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Building on Their Strengths

Building on Their Strengths. Meeting the Needs of Students with IEP’s (all learners). November 13, 2013. Presented by: Allison Mummert and Beth Campagna . Learning Goals . By the end of session you should know... What’s in the IEP How to give present Ed Levels

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Building on Their Strengths

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  1. Building on Their Strengths Meeting the Needs of Students with IEP’s (all learners) November 13, 2013 Presented by: Allison Mummert and Beth Campagna

  2. Learning Goals By the end of session you should know... What’s in the IEP How to give present Ed Levels differentiation strategies

  3. Think about The fact that students differ may be inconvenient, but it is inescapable. Adapting to that diversity is the inevitable price of productivity, high standards, and fairness to kids. Theodore Sizer, Brown University

  4. A Simple Concept Education is most effective when children are regarded and treated as individuals with different levels of readiness, learning profiles and interests and that teachers have a professional obligation to help all students be successful

  5. Differentiated What??????

  6. Differentiated Instruction defined Teachers proactively plan varied approaches to what students need to learn, how they will learn it, and/or how they will show what they have learned in order to increase the likelihood that each student will learn as much as he or she can as efficiently as possible. (Tomlinson 2003)

  7. And again The recognition of and commitment to plan for student differences. A differentiated classroom provides different avenues to acquire content, to process or make sense of information and ideas, and to develop projects.

  8. The Blind Side Think about it ! • Share your thoughts about how she differentiates.

  9. 3 Components: Academic Functional Transition Differentiation and the IEP So what does differentiation have to do with having an IEP? Present Levels of Performance

  10. What it looks like in an IEP? Professional Wording Omit opinions Facts Data Here is a sample...what do you think? Sally is a pleasure to have in class. She is friendly and smiles often. She has an A. I think she really enjoys this class however I am not sure she is understanding the material. I think she would be best suited in a direct instruction class. I believe her reading level is below basic.

  11. IEPPresent Levels Activity Work with your Table group and Edit the provided sample using the Teacher Feedback Form provided as handout Share Out Consistent method of asking: in process of developing

  12. Transition Plan: What is the students goal following high school graduation? Post Secondary Education or Employment.? Testing: includes accommodations for Keystones and Common Assessments (extended time and small group testing are key for many of our students) Goals and Objectives What else does the IEP say? As the classroom teacher do I need to know this stuff?

  13. IEPSpecially Designed Instruction What does that look like? Some examples • Opportunity to eat lunch in support center when feeling overwhelmed • Test in Academic Support Center • Reduced number of problems for math homework • Use of technology for written output • Extended Time • Use of notes What do you do in your classroom? Tell a neighbor.

  14. Related services refers to transportation and any developmental, corrective or other supportive service needed to assist a student with a disability to benefit from special education Gifted Support (students with a dual diagnosis including gifted, items specific to gifted support goes here) Supports For School Personal includes training for staff to enhance learning of students with special education Educational Placement includes type and level of service What else does the IEP say? Do I need to know this?

  15. Back to Differentiation 1-5 What does Hollywood think about all of this?

  16. Intermission Now back to our regularly scheduled PD…

  17. Flexible grouping strategies that cluster students by achievement in a particular subject area, interest, learning style, personal choice and/or ability • Provide multiple assignments within each unit, tailored for students of different levels of readiness, interest, and/or learning style • Permitting students to opt out of material that can demonstrate they know and to progress at their own pace through new material Ideas How can I differentiate in my classroom?

  18. Differentiation Expanded Allow students to choose with teacher’s guidance, ways to learn and to demonstrate what they have learned Provide students with opportunities to explore topics in which they have strong interest and find personal meaning Learning Contracts Adjusted Questions Adjusted processes in activities Tiered activities Contracting

  19. Even More Differentiation • Students take a simple pre-assessment. • Quiz • K-W-L • Do a web with the key concept as the main idea • Tell the teacher what they know about the topic • The teacher develops an alternate assignment for the student (2 assignments / 2 groups - based on pre-assessment data) • Put this idea in contract form for student(s)

  20. Plan B Teachers should demonstrate that they like students! Teachers are “persistent” – if one strategy doesn’t work for a student they move to Plan B Activity: Share a time you went to Plan B with the person beside you

  21. Hollywood has more to say! 5 +

  22. Differentiation Partners Activity Tell me more? • Think of one idea you use in your teaching to differentiate (use sticky notes) • When complete, stick on provided chart paper

  23. Resources Differentiation IEPs http://caroltomlinson.com/ http://differentiationcentral.com/ http://www.best-teaching.com/ http://www.marzanocenter.com/Teacher-Evaluation-Resources/ www.Pattan.net http://www.pde.state.pa.us/ http://drnpa.org/File/publications/chapter-14-special-education-services--comparison-.pdf

  24. THANK YOU! Information provided by: -Susan Demirsky Allan Grosse Pointe Public School System Grosse Pointe, MI susan.allan@gpschools.org www.differentiatedinstruction.net www.pattan.net Youtube.com

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