, b = 0.31 ± 0.02 • DLA cluster with diffusion — a = 0.22 ± 0.02 (at intermediate times),b = 1/3 Sharon, Moore, McCormick, Swinney Phys. Rev. Lett.91 (2003) Lipshtat, Meerson, & Sarasov, Phys. Rev. E (2002) Conti, Lipshtat, & Meerson, Phys. Rev. E (2004)
Fjords between viscous fingerssector geometry Lajeunesse & Couder J. Fluid Mech. 419 (2000) FJORD “A fjord center line follows approximately a curve normal to the successive profiles of stable fingers.”
Can ramified finger be fit to theory for inviscid fingering?
Exact non-singular solutions for Laplacian growth with zero surface tension Mineev & Dawson, Phys. Rev. E50 (1994) The motion in time t of a point (x,y) on a moving interface is given by (with z = x +iy) where ak and bk are complex constants of motion.
Evolve solution forward in time preliminary Moore, Thrasher, Mineev, Swinney
Search for selection rules for fjords which have different: • lengths • widths • propagation directions (relative to channel axis or radial line) • forcing levels (tip velocity V) • geometries • circular • rectangular (and vary aspect ratio w/b ) w
Fjord dependence on forcing Ca = 0.040
Predict fjord width W V emergent finger original interface emergent fjord Conclude W = (1/2)c emergent finger
Wavelength of instability of an interface Chuoke, van Meurs, & van der Pol, Petrol. Trans. AIME 216 (1959) (fluid) Mullins & Sekerka, J. Appl. Phys. 35 (1964) (solidification front) surface tension interface velocity viscosity
Tip splits and forms a fjord • tip • curvature • =0 t=0
time dependence curvature k (cm-1) t=0 tip velocity V (cm/s) 5 10 15 -5 0 time (s)
Channel base width: W0 = W(ℓ=0, t=0) 4 W 5 10 15 0 fjord lengthℓ (cm)
Compare theory and experiment fjord width (cm) theory
Measure fjord opening angle channel wall sequence of snapshots of interface, Dt = 50 sec stagnation point FJORD Theory predicts parallel walls of fjord: Mineev, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 (1998) Pereira & Elezgaray, Phys. Rev. E69 (2004) channel wall
Opening angle of a fjord rectangular cell y (deg) 7.5o Ristroph, Thrasher, Mineev, Swinney 2005 fjord lengthℓ (cm)
Opening angle probability distributionRESULT: < > = 8.0 1.0 deg p(y) • Invariant • with fjord • width • length • direction • forcing • geometry rectangular cell <y> = 7.90.8 deg circular cell <y >= 8.21.1 deg y (degrees)
Electrodeposition Dielectric breakdown Brady & Ball, Nature (1983) Niemeyer et al. PRL (1984) Fractal growth phenomena: same universality class ? Bacterial growth Diffusion Limited Aggregation Viscous fingers DLA Matsushita (2003) U Texas (2003) Witten & Sander (1981) and metal corrosion, brittle fracture, …
Conclusions • Viscous finger width fluctuations: • d(width)rmsCa-2/3 (for small Ca) • Viscous fingers and DLA: same universality class • pattern: monofractal with Dq = 1.70 for all q • harmonic measure: same multi-fractal f(a) curve • Fjord selection rules for viscous fingers: • for all lengths, widths, directions, and forcings • in both circular and rectangular geometries: • width: W = (1/2)lc • opening angle: 8 1 deg