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Improving Your Food Safety And Quality Manual

Improving Your Food Safety And Quality Manual. Tom Vogel – Director Of Food Safety. What Is The Goal?. Develop a food safety and quality manual utilizing pragmatic verbiage to define integrated management systems and articulate company methodology to meet objectives Or

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Improving Your Food Safety And Quality Manual

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  1. Improving Your Food Safety And Quality Manual Tom Vogel – Director Of Food Safety

  2. What Is The Goal? • Develop a food safety and quality manual utilizing pragmatic verbiage to define integrated management systems and articulate company methodology to meet objectives • Or • Write what you do to describe how you meet requirements

  3. What Is Required? -SQF • A food safety manual shall be documented maintained in either electronic or hard copy form, and made available to relevant staff and include : • Policy statement and org chart • Scope and list of products • Include or reference what supports development implementation and control of the system.

  4. What Is Required? - BRC

  5. What About The Policy Manual? • SQF 2.1.4 • Management Reviews shall include • A review of the policy manual • is this another Binder?

  6. Manual Detail • Methods • Summary • References • Documentation

  7. Documentation System

  8. Documentation System Policy Manual Food Safety Plan procedures, work instructions, SOP’s Records keep it simple

  9. Start With Policies • A policy is a rule or guidance document developed by your company. • A plan defines how policies are further detailed or developed using specific methods such as HACCP.

  10. Start With Policies • A procedure establishes the correct method of following policies and plans. • Additional documents such as risk assessments and records define the results of policies and plans.

  11. Add Structure • Choose a format with a header and footer • Use this as often as possible. • Policy, Procedure, Work Instruction, Forms • It is not necessary for all items • Meeting Minutes

  12. How To Format • Select formatting options that help you stay organized. • A numbering system is not mandatory. • Do not create multiple systems. • Consider a matrix to match your system to the SQF code as well as any other requirements.

  13. Header And Footer • Title • Revision date • Supersedes • Authorized by • Page number • Department

  14. Header And Footer • Author • Company motto • Confidentiality statement

  15. Structure And Content • SQL module 2 • 20 topics • BRC • documentation control 3.2 • Record completion and maintenance 3.3 • Internal audit 3.4 • supplier and raw material approval and performance monitoring 3.5 • +7 more items

  16. Structure And Content • Set yourself up for success • Format to always include essential items such as responsibility

  17. Content Options • Scope or Objective • Purpose • Responsibility • Equipment • Frequency • Method or instructions • Monitoring

  18. Content Options • Verification • Validation • Records or forms • Corrective and preventive actions • Revision history

  19. 1. Purpose 2. Scope 3. Frequency 4. Documentation 5. Equipment 6. Procedure 7. Responsibility 8. Corrective action

  20. Descriptors • scope • this describes procedures for… • Requirements • forms or none • Responsibilities • at least one job title with overall responsibility • Procedure • list steps to take or list the policy

  21. Descriptors • corrective action • What should happen after failure to follow this procedure Western Mark often, failure may result in potential disciplinary action and the company corrective action systems applies.

  22. Descriptors • Documentation • List the documents that are created when you follow this procedure (forms or comments). • Verification • what is the follow-up necessary to ensure actions have been taken as required.

  23. SOP Template 1.Objective 2.Glossary 3.Equipment 4.Responsibility 5.Procedure 6.Corrective and Preventive Action 7.Records and References

  24. Confidentiality • This document contains Proprietary and Confidential Information which constitutes TRADE SECRETS and is exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act pursuant to 5 USC 552 (b) (4) and may not be disclosed without prior written approval from Tom’s Nut House.

  25. How Does This Help? • Does this help you comply with the code ? • Can this increase efficiency or profit? • Will this create safer food ?

  26. Think About It…

  27. Words To Use Cautiously • Hourly • Shall • Every • Periodically • Randomly • Continually • Critical

  28. Words To Use Cautiously • All • Every • Daily • Should

  29. Acronyms • Define all acronyms the first time they are used. (FIFO, FEFO, FISH) • What other acronyms are there?

  30. Unnecessary Words • Less is more • Utilize, utilization = use • In the event of = If or for • Methodology = method • At this time = currently • Due to the fact that = because • In order to = to

  31. Unnecessary Words • Do not restate the code • An SOP is not required for every section!

  32. More Unnecessary Words • adequate number of = enough • During the month of = in • Are in compliance = comply • Complete an inspection of = inspect • A period of an X = an X • A volume of Y = Y • Filled out = completed

  33. Following The “Letter Of The Law” • Rings or wedding bands with no stones are permitted

  34. Communicate Intent Through Training • “ plain wedding bands are permitted”

  35. Questionable to Confident • We will strive – We will • Work in Progress – Scheduled event • We feel – We understand • Should – shall

  36. Function of Forms • Should lead the user to document well • Repetitive documentation indicates flaw • Include units • Do not pre-record data or time • Key training issues • Include authorization and verification • Ensure flexibility

  37. Document Control • Controlled Documentation • SOP’s, registers, specifications, forms • Essential forms should be controlled • Define limits • Verification record?

  38. Follow Your Culture • Start simply • Adjust to meet the code and create confidence • Number according to the code or a logical system • Adjust for training purposes • Adjust in response to audit findings

  39. Favorites • The company will ensure properly installed ducks • There was condensation on the duck work • Records will be helped for a minimum of two years.

  40. More Favorites • The Pest and Rodent Representative shall conduct inspections • A binder that contains more information is provided in the service provider • The area was preopt

  41. More Favorites • Employees will take packers places for restroom breaks. • To ensure safety, hair must be retrained • Product is for cooking and consumption by the general public and for banking.

  42. The Food Dense Plan is attached. • All visitors were a hair net. • The floor person exposes it. • On the east side of the building, there is a whole in the fence.

  43. Still More • Temperatures must be taken every 15 minuets in (F) • Due to cross contamination, all adjacent equipment must be re-cleaned after brain cleaning. • The Practitioner as responsible for stuff.

  44. Summary • Write clearly and as needed. • Be sure each document adds value. Do not write for the sake of writing. • Eliminate documents that have no function. • Choose words carefully. • Keep it simple

  45. Thank You! Thomas Vogel tomvogel@agfoodsafety.org

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