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Teori Organisasi Post Modern

Teori Organisasi Post Modern. Ali Rokhman, Ph.D. Source: http://www.horsesenseatwork.com/psl/pages/postmoderndefined.html. Perkembangan Teori Organisasi. Klasik/tradisional  Prinsip-prinsip organisasi Neoklasik  Perilaku Modern  Sistem dan lingkungan Post Modern.

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Teori Organisasi Post Modern

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  1. Teori Organisasi Post Modern Ali Rokhman, Ph.D Source: http://www.horsesenseatwork.com/psl/pages/postmoderndefined.html

  2. Perkembangan Teori Organisasi • Klasik/tradisional  Prinsip-prinsip organisasi • Neoklasik  Perilaku • Modern  Sistem dan lingkungan • Post Modern

  3. Post Modern Organization • Suatu organisasi yang terdiri dari berbagai entitas (tim) yang beragam namun terhubungkan satu sama lain, entitas-entitas tersebut mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengatur dan mengontrol dirinya sendiri melalui koordinasi yang bersifat polisentris • Koordinasi dibangun menurut kebutuhan pekerjaan • Entitas diorganisir dalam flat design, pekerja sangat diberdayakan dan dilibatkan dalam pekerjaan, Informasi sebarkan, dan menekankan pada continuous improvement. (Kaizen) Boje and Dennehy, 2000

  4. Flat Organization Design

  5. Tall Organization Design

  6. Modern Short term profit goals Mass production Worker is a cost Vertical planning. Top down focus. Planning leads to order. Post Modern Long term profit goals. Flexible production. Worker is an investment. Horizontal planning. Internal and external customer focus. Planning leads to disorder and confusion. Planning

  7. Modern One man, one job and de-skilled jobs. Labor-management confrontation. Division of departments. Tall is better Homogeneity is strength. Top has voice & diversity is tolerated. Efficiency increases with specialization,formalization, routinization, fragmentation, division of labor. Post Modern Work teams, multi-skilled workers. Labor-management cooperation. Flexible networks with permeable boundaries. Flat is better. Diversity is strength. Many-voices and diversity is an asset. Efficiency decreases with specialization, formalization, routinization, fragmentation, and division of labor. Organizing

  8. Modern Authority vested in superior. Extrinsic rewards and punishments. Surveillance mechanisms everywhere. Women paid 68% of men; minorities paid less. Discourse is white male-based. Individual incentives Post Modern Authority delegated to leaders by teams. Intrinsic, empowered, ownership over work process. People are self-disciplined. Women and minorities equally paid. Polyvocal/polylogic discourse. Team incentives. Influenzing

  9. Modern Theory X or Y Centralized with many layers and rules. Boss centered. White male career tracks. Tell them what to do. Post Modern Theory S (Servant Leadership) Decentralized with few layers and wide spans. People centered. Tracks for women and minorities. Visionary Leading

  10. Modern Centralized control. End-of-line inspection. Micro surveillance. Red tape. Lots of procedures, rules, MBO & computers for surveillance. Train top of pyramid. Measure result criteria. Hoard (not distributed) information. Fear-based controls. Post Modern Decentralized control. Quality control is everyone's job. Two-way surveillance. Cut red tape. Dump procedures. Train people. Measure process criteria. Information is given to all. Self-control. Controlling

  11. Is there a Postmodern Organization? • Kebalikan dari bentuk organisasi yang birokratis • Peter Drucker pertama kali mengemukakan "postmodern" organisasi, dalam buku Landmarks of Tomorrow. • Organisasi terwadahi secara longgar, cair, organik, dan bersifat adhokratik (open corporate culture) • Bukan organisasi birokrasi yang berstruktur statis Hardy & Parker, 1999 http://www.soc.uu.se/publications/doktabst/1994-5_a.html

  12. Important Question • Dapatkah birokrasi dihilangkan? • Siapkah kita hidup tanpa birokrasi?

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