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To Kill A Mockingbird. Part Two Vocabulary. Vocabulary HW for tomorrow!. You will write an original sentence for each of the words in this presentation. You will get a jump start on this today by working with a partner. Whatever we don’t cover in class is your work for tonight!.
To Kill A Mockingbird Part Two Vocabulary
Vocabulary HW for tomorrow! • You will write an original sentence for each of the words in this presentation. You will get a jump start on this today by working with a partner. Whatever we don’t cover in class is your work for tonight!
Instructions: • For each of the words in this presentation, you will: • Write out the definition for each. This includes the part of speech as well. • Locate the word as it appears in the book. Page numbers are provided for you. • Write your own sentence with a partner! (After school: write your own sentence for class tomorrow). • You will study these words at home, for a quiz on Thursday or Friday. BE PREPARED.
Chapter 14: Pensive • Pensive (p.135) (181) • Adjective. • 1 --musingly or dreamily thoughtful • 2 --suggestive of sad thoughtfulness • — pen·sive·lyadverb • — pen·sive·nessnoun
Antagonize • Antagonize (p.137) (183) • Verb • 1: to act in opposition to :counteract • 2: to incur or provoke the hostility of <his criticism antagonized his friends>
Edification • Edification (138) (184) • Noun. • The act or process of edifying (educating). • Syn: Education.
Tranquil • Tranquil (146)(195) • Adjective. • a: free from agitation of mind or spirit <a tranquil self-assurance> • b: free from disturbance or turmoil <a tranquil scene>
Affliction • Affliction (149) (199) • Noun. • 1: the state of being afflicted • 2: the cause of persistent pain or distress • 3: great suffering
Acquiescence • (152) (203) • Noun. • 1: the act of acquiescing: the state of being acquiescent • 2: To relent or to give in to someone or something.
Formidable • Formidable (159) (213) • Adjective. • 1: causing fear, dread, or apprehension <a formidable prospect> • 2: having qualities that discourage approach or attack • 3: tending to inspire awe or wonder; impressive
Elucidate • Elucidate (160) (213) • Verb. • To give a clarifying explanation.