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Advance concepts in OOP

Advance concepts in OOP. We discuss fundamental object-oriented techniques that supports re-use of software: Interface and polymorphhism Inheritance Method overriding Polymorphism, widening & narrowing protected and final modifiers. syllabus. basic programming concepts.

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Advance concepts in OOP

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  1. Advance concepts in OOP • We discuss fundamental object-oriented techniques that supports re-use of software: • Interface and polymorphhism • Inheritance • Method overriding • Polymorphism, widening & narrowing • protected and final modifiers syllabus basic programming concepts object oriented programming topics in computer science

  2. Principles of object-oriented programming • encapsulation: data is protected from “external” users • inheritance: properties and methods defined for a certain structures can be used by all structures defined as direct offspring • polymorphism: the same function call may invoke different code, depending on context

  3. Interfaces • A Java interface is a collection of abstract methods and constants • An abstract method is a method header without a method body An abstract method can be declared using the modifier abstract, but because all methods in an interface are abstract, it is usually left off • An interface is used to formally define a set of methods that a class will implement

  4. interface is a reserved word A semicolon immediately follows each method header Interface: example None of the methods in an interface are given a definition (body) public interface Doable { public void doThis(); public int doThat(); public void doThis2 (float value, char ch); public boolean doTheOther (int num); }

  5. Interfaces • An interface cannot be instantiated • Methods in an interface are always public and abstract • Constant in an interface are always public, static and final • A class formally implements an interface by • stating so in the class header • providing implementations for each abstract method in the interface • If a class declares that it implements an interface, it must define all methods in the interface or the compiler will produce errors

  6. implements is a reserved word Each method listed in Doable is given a definition Implementing interface: example public class CanDoimplements Doable { public void doThis () { // whatever } public void doThat () { // whatever } // etc. }

  7. Interfaces • A class that implements an interface can implement other methods as well • A class can implement multiple interfaces; the interfaces are listed in the implements clause, separated by commas • The class must implement all methods in all interfaces listed in the header

  8. Polymorphism via Interfaces • An interface name can be used as the type of an object reference variable Doable obj; • The obj reference can be used to point to any object of any class that implements the Doable interface • The version of doThis that the following line invokes depends on the type of object that obj is referring to: obj.doThis();

  9. Example: Animate Interface //************************************ // Animate.java // // Demonstrates the declaration of an interface //************************************ public interface Animate { int HIND_LIMBS_NUM = 2; int FORE_LIMBS_NUM = 2; public void sound (); public void gait (String type); }

  10. // Parrot.java class Parrot implements Animate { private String word; //---------------------------------- // Establish Parrot's vocabulary //---------------------------------- public Parrot (String word) { this.word = word; } //---------------------------------- // Prints this parrot's sound. //---------------------------------- public void sound () { System.out.println ("This parrot says " + word); } //---------------------------------- // Prints this parrot's gait //---------------------------------- public void gait (String gaitType) { System.out.println ("Parrots " + gaitType + " on " + HIND_LIMBS_NUM + " limbs"); } }

  11. // Dog.java class Dog implements Animate { private String name; private String owner; //---------------------------------- // Establish Dog's id //---------------------------------- public Dog () { name = "Lassi"; owner = "John"; } //---------------------------------- // Prints this dog's sound. //---------------------------------- public void sound () { System.out.println ("woof"); } //---------------------------------- // Prints this dog's gait //---------------------------------- public void gait (String gaitType) { System.out.println ("Dog " + name + " " + gaitType + " on " + (HIND_LIMBS_NUM+FORE_LIMBS_NUM) + " limbs"); } //---------------------------------- // Prints unique contact information //---------------------------------- public void contact() { System.out.println ("If you find me, call " + owner); } }

  12. // Pets.java class Pets { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Instantiates two objects using an interface reference and invokes one of the common // methods. Then casts interface reference into a class reference to invoke its unique method //----------------------------------------------------------------- public static void main (String[] args) { Animate current; current = new Parrot("hello"); current.sound(); current.gait("walk"); System.out.println("***********\n"); current = new Dog(); current.sound(); current.gait("runs"); ((Dog) current).contact(); } } This parrot says hello Parrots walk on 2 limbs woof Dog Lassi runs on 4 limbs If you find me, call John

  13. Polymorphism via Interfaces • Interface reference is polymorphic, which can be defined as "having many forms" • The corresponding line of code may execute different methods at different times if the object that obj points to changes • Note that polymorphic references must be resolved at run time; this is called dynamic binding • Careful use of polymorphic references can lead to elegant, robust software designs

  14. Review: Interfaces and polymorphism • A Java interface is a collection of abstract methods and constants; an interface is used to formally define a set of methods that a class will implement • Interface reference is polymorphic, which can be defined as "having many forms" • The corresponding line of code may execute different methods at different times if the object that obj points to changes

  15. Standard Interfaces • The Java standard class library contains many interfaces that are helpful in certain situations • The Comparable interface contains an abstract method called compareTo, which is used to compare two objects • The String class implements Comparable which gives us the ability to put strings in alphabetical order • The Iterator interface contains methods that allow the user to move through a collection of objects easily

  16. Example: Sorting Objects • Integers have an inherent order, but the order of a set of objects must be defined by the person defining the class • We can use the Comparable interface to develop a generic sort for a set of objects

  17. class Contact implements Comparable { private String firstName, lastName, phone; // Uses both last and first names to determine lexical ordering. public int compareTo (Object other) { int result; if (lastName.equals(((Contact)other).lastName)) result = firstName.compareTo(((Contact)other).firstName); else result = lastName.compareTo(((Contact)other).lastName); return result; } public String toString() return lastName + ", " + firstName; }

  18. public class Sorts { public static void insertionSort (Comparable[] objects) { for (int index = 1; index < objects.length; index++) { Comparable key = objects[index]; int position = index; // shift larger values to the right while (position > 0 && objects[position-1].compareTo(key) > 0) { objects[position] = objects[position-1]; position--; } objects[position] = key; } } }

  19. class SortPhoneList { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates an array of Contact objects and sorts them //----------------------------------------------------------------- public static void main (String[] args) { Contact[] friends = new Contact[4]; friends[0] = new Contact ("John", "Smith", "610-555-7384"); friends[1] = new Contact ("Daphna", "Weinshall", "02-555-7777"); friends[2] = new Contact ("Moshe", "Cohen", "03-222-3333"); friends[3] = new Contact ("Marsha", "Grant", "243-555-2837"); Sorts.insertionSort(friends); for (int i=0; i<friends.length; ++i) System.out.println(friends[i]); } }

  20. Unit 8 • Interface and polymorphhism • Inheritance • Method overriding • Polymorphism, widening & narrowing • protected and final modifiers

  21. Inheritance • Inheritance allows us to derive a new class from an existing one: • The existing class is called the superclass or base-class • The derived class is called the subclass or derived-class • Instances of the derived class inherit all the properties and functionality (data and methods) defined in the base class • Usually, the derived class adds more functionality and properties

  22. Executive Hourly Example Employee (String name, ... hire(double payRate) pay()layoff() promote() ... Employee Hourly() addHours(int moreHours) Executive() giveBonus(int bonus)

  23. Properties of subclass • Everything that can be done with an Employee object can also be done with an Hourly object • An Hourly is a special kind of Employee; it has all the functionality of an employee and some more • The subclass instances are more specific than the instances of the superclass

  24. public class Employee { private String name; private String address; private double payRate; public Employee (String name, String address) { this.name = name; this.address = address; payRate = 0; } public void hire (double payRate) { this.payRate = payRate; } public double pay() { return(payRate); } } Example: the Employee class public void layoff () { payRate = 0; }

  25. // define a special kind of employee - LEFI SHAOT public class Hourly extends Employee { private int hoursWorked; public void addHours (int moreHours) { hoursWorked += moreHours; } public double pay() { return payRate*hoursWorked; } } Subclass: the extends Keyword

  26. More about subclass • Derived class should normally extend the functionality of the superclass • In certain cases, a derived class would change some of the functionality of the superclass

  27. // define a special kind of employee - LEFI SHAOT public class Hourlyextends Employee { private int hoursWorked; public void addHours (int moreHours) { hoursWorked += moreHours; } public void pay() { return payRate*hoursWorked; } } The hourly subclass extend change

  28. Pixel Hourly AdjustableSwitch File RestrictedFile Examples Point Employee Object Switch

  29. What is Inherited? • The subclass inherits: • all the fields of the base class • all the methods of the base class • The constructors of the subclass should be defined again • Private fields and methods are inherited but cannot be accessed directly from the code of the subclass; they can only be accessed indirectly

  30. Switch Example Switch • Switch() • boolean isOn() • setOn(boolean) • isOn

  31. // An electronic switch that can be on/off public class Switch { // Records the state of the switch private boolean isOn; // Checks if this switch is on public boolean isOn() { return isOn; } // Sets the state of the switch on/off public void setOn(boolean state) { isOn = state; } } Switch Code

  32. an adjustable switch has a “level of current” dial on off pressing the adjustable switch turns it on Special type: Adjustable Switch

  33. Inheriting AdjustableSwitch from Switch • Switch() • isOn() • setOn(boolean) Switch • AdjustableSwitch() • setLevel(float) • getLevel() AdjustableSwitch

  34. setOn(boolean) • isOn() • isOn • AdjustableSwitch() • setLevel(float) • getLevel() • level AdjustableSwitch Example AdjustableSwitch

  35. AdjustableSwitch Code public class AdjustableSwitchextends Switch { // The level of current (0-100) private float level; // Sets the level of current public void setLevel(float level) { this.level = level; } // Returns the level of current of the switch public float getLevel() { return level; } }

  36. Private Fields - Inherited but not Accessible • An AdjustableSwitch object has a state variable isOn inherited from Switch • However, it cannot be accessed directly from the code of AdjustableSwitch because it is defined as private in Switch (it is encapsulated)

  37. Inheritance: a Basis for Code Reusability • Fast implementation - we need not write the implementation of AdjustableSwitch from scratch, we just implement the additional functionality • Ease of use - if someone is already familiar with the base class, then the derived class will be easy to understand • Less debugging - debugging is restricted to the additional functionality • Ease of maintenance - if we need to correct/improve the implementation of Switch, AdjustableSwitch is automatically corrected as well • Compactness - our code is more compact and is easier to understand

  38. Example: Changing the Base Class • Suppose that we want to add the property of ‘maximal power’ to our representation of a switch • This property is suitable in adjustable switches as well (the inheritance supports our abstraction!) • Inheritance allows us to add this property only in the base class; the changes will automatically take place in the inherited class

  39. Changing the Switch Class public class Switch { // Records the state of the switch private boolean isOn; // The maximal power of this switch private float maxPower; // constructor public Switch(float maxPower) { if (maxPower > 0.0f) this.maxPower = maxPower; } // Returns the maximal power of this switch public float getMaxPower() { return maxPower; } }

  40. Constructors of subclasses must be redefined? • The constructor of Switch receives a parameter - maxPower - and initializes the private field with the same name • We have to define a constructor for AdjustableSwitch that receives the same parameter and initializes this field; but this field is private, so there is no direct access to it • In general, when we invoke a constructor of a subclass, we first have to construct the superclass “part” of the subclass; we do this by using the super keyword

  41. // Constructs an adjustable switch public AdjustableSwitch(float power) { super(power); } AdjustableSwitch - Redefinition of Constructor The first line of the constructor calls the constructor of the superclass (Switch) that receives a float parameter to initialize the state variable defined in the superclass

  42. Calling super(...) • The constructor of a derived class MUST initialize the state of the object from the point of view of its parent class • the first line in the constructor must be a call to one of the constructors in the superclass using super(...) • Otherwise, the compiler automatically places a call to the empty constructor of the superclass • A later call to super(...) is not allowed because a constructor can be invoked only once

  43. Automatic Default Construction • In the previous implementation of Switch and AdjustableSwitch we did not include any constructors • The compiler automatically adds an empty (default) constructor to each of the classes • In addition, the compiler puts in the first line of the empty constructor of AdjustableSwitch a call to the empty constructor of Switch

  44. Automatic Default Construction // ...in class Switch (automatically added) public Switch() { } // and in class AdjustableSwitch //(automatically added) public AdjustableSwitch() { super(); }

  45. Default Construction Using Other Constructors • Sometimes the programmer may wish to define a default constructor (i.e., a constructor with no arguments) by herself, which may call other constructors with default arguments of her choice • If we do this in the Switch class, we need not define any constructor in the AdjustableSwitch class

  46. Default Construction - Delegation // Constructs a new switch. // @param power the maximal power of the switch public Switch(float maxPower) { if (maxPower > 0.0f) this.maxPower = maxPower; } private static final DEFAULT_POWER = 60.0f; // Constructs a switch with default power public Switch() { this(DEFAULT_POWER); }

  47. Unit 8 • Interface and polymorphhism • Inheritance • Method overriding • Polymorphism, widening & narrowing • protected and final modifiers

  48. Overriding Methods • Occassionally, when we derive a class, we want to change some of the functionality defined in the superclass • Mechanism: a sub-class can override the definition of an inherited method in favor of its own • That is, a child can redefine a method that it inherits from its parent; the new method must have the same signature as the parent's method, but can have different code • The type of the object executing the method determines which version of the method is invoked

  49. File(String name) • isOpen() • open() • close() • getName() File • RestrictedFile(String name, long key) • isLocked() • lock() • unlock(long key) RestrictedFile Overriding: example we want clients to be able to open a restricted file only if it is unlocked; how do we do it?

  50. File Example public class File { // The name of the file private String name; // true if the file is opened private boolean isOpen; // Construct a file with a given name public File(String name) { this.name = name; } // Returns the name of the file public String getName() { return name; }

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